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Class Struggle

Spaces and explanations

1. Class Struggle Begins

2. Confrontation in the factory everyday - yellow
3. Growth of Industry. Workers 2 assets, capitalists 2 assets - Pink/Blue
4. Market Spreads overseas. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
5. Increasing concentration of industry. Workers 2 assets - Pink
6. Competition between capitalists. Capitalists 1 debit - Blue
7. Growth in church attendance. Workers 1 debit - Pink
8. Chance for an alliance with Farmers.
9. Capitalists control congress. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
10. Chance
11. Trade unions are established to defend workers’ interest - Pink
12. Natural Disaster. Workers 1 debit, capitalists 1 asset Pink/Blue
13. Chance for alliance with the professional class.
14. Competition between workers. Workers 1 debit - Pink
15. Police and army protect capitalist interests. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
16. Workers organize a working class political party. Workers 3 assets - Pink
17. Big drop in stock market. Capitalists 2 debits - Blue
18. Chance
19. Confrontation: election.
20. Trade Unions are taken over by union bureaucrats. (only Applies if workers have landed on
no.11) Workers 2 debits -Pink
21. Chance for an alliance with small shopkeepers.
22. Press, radio, T.V. owned by Capitalists. Capitalists 3 assets - Blue
23. Success of the T.V.A shows that production can go on without capitalists. Workers 2 assets,
Capitalists 1 debit - Pink/Blue
24. Chance
25. Capitalists control the courts. Capitalists 1 asset - Blue
26. Chance for an alliance with Students.
27. Strike! Workers 3 assets - Pink
28. Capitalists control what is taught in the schools. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
29. Chance
30. Workers’ party taken over by bureaucrats. (Only applies if the workers have landed on no.
16). Workers 2 debits -Pink
31. Inflation. Workers 1 debit, capitalists 1 asset -Pink/Blue
32. Chance for an alliance with the farmers.
33. Development of a socialist press to present workers point of view. Workers 3 assets - Pink
34. Chance
35. State regulatory commissions controlled by capitalists. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
36. You are about to enter a higher stage of the class struggle. On passing collect, Workers 2
assets, capitalists 2 assets -Pink/Blue
37. Chance for an alliance with the professional class.
38. Workers organize community action groups. Workers 3 assets - Pink
39. Chance
40. Capitalists provoke imperialist war. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
41. Confrontation Election.
42. Chance for an alliance with the small shopkeepers.
43. Chance
44. Watergate scandal. Workers 1 assets, capitalists 2 debits - Pink/Blue
45. Increase in street crime. Workers 1 debit - Pink
46. Increase in government spending on arms. Capitalists 1 asset - Blue
47. Chance
48. More and better inventions means fewer jobs. Workers 1 debit -Pink
49. Strike! Lockout! Workers 3 assets, Capitalists 3 assets - Pink/Blue
50. Chance for an alliance with students.
51. State legalizes Gambling. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
52. More Trade Unions. Workers 3 assets - Pink
53. Chance
54. Successful workers’ revolution abroad. Workers 2 assets, capitalists 1 debit - Pink
55.Workers start a new more broadly based political party.
56. Chance for an alliance with any of the minor classes.
57. Watergate scandal is forgotten. Workers 1 debit, capitalists 2 assets - Pink/Blue
58. Confrontation General Strike - Yellow
59. Chance
60. Black and White workers unite to fight racism. Workers 3 assets - PInk
61. Banks refuse to lend the cities any more money until they get rid of free higher education.
Workers 1 debit, capitalists 1 assets -Pink/Blue
62. Chance
63. Increase in attendance at mass spectator sports. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
64. You are about to enter the highest stage of the class struggle. On passing collect, workers 2
assets, capitalists 2 assets - Pink/Blue
65. Crisis - the irrationality of capitalism is evident for all to see. Workers 2 assets - Pink
66. Capitalists enlarge the size of the police and the army. Capitalists 2 assets - Blue
67. Rent and tax strikes spread throughout the country. Workers 2 assets - Pink
68. Chance
69. Pornography sales go up. Workers 1 debit - Pink
70. Police scandal exposes the links between the mafia, big business and the cops. Capitalists
2 debit - Blue
71. Chance
72. Confrontation General Strike - Yellow
73. Male and Female workers unite to fight sexism.
74. F.B.I. spies infiltrate the leadership of the workers’ party. Capitalists 3 assets -Blue
75. Capitalists throw many workers leaders in prison. Workers 2 debits - Pink
76. Chance for an alliance with any of the minor classes.
77. Strike this time the workers occupy their plants. Workers 3 assets - Pink
78. Chance
79. Cold Feet, Miss as many turns as you have allies.
80. Capitalists start another imperialist war, but the workers have wised up and refuse to fight.
Capitalists 2 debits -Blue
81. Nuclear War!
82. Government orders the destruction of all copies of dangerous game, “Class Struggle.” It
may be too late however. Capitalists 3 assets - Blue
83. Socialist ideas are spreading among the police and army. Workers 3 assets - Pink
84. (That is - 1984) Confrontation - Revolution


Workers’ Chance Cards

1. Tax Refund: with taxes deducted from each week’s paycheck, workers are the only people
who can’t cheat on their taxes. The Government makes up for this exception by cheating the
Workers, taxing them too much and giving them too little, even when it comes to tax refunds.
Take 2 assets.

