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Robert Christian V.

Magallanes BSBA-MM1B

How become God visible to you during this Pandemic?

In these trying times, we experience uncertainties in our lives especially when it comes to
our health condition, since there is an unseen enemy that can ruin and possibly end it. Many of
us, experience anxiety and depression to the point that people cannot sleep peacefully at night.
Most of the people lose their faith in God and start to question Him on why would He not end the
pandemic right away, in order for the people to live a normal life. In order for God to be visible
in our lives we must be able to have faith in Him. The real question is, how can we have a
profound faith in Him, especially when we are experiencing crisis in life? Faith simply means
that we would put our trust on something or someone even though we do not see them with our
naked eyes. One of my favorite quote is from George Müller, “Faith does not operate in the
realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins
where man's power ends.” Most of us expects God to reveal Himself to us in an extreme way like
Moses experience in the desert. As a Christian, having a strong faith during these trying times is
quite challenging, especially for me who leads and inspire people back to His embrace. In my
personal life, there are three practical things that I am continuously doing in order for God to be
visible in my life. First, I read the Bible, and remind myself of His promises. In these trying
times, we need someone to console us and ensures us that everything will be good in due time.
The Bible always reminds us that even in the darkest situation of our lives, there is a God who
will never leave us alone. The Bible is the best manifestation that God is visible to us even in this
trying times, because He is true to His words. The Bible can also help us to strengthen our faith
because it guides us on how should we live as a human being. Second, God becomes visible to
me every time I pray and have a sincere conversation with Him. We must put it into
consideration that praying is a conversation, therefore we must also learn to listen to Him rather
than always talking to Him. Sometimes, we cannot hear and see God in our lives because we are
noisy and demanding, and often times, He speaks to us through a still small voice. (1 Kings
19:12) Therefore in order for God to be visible in our lives, we must learn to value silence, for
Him to speak to us. Furthermore, there are many ways to pray, it can be personal, communal, and
Eucharistic prayer, but at the end of the day, this can only be effective if we learn to listen with
the ear of our hearts (St. Benedict of Nursia). Last but definitely not the least, God became
visible to me through my family and relatives that surrounds me. During this pandemic, I
experienced ups and downs in some of the aspect of my life, yet God always remind me that He
is with me through my family and relatives. In the midst of a stressful academics, my family
supports me by helping me in the things that I do and have a family gathering following the
health protocols to strengthen our bond. God became visible through those, situation by
reminding me that He would never leave me alone, and He always send someone to represent
Him. These things can be a way in order for God to be visible in our lives, yet there is a tendency
that we could be blind to these things at some point in our lives. The best way to be ensured that
God can be visible in our lives, we must first learn to love, because God Himself is love (1 John
4:16). Often times, we are blinded by fear, anxiety, and pride that leads us on believing that we
can control everything that is happening to us. On the other hand, if we learn to be humble and
love one another, even in the midst of the pandemic, God can be visible to each one of us. In my
life, every time I fail to love I also become blind to what God is doing in my life. In conclusion,
there are many ways that God can be visible in our lives. We must remind ourselves that
everything and everyone around us can be an instrument of God for Him to be visible in our
lives. This can only be possible if we have love in our hearts, because God Himself is love,
therefore we must learn to love. As what Saint Padre Pio said, “Our Lord loves you and loves
you tenderly; and if He does not let you feel the sweetness of His love, it is to make you more
humble and abject in your own eyes.”

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