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The Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary & Incarnation of Our Lord (First
Joyful Mystery)
i. “The Holy Rosary is the assistance of Our Lady to her children.” (July 11, 1962)
ii. “God sends the Angels to inspire us.” (July 18, 1962)
iii. “Humility is the basis of every divine undertaking.” (February 1, 1962)
iv. “Humility is modesty of our gifts: because nothing is ours, we have received
everything from God.” (February 23, 1962)
v. “Obedience leads to humility, that is, to recognize God.” (September 15, 1962)
vi. “Humility is the most hidden and the most perfumed of all the virtues. Holy Mary
is the Mother of all Humility.” (June 6, 1961)
vii. “Simplicity is denying oneself in God and waiting for everything from Him.”
(October 20, 1961)
viii. “Docility is letting God enter the soul.” (November 14, 1961)
ix. “Simplicity is serving and seeking to please God alone.” (November 17, 1961)
x. “The Truth is to serve God.” (November 21, 1961)

2. The Visitation of Our Lady to her pregnant cousin, St. Elizabeth in Judea (Second Joyful
i. “We must give God to others.” (March 6, 1962)
ii. “Charity is the divine flame that calms every soul.” (Sept. 18, 1961)
iii. “The greatest of all mortifications is Charity.” (November 12, 1961)
iv. “Charity is denying oneself to God.” (November 16, 1961)
v. “Without Charity, nothing matters.” (January 27, 1962)
vi. “Charity is death to all kinds of pride.” (February 11, 1962)
vii. “Meekness is humbling to God before others.” (February 15, 1962)
viii. “How many things does Faith in the Lord do?” (June 11, 1962)
ix. “Charity is a great penance.” (December 3, 1962)
x. “Charity is living in others” (July 29, 1962)

3. The Nativity of Our Lord in Bethlehem (Third Joyful Mystery)

i. “Now, I am walking along the road that leads to Bethlehem to the stable where
the Child is born, 'the mystery of love and suffering.” (December 17, 1963)
ii. “Love is the Light that comes down from heaven.” (April 18, 1962)
iii. “Christ has made Himself small in order to help us find Him.” (October 5, 1961)
iv. “Jesus, the King of kings, chose to be poor.” (May 29, 1961)
v. “Thank you Lord for the children, how beautiful it is to look at innocence!” (May 3,
vi. “How true it is that Heaven is reflected in the souls of infants.” (October 25, 1963)
vii. “God wants us all to be His children.” (May 3, 1962)
viii. “God prefers the little ones for they possess more His Greatness.” (December 1,
ix. “As His Children, God wants us to rely on Him.” (May 18, 1962)
x. “God is among men.” (April 6, 1962)
4. The Presentation of Our Lord & Purification of Mary in the Temple (Fourth Joyful
i. “The Divine Mercy is limitless: God is truly Father.” (June 15, 1962)
ii. “Humility is making yourself as small as children.”(June 8, 1962)
iii. “The name of Jesus is all-powerful.” (1961)
iv. “Wisdom is to see human things in divine light.” (January 29, 1962)
v. “Faith is the greatest medicine that God has given us.” (February 19, 1962)
vi. “Silence is the means through which God speaks to the soul.” (April 21, 1962)
vii. “When the Lord speaks, all creatures are silent.” (June 7, 1962)
viii. “The Holy Virgin is the Mother of Mercy. She is the Consolatrix afflictorum
(Consoler of the afflicted).” (March 26, 1962)
ix. “Our Lady is the primary source of all virtues. She is the source of purity.” (1961)
x. “Purity is the reflection of the Virgin.” (1962)

5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Fifth Joyful Mystery)
i. “The soul far from God is orphaned and alone.” (1961)
ii. “Obedience is submission to the Divine Law.” (1961)
iii. “Mercy is giving God the honor that is due to Him.” (1962)
iv. “Divine Providence is the assistance in every moment.”(August 2, 1961)
v. “God watches over the steps of men, like a mother who watches over those of
her own child.” (August 29, 1961)
vi. “Faithfulness is the conversion to God throughout one's life.” (November 20,
vii. “You have to trust God, even with your eyes closed.” (January 9, 1962)
viii. “Faith is the steadiness of the journey.” (January 17, 1962)
ix. “Wisdom is a light to understand what is pleasing to God.” (June 12, 1962)
x. “What we cannot do by faith, we must do by obedience.” (June 25, 1962)

