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 Thank you Amna.

Hello House, as third speaker, I am here to elaborate on other’s points while

creating my own. As mentioned before, we are not trying to suggest that only good, or no bad things
have come from this global pandemic. But that it has brought out many great and beautiful
characteristics and acts of kindness in humanity that could only have come out in certain and unique
circumstances, this being the COVID-19 epidemic. Now, let’s get down to business.

 Now let’s mention the elephant in the room, charity. Russian’s have nearly doubled the amount of
money they donate to charities. The UN had found that over 1/3 of the population in Thailand had
donated all kinds of resources, ranging from money, food, or extra supplies during the lockdown to
aid both the health workers fighting this pandemic head on, and the families and individuals who are
struggling through this lockdown the most. And not to forget that it was the poorest regions that
donated the most. And finally on charities, in 1847, a native American tribe donated $170 to the Irish
during the potato famine. And now in 2020, a GoFundMe campaign was started by Irish people to
raise $1000 to give back to the remaining Native Americans who are struggling.

 Not only this, COVID-19 has brought out the some of the most grand creativity and adaptability in
humanity. In Gurjarat, India, teachers have found a creative solution around the isolation problem.
Teachers have used their PA loud speaker systems to deliver lessons to make sure that they can
teach safely up to 80% of all students in their classes. And in another region, a teacher tied a black
board to his motorcycle so he could drive around and teach students individually at their homes.

 It seems as if everyone in society has given in some sacrifice or coughed up some effort to help those
in need, including politicians. In early May, Ireland’s Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, who is not only
super busy running the country as of now, looked back towards his previous career and signed back
up as a Doctor to help healthcare workers fight off the COVID-19 pandemic, having signed up to the
Irish Health Service. And keep in mind he did not stop his job as Prime Minister as well, he was
balancing both his role as a politician and as a Doctor at the same time.

 Moving on, as everyone debating and listening knows, almost, if not all, sporting events had been
cancelled during the global lockdown. Football, golf, basketball, any sport you can think of, had their
seasons delayed or outright cancelled. F1 was among many of these sporting leagues. However
instead of waiting till the lockdown was over outright, many teams, including teams such as
Mercedes and Red Bull spent that time developing and shipping out breathing ventilators and
support machines free of charge. What makes this even kinder is the fact that many F1 teams were,
and still are struggling financially, so to see these teams band together and produce and ship out
these devices free of charge, while operating at a massive loss, is nothing short of heart-warming.

 The world needs more of this great and enlightening positivity from people all over. I thank you for
listening to points of my own and those of my peers, thank you.

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