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0, Copyright 2011 by Redem Legaspi Jr


Calculate Abort Use Pre-defined Bolt GroupClear Bolt Data

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Message Board:

Instantaneous Center FOUND: xRo = -2.770, yRo = 0.543


1.) The mathematics behind this spreadsheet is based on the method developed
by Donald Brandt on the determination of the location of instantaneous center of
rotation of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Group. In contrast to Crawford & Kulak's
method that searches the instantaneous center of rotation along the line
perpendicular to the applied load, Brandt's method includes all points in a two-
dimensional plane to locate the instantaneous center of rotation.
2.) This spreadsheet is driven by VBA Code (Visual Basic for Application macro).
When opening and using this spreadsheet, the VBA Code must be activated. To
do this, you must set your macro security setting to either Medium or Low and
allow macro to run.
3.) The graphics layout of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Group, above, is created by
manipulating MS Excel chart.
4.) Please visit my personal blog: for further
discussions on Eccentrically Load Bolt Group and instantaneous center of

The Author:
This spreadsheet/program is written by Redem Solasco Legaspi Jr for AISC
(American Institute of Steel Construction) SteelTools.
Redem Legaspi Jr Today is September 15, 2021

Data Input: Results:

Load Eccentricity 17.500 C Coefficient Value 3.893
Load Rotation Angle 0.000 C' Coefficient Value 73.819

Bolt Group Layout: Help Info

Coordinates Coordinates
No. Remarks No. Remarks
x y x y
1 -3.000 0.000 51
2 -3.000 3.000 52
3 -3.000 6.000 53
4 -3.000 9.000 54
5 -3.000 15.000 55
6 -3.000 18.000 56
7 3.000 0.000 57
8 3.000 3.000 58
9 3.000 6.000 59
10 3.000 9.000 60
11 3.000 15.000 61
12 3.000 18.000 62
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