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TASK 2: End user development

 Ten ways in which administrative staff will be benefits:

1. Involvement of users: As the involvement of users can benefit in huge way. As the
involvement process the user will be friendly with software and perform the task in easy
ways. No problems will be faced.
2. Ideas on functional system: It will help the administration with the ability to conduct
programs, in specific business tasks and in projects. It will also help the manager in
promoting their hotel and managing their hotels in good ways.
3. Managing of resources: By maintain the resources in proper ways can help guests and
they will fill comfort and easier. It will be useful in business.
4. Online presence: By giving more time in online presence we can increase our brand.
Software which is integrate with our website will directly accept the bookings.
5. Distribution in manage: By managing properly will can able to advertise through my
channels. We can advertise in many channel and promote it.
6. Tool pricing: We can use this software to adding and increasing the price through
internet. It will help in your stress while promoting revenues.
7. Spending less time in administrative task: As the technology helps you in different ways
like it also show how your staff doing their works and gives all the information of data of
hotels and it will be very useful in hotel. Less stress will be there.
8. User Satisfaction: User should be given satisfaction and should provide all the facilities.
9. Good relationship with guest: Having good relation with guest will helps in our hotel. For
that they should get all satisfaction through the hotel devices and software.
10. Website: Software should help in your daily online presence. The only way of effecting is
if our guests can reach our brands.

 Nine user friendly application software:

i. Microsoft Office
ii. VLC player
iii. Audio Jet
iv. Google chrome
v. Adobe Photoshop
vi. Picasa
vii. Tally
viii. Audacity
ix. Inkscape
 Six examples:

i. Readability of text: To know that if the text is readable or not we should pass the
accessibility on the base of color text, text size etc.

ii. Overlaid of text: We can reduce the background opacity and increasing the brightness
which make to read easier.

iii. Recognition of the link: It should be seen easily without depending upon the color. As
the other people will be easier to use and access.

iv. Combinations of color: There will be many color and physically we can’t judge which
color appear next to another. We should avoid some colors combinations if possible.

v. Message Alert: Message alert should have prefixes of text and icon so that it will be
easier for the people who are suffering from achromatic. As we know that correct
message are colored in green and wrong message are colored in red.

vi. Graph: Many color are been used in the graph. So we should pattern instead of color so
that disable people could get easy. As if it is in color then they will get problems.

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