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This chapter will talk about situations which I think we came

across in some way or the another maybe it is not that exact
situation which we all go through but we somewhere feel it
sometime at someplace. These situations can be of any emotion
depending from person to person. There are situations which
make us, break us, evolve us.
Here I am listing few situations which according to me takes
place in everyone’s life and we forget these situations with
the time. So, let’s dig in what we have forgotten or maybe we
are into it currently or maybe going to come.
No.1- When we realise the actual requirements of what we want
In life, we first misunderstand (WHAT) and keep living that
for a very long time. after this we understand but we don’t
realise how important it is to do it and we neglect. Then, we
realise! This is it, when we realise what we are the actual
requirement in life that we want than your life actually
starts the way you want (NOT CLEAR AT ALL). It differs for
everyone, maybe someone realise early in their life and get it
fixed but people who done they do after sometime and thought
the things. But people who don’t focus even after realising
are living a lie! According to me because they are just doing
without the motive of their life. a situation or I should say
that moment where we realize does not come directly, that
moment comprises of chain of events which made us realise the
actual requirement of what we want. I am not saying those
events are mistakes done by us maybe it is but they all are
worthy when we hit that particular moment where we realize
else it’s all not worthy to do. Mistakes will always be
mistakes till the time they are of some use to you and if you
want to make good use of your mistakes in past realize the
actual requirements of your life. Sooner or later, everyone
settles in their life with realisation of the actual
requirements of their life and they keep fulfilling it by
working every day for those requirements. If your requirements
are normal, your life will be simple, sorted and smooth going
which many out there prefer. As, your requirements increase
everything gets tougher and there are many people who like
this to fulfil their requirements. There are few who defines
their purpose in life as a strong statement and they keep
working on that and want to achieve something really big and
different well who does not think like this? Most of us but
the mindset and the way of dealing things should be
appropriate to the strong statement of purpose which we made.
There can be more categories for different kinds of
requirements of people. but, the moment of realisation is all
what we want. Some people can relate who remember that moment,
some people may be going through those events which can help
them realize, and some people are waiting for that moment.
No.2 When we enjoy everything
This is what we require more experience less. According to me,
people stop themselves from enjoying every part of their life
because deep down they are like if we will enjoy more and
going to have more fun in life it will be difficult to move
forward with such behaviour. I want to tell people this is not
true! When we enjoy every bit of our life which mainly consist
of work, family, hard situations and fallback we somewhere
motivate ourselves and becomes a part of our life. I am not
saying not to take tensions or don’t worry about things but
there is a perfect time to give these things a thought. What I
am trying to say is enjoyment should consist most of the part
if our lives but here it is opposite, we have more worries and
hatred towards things and that’s mess up everything and
directly affects our behaviour. Today, people will double tap
a photo which will have things written such as “walk alone and
there will be no one soon who can match your speed” why do we
like those things which are properly concentration on one
particular and which is more on the negative side. After being
on the negative side we like that part why? because we
consider that hard way is the best way to achieve something.
Have you ever realised that the good way and hard work can
help you more smoothly to achieve something? Some of us can
understand what I am talking about here and what is my
ultimate conclusion. But I will tell you, the ultimate
conclusion is we should enjoy every bit of our life if you’re
not enjoying something leave that thing and find something
else which you can enjoy. I know people who says that they
love their work and they cannot get more of it and they like
to do it and I have seen people who just smiles when there is
some tricky situation and they are aware of what’s going to
happen next but that smile kills many doubts on their mind.
So, find time to worry about things and don’t find time to
enjoy things. (give ways or options to transform from being
sad to happy and how to enjoy in difficult situations)
No.3 When we are in same place again!
