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Phase 2.

Writing production

Presented by:
Leidy Daiana Herrera Malambo
ID: 1.013.625.820
Mónica Paola Espitia Laiton
Diana Julieht Rojas
Diego Orlando Perez
Andrea Natalia Herreño
ID: 1031155520

Presented to: Hugo Alexis Ortiz

Course: English B1
Workgroup: 46

UNAD (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia)

March 13, 2020
Step 2 – Collaborative activity

Paragraph 1: Describing your occupation and your duties at work – Leidy


I currently work in the company edibles rico S.A, where I work as a quality analyst where
we take care of all the quality part in the production plant, my duty as a Quality Analyst is
to create a standardized methodology that ensures the quality of the processes of production
and product of companies. The objective of my work is to identify in an early way the
defects or inconveniences that may arise in the production stages to avoid its continuity and
thus ensure the quality of the products and their processes.

My daily duties in the company are specifically the following:

• Work on the development of a quality plan for a project or support.

• Activities linked to the methods required for quality assurance determined by standards
such as ISO 9001, among others.

• Carry out a record of quality assurance activities, prepare Nonconformity reports before
the detection of non-compliance with a requirement of the standard, and monitor the proper
functioning of the different variables that are part of the system.

• Dialogue, train and train the team with which he works and keep him up to date with the
news and problems that have been identified.

• Perform Internal Audits, carry out inspections, etc., as part of the control and monitoring

• Analyze and plan actions for the resolution of Non-Conformities.

• Direct customer satisfaction and claims processes.

Paragraph 2: Describing the place of work – Mónica Espitia

This food company is considered one of the largest in Colombia; it is divided by different
work areas: administrative, production and packaging, and commercialization.
The administrative area is constituted by offices, while in the production area there are all
the machines responsible for producing the products offered by the company, it is
characterized by being a transformation line where it starts with a raw material and supplies
and ends with A finished product, packaged and labeled to be directed to the quality area, in
this area are the chemical and microbiological laboratories, where it is determined by
different quality tests whether the product is suitable or not for human consumption.

Finally, there is the commercialization area where the distribution is carried out in different
cars suitable for the transport of food, which take the products to all parts of the country.

My workplace is developed mainly in the production plant, the area of quality and
distribution, however I also occasionally perform administrative tasks in matters of
updating regulations and quality management.

Paragraph 3: Describing reasons for having this occupation – Andrea Herreño

The reason to have this job is because I really like the food’s world, it is very extensive and,
in it, you learn daily.

I’m currently studying Food Engineering, because I can apply this knowledge in My job
and personal life. I want to be the best at my job everyday

In my charge I must be confirm the quality of the raw materials that enter and leave in the
Comestibles Ricos plant,

I verified that these comply with the standards established in Colombia. I intend to
specialize my career in quality control analysis, since it is very important to consumer’s
delivering, for optimal and high quality food products.
Paragraph 4: Describing your skills and weaknesses.


I consider myself to be an active person looking for the opportunity to demonstrate his
skills; but the skills that I possess and use in the work that I do are:

1- I work well under pressure

2-I’ve always preferred to work in groups and find that my collaborative nature is one of
my strongest attributes.

3, I believe that other my greatest skills are the ability to solve problems quickly and


I have two greatest weaknesses:

The first is my inability to share responsibilities.

The second is remaining patient during group projects; I want to be in control, I don’t trust
others with work I know I can do better; So, if I have to share a task, I lose my patience
when I suspect that the other person isn’t doing it right.

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