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To: Mayor Johnson; Pat Monahan; Estella Edwards Shabazz; Estelle Shabazz;;; PATRICIA HARRIS
Subject: [Caution - External Email] Letter of VERY SERIOUS CONCERN
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2020 10:16:13 PM

Good Evening City Council Leaders and City Manager,

I pray you are all well and staying safe.  I want to thank you for your leadership during the pandemic.  We are living
in unprecedented times and Leadership is so very important.

I want you to know that my heart aches as I write this letter.  I am so very humble to support my Beloved 5th
District and City of Savannah. I have experienced so much pain in the last few months, that I feel my heart has been
ripped out.  The loss of my brother and my sister just over a month ago has not been easy.  Through it all, my phone
never stopped ringing and often I never explained what I was going through; I simply listened.

The cries of my neighbors and residents of the 5th are real.  We have been fighting the issue of the Fairgrounds for
over 5 years now and there is still no calm or resolve.  There is a continuous struggle to convince people in authority
that we have a voice and will be heard.  We have pleaded with city leaders, met with city leaders, shown patience to
city leaders, asked for respect as tax paying citizens, asked that our voices be heard, stood before some of you when
there were unethical practices discovered with the Fairground's issue and so much more that I could go on and on. 
Today, I have received numerous calls and messages about the proposals submitted and their rating.  I have also
learned there is Housing included.  In speaking to Mr. Monahan, there was no Housing included.  What happened
and I truly, deserve to know?  We have discussed this more times than I care to discuss.  The 5th District is NOT the
sanctuary for Housing and we have nothing against it.  Whose grand idea, after hearing from the Presidents and
community, was it to add Housing as a prerequisite for obtaining the Councils blessing in the proposal accepted to
forge onward with development of the Fairgrounds?  Why is it that some districts desires are heard and others are
not?  Help me to understand this Housing issue because there is another property in question on Hampstead.  Why is
the 5th District singled out for Housing to bring more crime, loss of property value and a place where no one will
want their children to attend schools?  I want to do know.  I want to know why we work so hard and pour our hearts
out to you, Leaders, and we are not heard.  I want to know if phone calls are being made to request that you go
ahead and approve the top rated Developer simply because they are the top rated. I want to know if you believe that
WE, the 5th District, will not have the opportunity to voice our opinions and our concerns about a Developer who
wants a 1500 unit Housing facility on that property.  Please help me to understand why you believe that to be okay. 
The politicking needs to stop.  Also, we are a community of Educators, Medical Professionals, Small Business
Owners and so many more Professionals who will be involved from the beginning to the end.  We elected you to
take good care of us and not do what you want to do because you have the power to do so.

Please know that I have the greatest respect and admiration for you but the greatest of all of these is for my 5th
District.  If you do not respect our decisions, our voices, our concerns, our love and compassion for our District and
our desire to protect our people from further criminal activity and behavior, then there is a problem.  If you are truly
Leaders for the people, then you will listen and not make decisions that are in your best interest (whatever that
interest may be) but what is in the best interest of the people in which decisions are being made.  I live in the 5th
District and I happen to know what may be better for us.  Please be respectful to our wishes and our desires.  We
humbly request that you place this letter in your archives as I am sure there will be others forthcoming.

Respectively and Most Sincerely,

Dr. Patricia M. Harris

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