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Burger hub is a web site where people can order burgers. Here user can order the burger as well as
cancel the order. To order the food, user should sign up by creating new account. After log in user can
buy, can add to cart and also cancel the product. Admin has big role as admin can update the product,
delete the product and edit too. Admin can delete the request of the user too. This system helps users
to look new product and book the product. All the data and system data are stored in Mongo DB. The
data of the users are highly secured. As there will be many data, so to preserve the data I have used
mongo DB. As it is highly secured, comfortable and easy to use.

Mongo DB

Mongo DB is a NoSQL database for storing large amounts of data and it is also called document-
oriented. It is known as BSON because it uses JSON for data collection format. Since it does not use SQL
queries, it manages and stores data in document format. Mongo DB has always prioritized delivering an
outstanding developer experience, which, in addition to its other features, has made it a favorite among
developers worldwide for a wide range of applications.
Uses of Mongo DB

Mongo DB was created for web and business application developers who need to grow rapidly and scale
gracefully. If you're doing that, Mongo DB is a good option. With the help of mongoose library any
schema can be created dynamically through API in remote server. In comparison to RDBMS, it is
quite faster in big hierarchical data. It does not require any relation or joining as it does not have
concept of foreign key. Mongo DB offers JavaScript library to query the database. As it is a
database document based, a single collection can hold different objects in it. No complex
queries or joining’s are included.


SQL is a structured
programming language for
managing relational
databases and performing
operations on the data
contained within them. SQL,
which was first developed in
the 1970s, is used by
database managers,
developers writing data
integration scripts, and data analysts setting up and running data sets. Since its introduction in the late
1970s and early 1980s, SQL has become the de facto industry standard for relational databases. SQL
databases are relational structures made up of rows and columns of data stored in tables. Each row in a
table denotes a data value for the intersecting column, while each column denotes a data category.
Comparison between NoSQL and SQL

NoSQL Databases SQL Databases

Data storage Databases in the form of JSON Rows, columns and tables are
documents are a type of fixed
database. A type of key-value
pair is a key-value pair. Wide-
column tables are those that
have rows and complex
columns. A graph's nodes and

History of development It was developed in 2000s It was developed in 1970s

Examples Mongo DB, Neo4j and amazon MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL

Neptune and SQL server

Schemas Flexible Rigid

ACID transactions Many doesn’t support ACID Supported

transactions but Mongo DB
It doesn’t required It required

Scaling Many of it doesn’t required It is required

Data Persistent

Data persistent devices or objects are electrical devices or objects that can carry and preserve data even
when the power supply is lost. It's also known as non-volatile storage because it functions similarly to a
storage device in a computer. The database used in the project for storing data and documents is
Mongo DB. It's an easy-to-use database that can be cultivated on a variety of platforms. It's a NoSQL
database that can perform atomic updates on a single row and supports all CRUD function. It's very
versatile for querying massive data sets because it's a NoSQL. It has a variety of persistence processes in
the form of frequently used technique. In contrast to RDBMS, a list pair of key and value can be stored
and mapped in a NoSQL database system. As previously mentioned, it is a NoSQL database with
scalability, querying flexibility, and indexing capabilities. Other NoSQL database examples include DBase
and Cassandra, as well as Mongo DB. The Mongo DB's most significant features are its dynamic nature
and flexibility in data storage. Since the data is stored in the JSON format, which enables field variation
from one document to the next, this is the case. Fields in a NoSQL database may have a variety of data
types, unlike fields in a relational database. It is commonly used in real-time analysis. It's used by
applications that need a lot of power.
Modules Codes
Routes codes

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