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For this reason, some people avoid vaccinations, fearing unknowable side effects. As a result of
vaccination, some people claim to get a cold, while others claim to become ill. The most
terrifying news, however, is that people are dying as a result of vaccination. Those are just a few
of the latest examples of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, along with a few others.

To me, COVID-19 vaccines are safe due to their efficacy as determined by the Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Prior to allowing them to be
used on humans, the researchers conducted extensive research into their efficacy. And the World
Health Organization said, "Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool"

So do not be afraid to get vaccinated because it will help us to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.
But just because we've been vaccinated doesn't mean we should disregard safety precautions and
put ourselves and others at risk, especially since research is still underway to determine how well
vaccines protect against disease, infection, and transmission.

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