6. The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (First Sorrowful Mystery)

i. “I find myself in the Garden of Olives. What an effort my God, but I want to give
myself with joy.” (February 27, 1963)
ii. “My tears are almost like drops of blood.” (February 27, 1963)
iii. “In the sadness of my deafness and the darkest of my solitudes, I tried to be
peaceful to make my suffering blossom.” (April 4, 1963)
iv. “Abandonment brings peace.”(1962)
v. “We must have faith in God's assistance, if we wish to receive it”. (1962)
vi. “The True Cross is when we no longer possess anything, that is ours.” (cf. Il volto
della speranza, 1980, p.49)
vii. “Patience is waiting for God to decide for us.” (1962)
viii. “There are storms in nature, and also the soul. (1962)
ix. “The Lord gives us as much suffering as we can bear, nothing more, nothing less.
(December 19, 1963)
x. “Thank you for standing by my side as this wound made me sweat blood.” (from
the Testimony of Maria Grazia Bolzoni, 1964)
7. The Scourging at the Pillar of the courtyard (Second Sorrowful Mystery)
i. “I am fine, for I am contented: 'sine effusione sanguinis non fit remissio' (‘without
the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.’)” (January 3, 1964)
ii. “My heart cries when I know that someone is looking for God and does not want
to recognize Him.” (July 25, 1963)
iii. “Abandonment brings peace.” (1962)
iv. “Do not seek God from a distance, because He is so close to you, that He suffers
with you.” (July 24, 1963)
v. “In suffering, we are brethren, more than ever linked by invisible rings.” (January
7, 1964)
vi. “Since I know that there are many who watch me struggle, I try to make myself
strong.” (February 28, 1962)
vii. “How much I suffered ...! 'Memory is filled with blood'.” (from the Testimony of
Maria Grazia Bolzoni, 1964)
viii. “With suffering, we know God.” (1962)
ix. “In suffering, what is Good is born in us.” (June 7, 1963)
x. “God sends us sorrow like rain after drought.” (July 14, 1961)

8. The Crowning with Thorns (Third Sorrowful Mystery)

i. “Christ is the King of Love.” (July 27, 1961)
ii. “The only form of suffering of the soul is committing to one's own will, and not the
Will of God.” (September 17, 1961)
iii. “Divine decisions, even if they seem tough, are for our good.” (September 29,
iv. “Lord God, King of True Glory, what an eternal gift!” (1962)
v. “Resignation is accepting God's plan for us.” (1962)
vi. “Suffering throws us into the arms of God.” (January 18, 1962)
vii. “The strength for us to endure suffering comes from the Lord.” (April 10, 1962)
viii. “Now I know that God is everywhere, even if we do not even see Him, for 'the
kingdom of God is in us'.” (February 1961)
ix. “Suffering makes us feel that we are children of God and brethren of Christ.”
(April 27, 1962)
x. “The blood of Christ purifies everything.” (August 4, 1961)

9. The Carrying of the Cross to Calvary (Fourth Sorrowful Mystery)

i. “The Cross always takes on the aspect that we least expect.”(July 15, 1962)
ii. “Evil can only be overcome by the Cross.” (August 8, 1962)
iii. “Mercy is living in the suffering of others.” (August 21, 1962)
iv. “If you love Love, you end up living in Love.” (September 25, 1962)
v. “Suffering makes us seek for help in Heaven, for every suffering is the Holy
Cross of Jesus.” (May 7, 1962)
vi. “The value of suffering: without Calvary, nothing is possible.”(May 25, 1961)
vii. “The Holy Cross was raised to Heaven for all of us.” (June 23, 1961)
viii. “After every trial, the Lord gives some peace in order to regain courage.” (1962)
ix. “All roads lead to Calvary.” (1962)
x. “In suffering, the Light of Christ Our Lord shines within us.” (August 28, 1962)

10. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fifth Sorrowful Mystery)
i. “The Cross is the meaning of everything.” (July 11, 1962)
ii. “Suffering is being with the Madonna at the foot of the Cross.” (September 20,
iii. “The Church is the Mother of all those crucified.” (October 2, 1962)
iv. “If the grain that falls to the ground does not die, it will not bear fruit of bread and
peace.” (1962)
v. “The martyrs possess the strength that only came from God.” (July 28, 1962)
vi. “The shadow of the Cross surpasses over everything.” (October 15, 1961)
vii. “Patience is resignation on the Cross until the coming of God.” (December 6,
viii. “It is God who values our sacrifice.” (October 3, 1962)
ix. “On the Cross, the Lord gave us the Virgin as our Mother.” (1962)
x. “I see Her [Our Lady] there on the mountain, silently watching Her Son die.” (May
18, 1963)

