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Semiotic Analysis of

Semiotics is a method of analysing theatre – Putting into practice the study of

signs. Mark Fortier talks about this in the first chapter of his book of
theory/theatre “Arrangements of many kinds, in which a meaning or idea is
relayed by a corresponding manifestation we can perceive” (Fortier:2002) This
is the idea in which everything in theatre, for example; colours or gestures
signify something with a alternative meaning. The colour White signifies
something’s pure and clean. We know white signifies something pure based on
the religion of Christianity that a bride wears a white wedding dress to show that
she is ‘pure’ and still has her virginity. I am going to us the Pavis’ questionnaire
to write a semiotic analysis of the play ‘Our Ajax’

One area I am going to look into is Lighting. The stage is set up with white lights
surrounding the edge with a bigger light at each end of the stage - One upstage
and another downstage. At the beginning of the play the light was a dark shade of
orange. Being orange, this signifies heat. This signifies heat because it is the same
colour as the sun and because it something we see on a daily basis it is just
normal to assume it could suggest something of a higher temperature. This
thought process is increased with the fact that the stage floor was filled with
sand. When we see sand it is a signifier of a hot country with a luxury beach or a
dessert. In hotter countries, especially in the dessert it is commonly associated
with tiredness, hunger and lack of wealth, which could be a signifier of the theme
of the play, war.

The orange light would change to a deep blue when the character of Athena
appeared, the god of War. The colour blue signifies wealth and status and
because Gods are rich in power and status it proves to be the right colour to
represent Athena in the production to give her the authority she deservers to
back up the status she has in the play.

Near the end of the play Ajax is having suicidal thoughts and as these are being
spoken, all of the lights start to dim. As the thoughts get stronger and more
powerful, the lights get darker. This could be encoded as ajax’s mental state and
suggesting mental illness is like a dark cloud that gets stronger and stronger, that
if it is not treated it will just eat you up. Darkness also signifies fear and Ajax is
getting more frightened as the thoughts get stronger. This also adds the scare
factor to the audience as the darker it gets the fear increases – just like fear in
Ajax’s mind. Gradually it gets to a blackout, then there is a flash of light in which
Ajax has the gun in his mouth and then a loud shot is heard and then goes back to
blackout. This flash of light could signify a moment of insanity like a flash
decision, this could link back to the theme of war and signifies that soldiers are
trying to protect and do what they feel is right and sometimes you are going to
have to make quick witted decisions and sometimes they will not be right one.

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