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By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
• perform and execute different Philippine Games;
• facilitate different traditional Philippine Games;
• display respect for others’ diversity and abilities; and
• apply knowledge and understanding on how games are significant in
maintaining health and wellness.

This lesson discusses the most common team games played by Filipinos from
among the regions in the Philippines. The title of the game may differ from one region
to another, but the same mechanics are used.


Agawang base or Taking Bases in English is a game of speed and agility. It also
promotes social skills among team members, such as confidence and dependability,
where a teammate tries to save the captured teammates.

Objective: To take over the base of the opponent

No. of Players At least 4, two in each group
Materials markers as bases – trees, rock, shoes, etc.

1. There should be equal number of players in a team. A team should have
identified one base to protect. One player in the team is always assigned to
protect the base.
2. The game begins with all the team members at their respective bases. The
players will leave the base to run and attempt to tag individuals from the other
team. A player may only be tagged by the opponent who left the base after you
leave your base. A tagged opponent will be held prisoner and will be brought
to the captor’s base. The prisoner can be saved if he is tagged by his
3. The groups try to confuse the rivals by covering up teammates when tagging
prisoners, and when trying to catch the base.
4. The game ends when a team captures the base of the opposing team or when
all the players of one team was held prisoner by the captors.


1. Make a short essay (4 – 5 sentences only). What are the life skills learned
in the game “agawang base” and how it can be applied in your daily life.


This game is similar to tug of war, which is of ancient origin, like other traditional
games. The contest of pulling on the rope started from ancient ceremonies and rituals.
Locally it is sometimes called “Hatakang Lubid” or “Culliot”. The game pits two teams
against each other in a test of strength and power.

Objective: To pull the rival team over a borderline

No. of Players Two teams of equal number of players
Materials rope 10 – 15 meters in length, 3-4cm in diameter, whistle

1. There must be an equal number of players in each team.
2. There shall be 3 lines: the center line and the two borderlines one to two meters
away from the centerline.
3. At the center of the rope, a handkerchief is placed, and the rope is held by both
teams. In some instances, the end of the rope is tied around the waist of the
last player.
4. Position the handkerchief on top of the centerline and upon the signal to start
the players of both teams pulls the other team until the opposing team crosses
over the centerline.

- Two players connected by a rope tied on their waists stand on their respective
circles and pull each other. The first player who step out of his circle losses.
- Instead of a rope, players use bare hands and arms with a line etched on the
ground across the waists of the person in front.
- Instead of a centerline, a mudhole is set as the demarcation line so that the
losing team falls into it.


The game is the opposite of Culliot. Instead of a rope, a bamboo pole is used.
Instead of pulling, it is played by holding the bamboo pole and pushing the opponent
to be able to step on the opponent's borderline.

Objective: To push the opponent to be able to step on the opponent’s

No. of Players Two or more players can play the game.
Materials a bamboo pole 10 meters long with a diameter of 11.43
centimeters and a whistle.

1. There must be an equal number of players in each team.
2. There shall be 3 lines the center line and the two borderlines one to two meters
away from the centerline.
3. There shall be a manuhan on who shall be holding the thinner end of the
bamboo first. There shall be a best of 3 rounds. On the second round the team
that held the thinner end of the bamboo in the first round shall hold the thicker
end of the bamboo in the second round.
4. If there will be a third round, the team will again do the manuhan to determine
which team will hold the thicker end of the bamboo.


Sangkayaw is otherwise known as coconut shell race. It is commonly played in

the Tagalog and Central Luzon provinces. This game uses a coconut shell under each
foot that is attached to a string.The string is placed between the toe and the next one.
The loose end of the string is being held by the hands.

Objective: To walk on coconut shell stilts over a distance

No. of Players Team may be composed of ten (10) to twelve (12) players
Materials coconut shell, rope

1. The distance can vary based on the number of players per team and the playing
area available. Draw a starting line and an end line.
2. There will be a pair of coconut shell stilts for each team. Each team will have a
pair of coconut shell stilts.
3. The first player of each team walks on the coconut shell stilts towards the goal
line, then turns around and go back to the starting line.
4. The succeeding players does the same until the last player. First team to finish
wins the game.
5. A member of the team who is outbalanced and takes 2 steps after a fall must
return to the starting line and repeat the same process.


