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We maintained overall positive team psychology while working with a team in order to make Deal Sewa
a success. They have been motivated by a general grasp of the sentiments, emotions and conduct of
each member. This has enabled the crew to think positively, has always been motivated and motivated
towards their work. This also reduced the turnover of employees in Achievers, which led to the
retention of skilled members and a reduction in the training costs of new team members. The mental
nature of a team plays not only an essential part in meeting the agile criteria, but also in fulfilling all the
traits. (DZone Agile, 2021)


Team are a collection of people responsible for carrying out team project, contractors and freelancers.
Team usually co-locate and often dedicate themselves entirely to the project over time, with no
obligations to other projects. (Leading Agile, 2019) To develop the finished product or service, team
needs every person. Typically, the team is cross-functional and roles vary depending on the objectives of
the project and the sort of team framework selected. For example, team should have a Scrum master, a
product owner and any other essential team members when employing a Scrum framework. The Scrum
Master (typically the project manager) monitors the project, fosters cooperation and arranges meetings
every day. The owner of the product shall ensure that the final product satisfies the customer's criteria.
The project may be supplied by topical specialists and other stakeholders when necessary, however they
are usually not considered part of the team.

The Scrum Framework has developed its own set of standards since its inception. A Scrum team
including a Scrum Master, a Product Owner and a Development Group should be formed to accomplish
the intended product. A total of six persons were chosen to finish Deal Sewa since it leads to a lack of
communication to have more people working in a project. In addition, the number of team members
has been carefully evaluated and proven to be appropriate for the business goals of Deal Sewa. Based
on their experience, everybody was given adequate tasks and on the same page they were generating
the product in gradual releases. (Agile Team, 2021) Both the Scrum master and the Product Owner were
assigned to the same person. In addition, the project team has been carefully chosen to ensure that
each team member's role is assessed and contributes to the project's success.

Scrum Master: Mr. Shubham Kumar Gupta was appointed as Scrum Master. He was in charge of
managing and supervising the entire project. He has been tasked with acting as a coach and facilitator
for Deal Sewa in order to remove roadblocks, increase team productivity, and eliminate. He did
everything he could to ensure that Deal Sewa was completed successfully. He encouraged teamwork by
holding daily meetings and encouraging team to undertake their daily tasks as well as address and
resolve any growing difficulties.
Product Owner: The product owner's other primary function in Scrum is to ensure that the end product
meets the needs of the client. The project was assigned to the same person by the product owner and
scrum master. As the product owner, the entire team provided a comprehensive picture of the product.
He handled the product backlog and prioritized tasks in order to maximize investment returns. He has
decided which features should be implemented depending on tight schedules.

Team Development: It is made up of qualified personnel who are assigned specialized tasks to complete
the project based on their expertise. As performers, it was made up of backend developers. A tester and
UX/UI designers. Deal Sewa needs were also taken into consideration when selecting and forming the
development team.


Measuring the team's ability to achieve project goals, its members' expectations and the quality of the
software developed is referred to as team performance. This includes measuring specific features. The
results of the teamwork are fundamentally evaluated. Project success or failure is often defined by the
team's performance. The performance of this team has a major impact on the efficient completion of
the assignment since it gives everyone in the team a sense of achievement when important progress is
achieved. (Impraise, 2021)

According to the developers, the entire intended level of performance of the team was met during the
development process. All team members have contributed to the team's overall efficiency by efficiently
using resources, staying on schedule, and responding rapidly to challenges. The following are some of
the most important elements to consider in order to improve the higher quality work.

 Goals: A precise set of goals was set in a certain timeframe in order to motivate and give the team
members a deeper purpose. The nature of the team has specified specific milestones.
 Actions Transparent: Transparency was achieved throughout the team, and each member of the
team reported on what they had done the day before and what they planned to do the following
day. Process helped settle all possible issues amongst team members. During day-to-day stand-up
meetings the performance had an enormous influence.
 Clear Vision: Team members were highly distinguished and responded properly. By explaining the
team's purpose and mission, the relevance to the team was increased.

If members of an agile team disagree, they are usually invested in the team. Either you try to influence a
change or you submit a complaint over the activities of other team members. As a result of
disagreements, teams evolve and are productive. It is essentially a mechanism that prioritizes positive
results and lows bad outcomes to resolve discrepancies. It is made by applying a range of strategies,
based on the scenario and essential negotiations and thoughts, to improve team performance and
efficiency. The fundamental conflict resolution procedures, albeit there were no serious conflicts in the

The capacity to detect and resolve conflicts as rapidly as feasible is one of the most crucial traits of an
agile project leader. In an agile manner, two aspects of conflict are discussed. Conflict initially means
that the agile team is permitted to express both their ideas and inner disputes and issues. Secondly,
when agile team members do not immediately resolve the situation, it might create problems that
threaten the overall aims of the project. (Conflict Management, 2021)


The art of agile leadership is to establish the ideal self-organizing conditions. This is an atmosphere in
which agile teams work together, learn from each other, immediately receive customer information and
are focused on quality and continuous learning. He or she does not manage and gives them entire
autonomy. In today's markets it's vital to strike the balance between chaos and strict structure. Creating
and maintaining the ideal workplace is not always straightforward. Concentrated on long-term
objectives, culture, ownership, thinking and feedback. The leader must be able to address a wide range
of new, changing or confusing situations. It is connected to four modes which can work in any mode
and, above all, view things in the eyes of other modes. The agility of such leaders comes from a range of
ways of thinking. This is also presented as the major management paradigm for adaptive and agile
companies under the Agile Business Management principles.

In order to create results, the scrum master is in charge of cultivating a favorable environment for the
team. They are not the Team Leader, they need to provide a favorable environment for the team
members easier and more focused without official power over them. The following three leadership
keys have been employed to establish the right environment.

 Collaboration: The Scrum Master advised members of the team to work together to reach higher
objectives. The Scrum Master promoted involvement and brought together team members to
discuss information.
 Commitment: Scrum masters were not only supporters or drivers of change, but they were change
itself. There was always the scrum master to help as necessary, that was confused or in binding with
the team. To aid with problems, the scrum master was always available.
 Communication: The scrum master made sure that all members of the team communicated
correctly. The scrum master motivated the team members with his excellent communication skills.
Active listening techniques were utilized by scrum master.

CONCLUSION 2021. Psychology and the Agile Methodology - DZone Agile. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 August 2021].

LeadingAgile. 2021. What Is An Agile Team and How Do You Form Them? - LeadingAgile. [online]
Available at: <>
[Accessed 20 August 2021]. 2021. What Is an Agile Team?. [online] Available at: <

management-guide/faq/what-is-an-agile-team/> [Accessed 20 August 2021].

Impraise. 2021. Managing performance in agile teams | Impraise. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 20 August 2021].

InfoQ. 2021. Agile Coaching Around Conflict Management. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 20 August 2021].

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