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Experiment 3

Study of Basic HTML Tags, Tables and Frames

Aim: Write a program to study basic HTML Tags, Tables and Frames.
Practical Learning Objectives:
The objective of this practical is to
i. Creating the table in HTML using table tag.
ii. Inserting the rows and data into the table using td and tr tag.
iii. Inserting frame into the HTML Document.
Sr. No. Range / Value
1 Processors Intel® Core™ i5 processor 4300M at 2.60 GHz or 2.59 GHz
2 RAM 4 GB (min)
3 Operating systems Windows 10, MacOS, Linux
4 Disk space 1 GB (min)
5 Software Notepad, Visual Studio Code / Sublime Text - IDE (optional)

In HTML, you can create tables for your website using the <table> tag in conjunction with the
<tr>, <td> and <th> tags.
The HTML tables allow displaying the data (e.g. image, text, and link) in columns and rows of
cells. Table rows can be grouped into a head, foot, and body sections through the <thead>,
<tfoot> and <tbody> elements, respectively.
The <iframe> tag creates an inline frame for embedding third-party content (media, applets,
The <iframe> tag comes in pairs. The content is written between the opening (<iframe>) and
closing (</iframe>) tags.

1. Open a notepad / IDE.
2. Type the code for inserting the table and data.
3. Type code for inserting the iframe in the notepad / IDE.
4. Save the notepad with extension .htm or .html.
5. Open the web page to see the output.
Source Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>EXP5-3 52 ISHA ROSHAN</title>
<body bgcolor="pink">
 <h1><i>Inserting Table</i></h1>
  <table border=1 width="500">
    <th>Roll No</th>
  <tr style="text-align: center;">
    <td>Isha Roshan</td>
    <td>Isha Roshan</td>
  <h2><i>HTML Iframes</i></h2>
  <p>You can use the height and width attributes to specify the size of the ifra
  <iframe src="img/exp2.png" height="250" width="200" title="Iframe Example"></i


1.After performing the experiment the use of html <table> tag was known and the various tags to
insert elements into the table like <th> to define the header cells of an HTML table, <tr> to
define rows into the table and <td> to insert data into the table were known and implemented.
2.The use of <iframe> tag was known and implemented in the experiment. The iframe in HTML
stands for Inline Frame. The “iframe” tag defines a rectangular region within the document in
which the browser can display a separate document, including scrollbars and borders. An inline
frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document. In this practical
an image was embedded in the iframe. Also the <img> tag was used to insert image into the

Practical Learning Outcomes:

After performing the practical, the learner is able to: Marked

i. Creating the table in HTML using table tag. √

ii. Inserting the rows and data into the table using td and tr tag. √

iii. Inserting frame into the HTML Document.

Outco PLO PLO PLO Performan Attendan Total

ce ce
me 1 2 3 Score

Date of Performance: 03/09/2021

Weight 20 10 30 20 20 100
Date of Correction: 10/09/2021

Roll No: 52

Score Marks: ______ / 100

Signature of Faculty:

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