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1.In the given figure the number of laptops prepared by two different companies from 2004 to
2009 is provided. Interpret the data and write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words.

2.Answer the following question in 40-50 words. 3 X 2= 6


Tom Smith

Based on your understanding of the poem A Tiger in the Zoo, do you think what Tom Smith
says is correct? Present your arguments taking the cue from the poem.
b) Identify the poetic devices used in the lines depicting the merry progress of the ball down the
street in the poem The Ball Poem?

3. Answer the following question in 20-30 words. 2x4=8

a) Will a reader consider the story Black Aeroplane to be open ended? Justify your
b) Why does Amanda feel that ‘silence is golden’?
c) State two aspects of Anil’s character.
d) Why do you think Mrs Pumphrey appears deluded about how to treat her pet?
4. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option: 1
Neither the trainer nor his students _______ the gymnasium last week.
a) Has been to
b) Have been to
c) Was seen in
d) Were seen in

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• NOTE: Submission MUST be done within the DUE DATE mentioned.

Date of Assignment: 14th June 2021
Due date: 23rd June 2021
• This assignment may be a part of Term 1 assessment
• Submit neat work.
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