This is a Philippine game with the use of bamboo stilts. With a foot-size tongue
in each pole, two bamboo poles of similar length are used to act as a base for the feet
of the player. This game is included in the national games with standardized rules.

Objective: Walk on bamboo stilt from a starting line to the finish line.
No. of Players Team may be composed of ten (10) to twelve (12) players
Materials two pieces of wooden stilt with a stepladder, the height of which
is 1 foot for junior division and 1’6” for senior division

1. Set up the start and finish line, 100 meters apart.
2. Each team has 4 members. Position each player at the starting line, at the 25m
mark, at the 50m mark and at the 75m mark.
3. The first player walks on the bamboo stilts until the 25 m mark at the cue "go,"
the second player mounts the stilts and walks to the 50 m mark, the third player
walks to the 75 m mark, and the fourth player crossed the 100 m mark.
4. The first team to reach the finish line wins the match.
5. A team will be eliminated if one of the members of the team falls off the stilts or
walks for more than two steps upon a fall.

- Each player walks on stilt from the starting line to the finish line. The length to
be traveled is one hundred (100) meters. The first player that reaches the finish
line without getting off the stilts, wins.


Kadang-kadang and Karera ng Bao is another gendered game, girls usually play
Karera ng bao while the boys play kadang-kadang. Make a short video clip of a
kadang kadang/karera ng bao race where the participants are garbed in their
native attire. Please make sure safety precautions are observed in playing the


The game is a modification of baseball and softball. The difference is the

players do not use a bat and the ball is bigger than the ball used in softball or baseball,
usually crumpled papers shaped into a ball. The ball will not be pitched but will be
rolled on the ground going to the home base. The player in the home base will kick the
ball as far and as hard as he can, so that he can run to the bases without being tagged.
In some parts of the Philippines, the players use slippers instead of a ball.

Objective: To run through the bases without being tagged and to score a
No. of Players A team of 9 players each
Materials rattan ball, slipper or improvised ball, base made of wood,

1. Draw a rectangular game like that of baseball / softball, 10 meters apart with 4
bases. Label the home base, 1st base, 2nd and 3rd base, respectively. Create
a mark in the middle where the pitcher will be standing.
2. Form a team of 9 players assigned to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th bases, 1 catcher,
pitcher, and 7 field players.
3. To determine who first plays the field, the teams toss the coin.
4. The team pitcher on the field rolls the ball / slipper to the offensive player, who
then attempts to kick the ball / slipper as far as possible without being tagged
to run to the bases. The defensive team tries picks out the ball/slipper and
passes the ball/slipper to the 1st base, 2nd base and 3rd base and home base
respectively. If the offensive player arrives at the base ahead of the ball that
player is saved but if the ball arrives at the base before the player, that player
is tagged and declared out.
5. When the offensive team is tagged "out" three times, the teams switch
6. The team with the greatest number of homes wins the game.


The game is a variation of the game dodgeball. This is a game where players
display their skill in running, catching, dexterity and agility.

Objective: To hit as many players as possible with a ball

No. of Players 4 to 10 players per team
Materials ball made of old socks or paper, chalk

1. Draw 2 lines about 8 to 10 meters apart, parallel to each other.
2. Teams chose which team will be the offensive team or the defensive team.
3. The offensive team stands on both side of the line while the defensive team
stands at the center.
4. The defensive team stands at the middle of the court and the offensive team is
divided into two and should stand at both sides of the defensive team. The
offensive team tries to hit the players of the defensive team with a ball. Any
member of the defensive team tagged by the ball will be declared out of the
game. Hitting the head is not allowed
5. If one teammate is able to catch the ball thrown by the offensive team, a
member of the defensive team who is called out can be saved.
6. If there is one player left in the defensive team, the offensive team needs to hit
the player 3 to 5 times. If the offensive team can hit the defensive player on the
agreed number of times, defensive team loses their turn and exchange roles

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