The worst one I don’t like it either have you ever been in a
situation where you realise that this is where we started from
and again after doing this much, we are back here. This is the
situation I am talking about. Actually, we never come back to
a situation but we think like this that we are at the same
place again no it’s not true in just happens in a maze. When
we look at the situation like this there are different types
of thought in our mind some think that now it’s time to
switch, some thinks that lets try again, some wonders and pass
that time and do nothing about it. I personally laugh at this
situation because it’s funny, just think about it we knew that
we are doing something and it was going well that’s what we
thought but after sometime things are same again so we cannot
say we did not had a growth but are where we started with all
that hard work and experience but now we are stuck so spare
some time for laugh that’s what I do and wonder about it. Now
what we can do about this situation, according to me we are
not in the same place but if we still think like that keep
doing what you were doing it’s in the process to feel like
this. Don’t lose that hope with which you have started
something, keep doing and try to figure out why did you feel
so? So that you can be clear about why did it happen. Looking
at the point of pressure we will be dealing with at this
situation is not worth it according to me. I have been in this
situation and when I decide to keep doing what happens is I
find a solution either I realise that some things need to be
change or I get a different line to work but something
happens. When you dig in a ground even when knowing its
nothing there you find 2-3 things inside it. I am not saying
keep your eyes closed and work after this situation but keep
this situation aside and keep doing the thing you will find
NO.4 When we realise that we have serious responsibilities
towards something.
You know the time where you were enjoying the life and doing
things no doubt on that part you wanted something very badly
and you were doing something about it and suddenly you realize
that there is a responsibility of something which can be
family, career, taking an important decision, anything but you
have a serious responsibility to fulfil and take care of. That
is the time when we have to get serious which we did not like
so sudden. Let me say that we were not prepared for it and it
happened. We don t have any other choice except to take that
responsibility and full fil it. We should realise that at some
point of time we will be getting responsibility and we should
do something about it from starting only. I am not saying
don’t enjoy your life and start thinking about it but be smart
enough to take control at any point of time. we wonder on we
get mature according to our age and we say oh dam! We are 21.
What’s going to happen now? and we just keep wondering about
our age. According to me there should be no age for anyone we
should celebrate our birthdays to thank God to give us this
life and that’s it. We should check our ages according to the
level of smartness, achievements, and thinking about several
ideas in life. this is how we should measure our age. People
have different theories in life and everyone have something to
fulfil but when we realise that there is a responsibility
which we need to fulfil now we get serious and this is the
point where we start taking tensions. The solution of this
point is we should consider the responsibility as a part of
our life and join that responsibility in our daily life. Yes,
many things get changed and it should be because that’s how
you will learn to coordinate with the life you want and the
life which is important to fulfil. Maturity is a myth! Don’t
fall for it. We say when people get mature, they are ready for
the life and experiences but let me tell you one thing mature
people will also face that experience for the first time and
immature people will also face it for the first time and then
they will learn. Nobody can refer a person as mature or
immature in relation to their ages. People can be mature at a
very interesting age but we will not consider them mature
because one thing comes in between that is the age of that
person. Maybe that person has experienced something we have
not in our ages and knows and understand things better than
us. So, there is no one mature or immature when its about
working and taking control. They can always develop with time.
The conclusion of the point is, never feel burdened when you
get responsibility and there is no such thing that we were not
ready for it, if we get it its time we are ready. The feeling
which we get after having a responsibility should not be sad
feeling it should be a feeling where we should have a
confident face which is ready to take that responsibility.
No.5 Achieved the first part of what we have imagined for
First, we should know that nothing happens as what we imagined
for ourselves. Definitely we achieve the ultimate goal but as
we imagined because when we do thing, we realise that this is
lot different and we have to do much to achieve that first
target. Achieving that first target is actually difficult,
sometimes we realise that the problem of whole world is ahead
of us and we are not able top crack that first target of ours.
This is the place where many people leave or doubt themselves
but we should know that’s it’s not and we have to get on our
worst to achieve that target. So, about achieving the first
target is always exciting and the level of confidence we get
after achieving it is amazing and we should learn to maintain
it throughout because after the first target we expect more to
happen which is natural in human behaviour but if its not
happening we should learn how to patiently wait for it to
happen again and be the part of that flow. When we imagine
something for ourselves, we never forget it whether we have
achieved it or not, we always remember. This is the beauty of
the first target, so when you achieve it never forget it helps
you to build confidence. Showcase your achievement to people
who can be useful for you to run that thing so that you can
attract what you want.