11. The Resurrection of Our Lord on the Third Day (First Glorious Mystery)
i. “Easter has arrived, He is risen; I have prayed a lot and I have made many
beautiful resolutions within me.(April 1950)
ii. “I seemed to be with the faithful women, on that Easter morning at the Sepulcher,
when the Angel said, 'He is not here, he is risen.'” (April 1963)
iii. “The dead have gone before us in peace.” (November 2, 1963)
iv. “Patience is the weapon with which Christ conquered the darkness.” (1962)
v. “The Lord has bound our lives forever ... love is stronger than death.” (August 28,
vi. “Heaven is the safe haven of peace that God has prepared for us after we pass
the storms of this life.” (August 28, 1963)
vii. “God is everywhere and He sees everything.” (June 9, 1961)
viii. “Peace is abandoning oneself into the hands of God.” (March 11, 1962)
ix. “Whenever you spoke to me, I felt, through your sentences, Benedetta, with this
sign you will win. Alleluia! Alleluia!'” (January 11, 1964)
x. “You can bury me in the east, you can bury me in the west, but on that day I will
hear the holy trumpets playing.” (August 28, 1963)

12. The Ascension of Our Lord on the Mountain of Galilee (Second Glorious Mystery)
i. “You are Light, which illuminates everything; You are Radiance.” (June 8, 1961)
ii. “God gave me great joy: I saw the light again!” (November 19, 1963)
iii. “Reach out, help will surely come.” (November 19, 1963)
iv. “Eternity is peace of the soul in God.” (November 26, 1961)
v. “Happiness is overcoming oneself to find peace in God.” (November 28, 1961)
vi. “Peace is the price that God gives for the battle against evil.” (February 8, 1962)
vii. “Humility is the door to enter Heaven.” (February 8, 1962)
viii. “We come from God, but how hard it is to return to Him.” (September 21, 1962)
ix. “The wonders of Heaven are so wonderful, that they are worth every effort.” (May
15, 1962)
x. “I hope the sweet call of, 'my feast day’, won't be long in coming.” (August 14,

13. The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on Pentecost (Third Glorious Mystery)
i. “The Most Holy Trinity is imitated by all of nature.” (June 17, 1962)
ii. “It is necessary to have heat in the soul to ignite the Divine Fire.” (September 24,
iii. “The Holy Spirit is Divine Love.” (July 22, 1961)
iv. “The Holy Spirit is Grace itself.” (August 3, 1961)
v. “True joy is when the Holy Spirit is in us.” (November 27, 1961)
vi. “Peace is the hand of God that heals all wounds.” (August 24, 1962)
vii. “The Holy Spirit is like a purifying breeze, He is the light of the soul(August 24,
viii. “O Holy Spirit, sweet Comforter and Illuminator, may You reign now and forever.”
(May 28, 1961)
ix. “The Holy Spirit sanctifies everything.” (July 26, 1961)
x. “These days, I often feel that I am filled with the Holy Spirit.” (December 12,

14. The Assumption of Our Lady, body and soul, into Heaven (Fourth Glorious Mystery)
i. “The Virgin is our Heavenly Advocate.” (1961)
ii. “Our Lady is the Mother of Pure Love.” (September 8, 1962)
iii. “The Virgin mercifully alleviates all our sufferings.” (July 4, 1962)
iv. “The Holy Virgin has made me understand that we must glorify in the Cross of
the Lord.” (June 6, 1962)
v. “Our Lady is good to us and she obtains every grace for us.” (December 2, 1963)
vi. “To the Mother of Hope, I speak of you.” (August 1963)
vii. “She is Our Lady who supports me and gives me the serenity that others feel in
me.” (June 20, 1963)
viii. “Our Lady will help me to reach her.” (June 20, 1963)
ix. “Our Lady has made me understand the wealth of my state.” (July 5, 1963)
x. “Heavenly Mother, look upon us from above, and lead us by the hand to Him.”
(October 1, 1963)

15. The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth (Fifth Glorious Mystery)
i. “As Our Lady is the Queen of Heaven, the Church is the Queen of Earth.” (cf.
Siete nella gioia, 1970, p.251)
ii. “The Madonna is the primary source of all virtues; She is the source of purity.”
(November 20, 1961)
iii. “Saints are the perennial revelation of God.” (May 30, 1961)
iv. “The Holy Rosary is the safest of all ports.” (September 12, 1961)
v. “Prayer is the breath of the soul.” (March 9, 1962)
vi. “The Holy Rosary is Our Lady’s help to Her children.” (July 11, 1962)
vii. “The purifying value of Prayer is likened to an anchor in the waves.” (cf. Il volto
della Speranza, 1980, p.250)
viii. “We are all part of the Mystical Body of Christ.” (cf. Ghini, E., Vivere è bello,
1983, p. 163)
ix. “Our Lady is the Giver of all graces.” (March 26, 1962)
x. “The Rosary is a simple yet much effective prayer in praying to the Virgin.”
(October 8, 1962)