2. Students are beginning to recognise that when they finish school most of them will become
workers. Move directly to the next square that allows you to make an alliance with the students.

3.Together with your fellow workers, you have occupied your factory and locked your boss in
the toilet. Capitalists miss 2 turns at the dice.

4. candidate carter promised to reduce the Defense budget by $5-7 billion, but President Carter
has just increased it by $4 billion, while cutting corners on aid to cities, the poor, the old and the
unemployed. The workers’ anger at such deception is worth 2 assets.

5. Serious illness of mother in law bankrupts the whole family and drives you to drink - 1 debit.
Drinking is no answer to poverty.

6. You get caught stealing food from the supermarket. You get 30 days in jail and are ordered to
move back 1 space. Stealing is no answer to the problem of poverty.

7.If all wealth is produced by the Workers, then what right do Capitalists have to any part of it,
let alone the largest part? This “dangerous” question sends shivers up the spines of Capitalists
everywhere. Grab 2 extra turns of the dice while the capitalists are still shivering.

8. You have just been laid off from work. If you blame yourself, or foreign competition , or the
Blacks , or Jews, move two spaces back. If you blame the Capitalists, move two spaces ahead.

9. Tired of breathing polluted air and drinking polluted water? Then it’s time to make pollution
less profitable to the factory owners who are responsible for it. Move together with all your allies
to the square on which the capitalists are now standing for a protest demonstration. Let ‘em
hear you!

10. yesterday you shook hands with Republicrat Senator Kennewater, and you believed him
when he said he is the working man’s candidate Lose 1 asset for being so gullible.

11. Because you have been brainwashed to respect everyone in authority, you continue to
respect your boss no matter what he’s done. While learning to respect only those who deserve
your respect, you miss a turn at the dice.

12. If religion is the opium of the older workers, than opium (pot) is the religion of the younger
set. While you’re looking at the lights inside your head - “Groovy, man, real groovy” - the
Capitalists slips you one of his debits.

13. You are caught feeling sorry for the Capitalists. Victory in class struggle comes to people
who think about their own class. Miss 2 turns at the dice.

14. A few Capitalists have recognized the injustice of our present economic system and have
decided to support the Workers’ Movement. Individual exceptions in the class struggle are
possible. Worth 2 assets.

15. Union card - You’ve joined the union. The Union makes us strong. take 2 extra turns with
the dice.

16. Integrity insurance against Capitalist bribes of trade union officials. This card neutralizes the
Capitalists’ Chance Card on bribe money.

17. You know your interest and the interests of the other classes in the class struggle. Such
‘class consciousness’ is worth double the assets you now have. Take them.

18. A fire destroys your home - you lose everything - but your capitalist landlord collects
insurance money. You miss a turn at the dice while looking for another apartment.

19. There is less chance in having lots of chances than you think. Your hard work in the struggle
has earned you 2 more chances.

20. You are treating your class allies very badly, giving the Capitalists a chance to force a switch
in the alliance of any class it chooses.
21. Your boss died, but the new one acts in much the same way. You begin to understand that
the problem is not a mean boss but the class of bosses 2 assets.

22. You join a protest against the Government for paying businessmen-farmers $3 billion each
year not to grow food. Din’t they know a lot of people are hungry, or don’t they care? Collective
action moves you forward 2 spaces this time.

23. If you haven’t washed the dishes or made supper in the last week, move 2 spaces back.
(Divisions between the people serve the Capitalist Class).

24.You are treating your allies so well that they want to be at your side. Bring all your allies,
from wherever they are on the board, onto the square you are now in. ( They do not get to pick
a chance card.)

25.The next time one of your minor class allies threatens to act against your interests, give them
this card and they will go along with you. Your power relies on numbers and organization.

26. It’s not clever to take so many chances. Skip your next turn.

27. Socialist ideas are spreading in the army. (Worth 1 asset in the General Strike
Confrontation, 3 assets in the Revolution).

28.Teachers and engineers are beginning to recognise that they have bosses just like other
workers. Move directly to the next square that allows for an alliance with the Professional Class.

29. Workers finally understand that, with America’s wealth and democratic traditions, socialism
here will be different than what exists in Russia and China - or “the Russian bogey-man no
longer scare us”. A biggie - worth 5 assets.