No.6 When we found out the source of happiness in our lives.
This point is my personal favourite, we all have something in
our lives through which we feel the sense of happiness and our
stress just go away. We don’t realise for some time that what
is the actual source through which we can be happy and feel
the sense of accomplishing everything. It exists, it always
existed but sometime we realise later what actually it is.
There is a reason behind it, why we don’t find the source of
happiness in the starting, what I think it is because of we
find the source of our happiness early we will not work hard
enough to get what we want because we will feel already
accomplished after finding that source of happiness. We get
that one source after realising or understanding the life or
some theory of life which we never forget. There are many such
people who consider themselves successful but still did not
find that one source of happiness. There are people who have
done what they wanted to do in their life and also found out
that source and living the life in the way they want not much
people exist with this thing and if they exist not easily
found. The source of happiness is hard to find so the best way
to find is, keep doing what you are doing and you will realise
one day instantly that this is the source of your happiness
and it can be anything. Maybe there is no such connection of
your happiness with anything this is the beauty, when you will
find it there will be a different kind of smile on your face
and you would feel accomplished after knowing that source.
Even if something is undone you will not worry about it. If
you will keep looking for that source you will not be able to
find it but if you keep doing the things you want to without
doubting yourself you will soon find the source of happiness
in your life and after finding it you will think that its
always existed but you were not able to find it and at that
time if you are reading this book, you will understand what I
was actually talking about. People who have already find their
source of happiness can relate and to be clear this source can
be anything it can be your work also or some hobby. We should
know that all the things are designed to fit in properly
somewhere, things which don’t fit in our lives has to be
removed with the time so that there can be a void which has to
be filled with the thing which is out there and ready to be
fit in with you.
No.7 Trying from a long time and still not getting results.
Don’t want to write about this because this situation cannot
be explained by anyone. People who have experienced this thing
having a smile on their face right now and wondering about it.
This situation is quite diplomatic because when we are stuck
in this, we actually feel its nothing but when we get the
results at the end after a long time of trying and doing its
worth all those failures. When we try different things with
the time and none of them works for due to any reasons we feel
this situation and go into self-analysis. But we should just
wait for that one hit and we will be on track again. For that,
we have to deal with this situation we are discussing because
it’s very bad, I think this should not exist because it’s just
a feeling inside us. from 1st class to 12th class in school we
came across different subjects in every class and different
course, for 12 years we deal with different subjects every
year but when its time college we go for one stream which is
decided on the basis of those subjects only. So, the point
which I need to make here is we are not stuck somewhere we are
going through different subjects in life and when we will hit
the interesting one, we will choose that stream for ourselves
and do something in it. Doing Self-analysis was is good we
should do it but we should also learn when is the time where
we should not doubt ourselves, it’s all about your thought
process how it works. In this situation a person gets so
tensed about what will happen next and this is the main reason
why he does not focus on what’s going on. Rather than thinking
about future at that time think about how can we keep going
and what will be the strategy to work on. Remember the reason
why you were not able to get results and it’s okay if you are
not able to figure the reason because that’s how you trust
yourself. So, as a whole this situation comprises of many
things but the actual thing, we should focus on is to look for
the ultimate results and worked for them soon you get them and
you will realise how all this hard time has paid you.
No.8 Realising what exactly you want in life.
To me all these points feel so real as in I feel so connected
with all the points and that is what I want you feel a connect
between all the point and you because in the end you should
take a deep breath and realise yes, it all happened or it’s
all happening or maybe going to happen the point is you should
always remember it. This situation is very pure and let me
tell you there is a difference what you want for your life a
good career, a sweet family, financial stability etc and what
is it exactly that you expect from your life. the point is
about what exactly you expect from your life how should it go.
Fill this form for me in your mind and continue to read this
point with the answers of this point.
I want to be __________ and I expect my life should give me
these three things ________, _________, __________ and the
last part of my life should end with ________.
After filling this in your mind, think for a moment are you
actually working for these things in your life?? Maybe few of
us has not figured out the answers to these blanks but
somewhere we have to figure out what you exactly want?
