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1.Start a gratitude journal

2. Practice mental and digital self-care by cleaning up the files on your device
3.Comment a compliment on at least three selfies

4. Call a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while

5.Find a fun way to get your body moving (we like dance parties!)

6. Tell a funny joke to a friend

7.Sing. Paint. Write. Create, unapologetically

8. Invite someone new to practice vocabulary words or math with you

9.Send five kind notes to your classmates

10. Make sure to say “Please” and “Thank You”

11.Do something that makes you feel beautiful

12. Have quiet time

13.Take a screen break and get outside if you can - and don't forget sunscreen

14. Take 10 minutes out of your day to sign petitions for causes you care about
15.Share a meal with someone (even virtually!)

16. Leave a kind comment on a friend’s page

17.Share your story on

18. Check-in with your emotions

19.Think of three things you love about yourself

20. Share your favorite song or poem to bring someone joy

21.Introduce yourself to a classmate you haven’t met yet”

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