30. The class struggle is progressing faster than you think. Move immediately to the next
confrontation square.

31. Your class allies have lost confidence in you leadership and want to keep a closer eye on
what you do. Take all your allies and go back to the beginning of that stage of the class struggle
on which you stand.

and 3 blank cards.

Capitalists Chance Cards

1. farmers are fooled into blaming consumers (instead of the profits of Capitalist middlemen) for
the low prices they get for their crops. Move directly to the next square that allows for an
Alliance with the farmers class.
2. If you haven’t washed the dishes or made supper this week, move 2 spaces ahead.
(Divisions between the people serve the Capitalist class.)

3. Most Government welfare goes to Big Business (tax write off, price supports, incentive
payments, guaranteed loans, etc.) While making a big fuss over the little welfare that goes to
the poor, who really need it, help yourself to more welfare in the form of 2 assets.

4. Your daughter has just eloped with the garbage collector. Skip a turn while you’re thinking of
something to tell the neighbours.

5. The CIA mistakenly assassinate the leader of a friendly country. Capitalists dent everything
and move 2 spaces back.

6. You get caught with your hands in the public's pocket - They’re in deeper than usual. In an
attempt to whitewash your reputation, you set up a charitable foundation (tax exempt and
named after your family), but are forced to make a public announcement of your assets and

7.Small Businessmen are so frightened by the possibility of going broke and becoming workers
that they generally do what the Capitalists say. Move directly to the next square that allows for
an alliance with the small businessmen.

8. Northtop Airplane Company gets caught trying to bribe two Saudi Arabian generals and loses
billion dollar contract 2 debits.

9.Sexually repressed people generally make good, docile workers, so you develop a sex
education program which makes young people disgusted by their natural functions. 2 assets.

10. You embezzle one million dollars from your stockholders. No one sees or cares. Moves 1
space ahead.

11. You purposely produce cars to wear out sooner than is technologically necessary in order to
keep up the demand for new ones. For such good Capitalists thinking, move ahead to the next
Chance square.

12. All your propaganda says a person is free when Government lets him alone. But almost
everything one wants to do or have costs money, so only Capitalists are really free. You can
use your freedom to move 2 spaces ahead, after paying the workers 2 assets. (If you can’t pay
up, move back two spaces.

13. Your son has become a follower of Reverend Moon and your daughter is hooked on heroin.
So what good is all your money? Worrying about it all causes you to forget your next turn at the

14. Rockefeller gets photographed giving people the finger. It’s not wise letting people see what
Capitalists really think of them. Miss a turn at the dice while you think of new ways to fool the

15. Coal mine disasters caused by absence of safety equipment that you refused to put in
because, you said, it was too expensive. Send roses to the funeral, and move back 3 spaces
until the public outcry blows over.

16. Skill at red baiting, getting workers to fight among themselves by calling some of them
communists : next confrontation, take away 1 asset from the workers.

17.In an effort to balance the budget, your school distric has abolished free milk for rich and por
studens aslike. When all are equal before the law, you get richer 2 assets this time.

18.The mafia makes you a proposition you can’t refuse: for 2 assets, it will see to it that the
workers miss two turns.

19. Bribe money to pay union officials. While Capitalists or their allies hold this, the workers and
their allies can’t get any assets from square which mark the establishment of trade unions.

20. You are caught feeling sorry for the workers. Victory in class struggle comes to people who
think about their own class. Miss 2 turns at the dice.

21. Capitalists fool workers into equating anarchism with criminality, with the result that
anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti can be executed for a crime they didn’t commit. Capitalists move
ahead 3 spaces.

22.Capitalists fool workers into equating communism with spying, with the result that
communists Ethel and Julius Rosenberg can be executed for a crime they didn’t commit.
capitalists move ahead 3 spaces.

23. Your class allies have lost confidence in your leadership and want to keep a closer eye on
what you do. take all your allies go back to the beginning of the stage of the class struggle on
which you stand.

24. The next time one of your minor class allies threatens to act against your interests, give him
this card and he will go along with you. Your power rests in money.

25. It’s not clever to take so many chances. Skip your next turn at the dice.

26. You are treating your class allies very badly, giving the workers a chance to force a switch in
the alliance of any class it choose.

27. There is less chance in having lots of chances than you think Your hard work in the struggle
has earned you 2 more chances.

28. The class struggle is progressing faster than you think. Move immediately to the next
Confrontation square.

29.paperback edition of Marx/Engels collected writings (100 volumes) sweeps the country. Your
days are numbered 2 debits.

30. You are treating your allies so well that they want be at your side. Bring all your allies, from
wherever they are on the board into the square you are now in. (They do not get to pick a
Chance Card).

31. tax Refund: many big corporations don’t pay any taxes so there is nothing to refund them,
but your tax accountants are less talented and more honest so you have paid something and
you now get something back. take 4 assets.

and 3 blank cards.

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