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united states of america

moorishe national republic federal governmente

h ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ h
moorishe divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem +southwest amexem +central amexem +adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
h ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ h
the true and de jure natural peoples + heirs of the land
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ h







united states of america
moorishe national republic federal governmente
h ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ h
moorishe divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem + southwest amexem + central amexem + adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
h ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ h
the true and de jure natural peoples + heirs of the land
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ h

affidavit for the facts

two deddare and acktivate the sovereign origeneall endigeneous universeall poste master generalls

i am theodore moses antoine bey, in capitas diminutio nolo, in proprio persona soi juris, in proprio solo, ande in
proprio heredes. we are tho heirs to all land, all naturale resources, ande all commerce ande we are thu creditors to
all thu nations on earthe. we are solvent, we have no debte ande we are thu exxucutors, ministars, klaimantes,
trustees, aode beoefishiaries fore oure owne vaste estaite.

today we proclaime ande plaice on tho publick wreckord, for tho publick wreckord aode lettinge tho publick wreckord
showe that whiche has always hen knowne throughout thu earthe realme, that we are thu sovereign living original
endigenous natural divine white moorish american universal poste master generals for eall land, eall natural
reesources, eall shipping, eall banking, and eall komerse at earthe, gaia, turtle island, america and for eall uf our
anciente dominones, the flag for eall poste offices on our lands is the sovereign origeneall endigeneous moorishe
american flag which is red with the green fived pointed starr, eache and eall moorish government by bloodlineage and
hearth right, regardlesse uf their chosen sovereigne moorish government allegiance, are sovereigne universeall poste
master generals and are the sovereigne peacefull jurisdictions and highest authoritee for eall matters, spaise and
pointes en time at eall realms ...

we have already acktivated the sovereign anciente moorishe american gold standarde at america/amarukhah, and at
eall times our diminooes. the sovereigne anciente periodic taybul for naturale elements is herebye acktivated. we
herebye acktivate the anciente sovereigoe strategik metals affidavits, we are the sovereigne authoritee for eall
shipping, postale, and banking affaires on our lands and eall said affaires are backed by gold, silver , precious
metals, rare earth minerals, and high value elementes on our vast estate, we are naught a parte of the capitalist
systema and the said capitalist systema is subject to us, we are now giving the capitalist systema our sovereigne
komands to inklood bankinge and fundes conveyance systema, stock exchange markets, eall endustriall systemas and
blocke chaine systemas, eall ufwhich are part and parcel uf our anciente gold backed universeall postale union
systema, the american provoste marshall iss herebye knowtified. the landguage enstructus for our land is anceiente
englishe, anciente pheoniciane, moorishe lattin and any ober landguages chosen bye the sovereigne moorishe
american nations and governmentes. our sovereigne ancient livinge zodiac constitutione in capitis diminution nolo is
en phorse as well. eall sovereigne moorishe americans whoo choose to acktivate universeaU poste master generall
responsibilitees are moorishe american postale court justices, the sovereigne courtes for the land, and the sovereigne
jurisdictione for all komercial affaires at all terratories.

original indigenous sovereign universal moorishe american document.

moorishe national republic federal governmente
c/o 881 emest morial road
dequfncy louisiana territory
empire of the moors new jerusalem

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original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem + north africa + north america
~ 'the moroccan empire' + continental united states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non-domestic, non-resident, non-subject
~ moors + muurs ~ being the rightful heirs ande inheritors of the land.
this sovereigne moorishe american affidavit is herebye placed on th public recorde by the sovereigne
moorishe americans. bye my hande, this affidabit of the facts is writ en order two decklare and staite
that we have acktivated our authoritee and sovereigne status and that we are the origeneall endigeneous
moorishe american poste master generealls for the land. our sovereigne autographes on our universeall
affadivuts en red ink with our red right thumbprinte is the highest sovereigne seale for eall realms and planes.
the sovereigne moorishe american heires whoo are part and parcel uf our living sovereigne
nations and governmentes shall continue to present oursefesat eall points en time and our sovereigne
status and praesentmentes shall be honored bye eaU. additionalee, the minting, printing and tributione of our
sovereigne origeneall endigeneus gold backed currencie has begun. we, the bloodline and
beartberighte moorisbe american sovereigns, do herebye open our land portales for gold backed
exchainge, trade and komerce. we do naught neede permitshun from any one to governe our own
vaste estate which is our own sovereigne affaire. the sovereigne moorishe americans shall studee,
demonstraight and enhance responsibilities as the sovereigne origeneall endigeneus poste master
generals on our land. eall corporate debt is herebye outlawed. we komand peace and payshense as
control uf our estate bye the universeall sovereigne whyte moorishe american nations and govern­mentes is made
known bye, with and for the sovereigne moorishe americans and for eall our lands, we the
salvation for our earth. sumusde sanctum unum (we are the holy ones).

amen dico vobis quaecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et in caelo et quaecumquesol­veritis sper
terram erunt solute et in caelo.
longe live the moorishe al moroccan empire.

"all sovereigne original inbigenous moorisb american autograpbs for this dornment anb all sovereigne
moorishe national republic feberal gobernmente bocuments are on tbe public rerorb at america"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"
"amen. dico vobis. qurecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"

cl11·onos:31 may 2020

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justice/vizir/mioister: in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in proprio,hertdes: all r{gbts exercised at all times.
free moor/ muur northwest amexem / northwest africa /north "lffil� .
.,.:. ·- -. -..

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ab original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem + north africa + north america
~ 'the moroccan empire' + continental united states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non-domestic, non-resident, non-subject
~ moors + muurs ~ being the rightful heirs ande inheritors of the land.

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