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WEEK 06 - ..........

Ingles II (Universidad Tecnológica del Perú)

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Descargado por Dora Castillo Reyes (





• Martinez Libon, Naomi Daleska - U19212450

• Ramos Yachachin, Nicol Alexsandra - U20100503

• Apeña Falcon, Kristan Alberto - U19220435

Descargado por Dora Castillo Reyes (


To: Tania (

Subject: About my vacation in Arequipa

Dear Tania:

Hello dear friend how are you, I’m here in Arequipa for my vacations. I’m
very happy to be here after many years and to be able to visit my family. I
would like to tell you a little about this beautiful city.
Arequipa is famous for its beautiful weather and is known as "The White
City". In this city, there are many beautiful places to visit, starting with the
famous Plaza de Armas, where the cathedral and impressive colonial
buildings made of pearl ashlars are located.
There are many cafes that have a beautiful view of the cathedral especially
at night. There are some bars and there are many restaurants where you can
eat delicious typical dishes. In this part of Arequipa, we find a big
shopping center, where there are many supermarkets, gyms and there is a
parking lot too.
In Arequipa there are some old parks because people enjoy the traditional
architecture. By the other hand, if we talk about transport, there is an
airport, and also there are other types of transport like buses, combis and
taxis, but there are no trains.
Unfortunately, I am on my last day, tomorrow morning I return to Lima, I
really enjoyed going to the Yanahuara viewpoint, the food, the landscape
and above all spending time with my family.

Lots of love!

Descargado por Dora Castillo Reyes (

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