16. The Baptism of Our Lord in the Jordan River (First Luminous Mystery)
i. “The Life of Jesus is reproduced in us.” (June 30, 1961)
ii. “The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.” (June 26, 1961)
iii. “Without Jesus, there is only darkness.” (October 16, 1961)
iv. “True Hope is following Jesus without hesitation.” (June 28, 1962)
v. “Penance is the means that God gives us to repent for our sins on earth.”
(January 31, 1962)
vi. “The earth is so full of sins that it is sustained by God's Mercy alone.” (March 29,
vii. “In Him I trust, through Him I live, to Him I raise my Hosanna.” (October 9, 1960)
viii. “It takes Humility, that is to recognize oneself as poor, in order to ask and
recognize the Truth.” (June 6, 1962)
ix. “When I suffer all day long, I always remember you and keep you in mind to Our
Lady.” (November 11, 1962)
x. “God will help me, because He knows I exist.” (June 10, 1963)

17. The First Manifestation in the Wedding Feast at Cana (Second Luminous Mystery)
i. “Jesus, give this Life-giving Water and Your Bread to all men.” (May 5, 1961)
ii. “Lord, You are Love and Truth for all men.” (May 19, 1961)
iii. “The Holy Virgin bends mercifully over every pain of man.” (October 15, 1962)
iv. “When needed, You open Your Hand and give what is necessary.” (June 14,
v. “Your Peace waters the heart.” (June 25, 1961)
vi. “The Virgin is our Heavenly Advocate.” (August 22, 1961)
vii. “I too, am going through a period of drought, I hope to pass it with the help of the
Holy Virgin who is the sweetest of all mothers.” (May 18, 1962)
viii. “There is no fear: it is a fantasy of the devil.” (January 3, 1962)
ix. “Our Lady has repaid me for what I do not have.” (July 5, 1963)
x. “Providence fixes everything.” (August 9, 1961)

18. The Proclamation about the Kingdom of God (Third Luminous Mystery)
i. “For the Lord there is no darkness. I am like the light for He sees everything.”
(October 10, 1961)
ii. “Peace is like the light that accompanies the rising of the sun, so peace
accompanies the coming of the kingdom of God.” (February 5, 1962)
iii. “Proclaiming the life of Jesus means imitating it.” (January 11, 1962)
iv. “God has given us the habit to facilitate perseverance.” (October 8, 1962)
v. “The teachings of Jesus Christ have shown me where the solution lies and it has
given me His Peace.” (October 9, 1962)
vi. “God has given me another assignment, instead of being a doctor; we can all do
much in the place that He has given us.” (May 20, 1961)
vii. “God makes us gradually understand what He wants from us and what we must
do.” (June 14, 1961)
viii. “God wants me to always hope in Him, even against any resemblance.” (May 18,
ix. “Remember that we must work for the Kingdom, therefore we who knows it are
never alone.” (August 28, 1963)
x. “We are not divided, but we work together as a united loom, so that His Kingdom
may come.” (October 1, 1963)

19. The Transfiguration of Our Lord at the Mountain of Tabor (Fourth Luminous Mystery)
i. “As the sun dissipates the mists, so does God dispels the darkness of the soul.”
(January 21, 1962)
ii. “The apostles are the rocks of God.” (July 19, 1961)
iii. “Everything good and beautiful comes from You.” (May 6, 1961)
iv. “We need God's words like plants that need light.” (March 23, 1962)
v. “Amidst my terrible darkness and in my fearful silence, I await His Light.”
(October 1, 1963)
vi. “God is the Light that dissolves all darkness.” (October 28, 1961)
vii. “To forget God is to despise the Divine Law.” (February 18, 1962)
viii. “God is the Light that flees all darkness.” (August 8, 1961)
ix. “Hope is the light of God in the dark.” (November 25, 1961)
x. “The sacrifice united to the Cross of the Lord is the only flower that bears fruit.”
(April 8, 1962)

20. The Last Supper, in which the Institution of the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and
Priesthood took place (Fifth Luminous Mystery)
i. “I received Holy Communion and I am very happy with it.” (April 22, 1951)
ii. “Holy Communion is our ray of sunshine.” (July 6, 1961)
iii. “Without Jesus, there is only darkness.” (October 16, 1961)
iv. “We thank the Lord who grants us so many things.” (Christmas 1947)
v. “Through God's hands, even the most insignificant things can become our
comet.” (January 13, 1962)
vi. “Lord, You are Love and Truth for all men.” (May 19, 1961)
vii. “The Life of Jesus is reproduced in us.” (June 6, 1961)
viii. “The Eucharist is the royal support for our weakness.” (August 29, 1962)
ix. “The blood of Christ purifies everything.” (August 4, 1961)
x. “Great God, how many wonders you have created for us on earth!” (June 16,

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