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Good Morning

English 5
What does being a
steward of creation
Stewardship is a theological belief that
humans are responsible for the world, and
should take care and look after it. Believers in
stewardship are usually people who believe
in one God who created the universe and all
that is within it, also believing that they must
take care of creation and look after it.
Genesis 1:26-28
“Then God said, 'Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness. And let them
have power over the fish of the sea and
over the birds of the heavens and over the
livestock and over all the earth and over
every creeping thing that creeps on the
Does the verse say what
being a steward of
creation means?
Answer this
How do you think these
people feel being around
their pets / animals?

Why should we take

care of our pets and
other animals?
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
"Now he is here," I exclaimed. "For Heaven's sake, hurry down!
Do be quick; and stay among the trees till he is fairly in."
"I must go, Cathy," said Heathcliff, seeking to detach himself
from his companion's arms. "I won't stray five yards from your
"For one hour," he pleaded earnestly.
"Not for one minute," she replied.
"I must--Linton will be up immediately," persisted the intruder.
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
"Now he is here," I exclaimed. "For Heaven's sake, hurry down!
Do be quick; and stay among the trees till he is fairly in."
"I must go, Cathy," said Heathcliff, seeking to detach himself
from his companion's arms. "I won't stray five yards from your
"For one hour," he pleaded earnestly.
"Not for one minute," she replied.
"I must--Linton will be up immediately," persisted the intruder.
What is a dialogue?
conversation between two
or more people as a
feature of a book, play, or
How is noting details of
a story is done?
The meaning of noting details is a
brief record of something that one
has written down on paper. This may
be a statement, a quote, a definition
or a phrase one may have written
down in order to remember.
Why is using appropriate
facial expression important
in reading?
Why is using appropriate
facial expression important
in reading?
Make a collage of you
showing different facial
expressions. At least 5 facial
Submission: Friday, September 3, 2021

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