Answering to these questions will sort out for you many things
like your motive your vision and your thought process. The
beautiful part of these blanks is there is no right or wrong
it’s you who has to do it there is no involvement of any other
person. I have seen people gone crazy in the process of
getting settled in life and they are in hurry to get settled
it’s a good thing you should get settled in life with the time
that what has been told to us and that is how the process is
working. After 23 or 24 if you are not doing anything and just
figuring out what you want to do next is a bizarre out there
which I don’t understand why? the main reason why we don’t
realise what exactly we want from our lives is because we are
involved badly in this process and we should realise as this
process is the part of our lives realising what exactly we
expect from our lives is as important as this process. What is
the point of not getting the things you want for yourself, for
the life you have done so much for? I cannot think of the
percentage because I have not done any study but I wonder how
many people will be able to answer at the moment after reading
this point that what exactly they want in their life? realise
the importance to grace things and then move forward. We all
are doing the same thing everyone which is living our lives
but who is making the difference and who is happy and who is
actually doing thing for exactly what they want we know the
NO.9 Fear of losing things.
Compromises is what we have to make with the time to get
things which we want for ourselves. Compromise can be of
anything depending what you want and always compare what you
are compromising is worth what you are getting or not. Many
times, I have noticed that people are not ready to compromise
and they try settle things but it will not work out. You have
to comprise things to get what you want in life it’s the rule.
Everyone compromises somethings which they don’t want to but
they are not left with options. we always try to maintain
everything at one time which is not possible and does not give
appropriate results as well. The fear of losing inside you
hold you back against many things and its very critical. That
fear inside you evolves with time and you don’t get out of
that zone. Things or people which are meant to be for you will
be with you don’t try to please things by compromising what
you want for your life. you have to make that compromise to
get there because fear of losing things makes us think like
its our duty to take everything in context and work below it.
which is not possible, the ultimate outcome sooner or later
will be that compromise only or else if you don’t have to make
any compromises than settle with the things you are getting
without compromises which can be suitable for some and they
will be ready for it. I had this fear inside me for many thing
but I realised later with the time as I am not ready to
compromises, I am leaving more things and opportunities for me
behind and I can see them. If I were able to make few
compromises with the time, I could have caught several more
things but now I am very well aware what I can compromise for
what. Is it really necessary to compromise without it can we
not reach where you we want to? NO, its not possible there is
some kind of compromise which exist and have to be made
because each compromise will tell us the importance of things
and how to manage it further in life. after a certain point,
you get used to compromising that same thing again and again
and at one point you will not feel anything for that
particular thing. So, there should be no fear of losing thing
or someone for what you are getting you should always compare
is it worth to compromise or not and if you have correct
knowledge what you can compromise and what not than there will
be no fear inside you of losing things. It’s a feeling inside
us which stops us to go for things above the line which many
people are not accessible too. But the question is the things
which are above that line is worth to compromise things below
the line??
No.10 Situation which makes you feel satisfied of what you are
You are working, you are happy, You are proud of yourself,
You have done your part really well!
The emotions which are hidden in these two lines are
priceless. There are situations where we feel satisfied with
ourselves and we are happy with what we have done so far and
we are thankful for all the sufferings we have been through
which helped you to reach here. This situation comes and it
will come in everyone’s life because at last we will be able
to do something more or less. Not getting what we imagined for
ourselves will somewhere hurt but whatever we do in our lives
at last there should be a point where we should feel satisfied
of what we have done and it should be worthy enough to feel
satisfied for. we have heard this many time that a person’s
greed cannot get over it increases only but a person should
know when is that point where they have reached what they
wanted for themselves. I am not saying stop working after that
and be normal, have the same energy because after that we have
to maintain where we are today and it’s a big job too.
Maintaining what we have built for ourselves require one thing
which is consistency in work that’s it. maybe we have not
reached where we wanted to but we can still feel satisfied
with the work we are doing and the things we are getting
everyday and with the schedule we have we start enjoying it.
so if you comfortable with your life be thankful for it but
people who are uncomfortable with life currently, don’t worry
you will be comfortable too with the things you always wanted
in your life.

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