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It’s fun.

" That one sentence is the answer I would give if someone asks me 'why do you want to study
biology?' To more explain about that answer, I like the process of learning new knowledge and applying in
to real-life situations. I think learning science is not for stocking knowledge in my brain. It is for sharing this
knowledge with other people as a new form, and I think one of the ways is commercializing.

When I was in fifth grade, I watched a movie called 'Island' that examines human dignity. 'Island' is a movie
about the rich who make their own clones to cure their own illnesses by taking away the clone's organs.
While watching the movie, I felt sorry that one's life was easily abandoned for another's life. And I thought
it was unfair that only the rich can enjoy the results of advanced technology. Can't we make it easy and
equal for everyone to get treatment? Can we easily take away another person's life for medical purposes? I
thought that I would like to see a way for anyone who is sick to be treated no matter what their station in

A year later, in grade six, the goal of studying life sciences became clear and I decided to participate in the
genius program. The genius program is a program that gathers talented children in math and science in
each city to learn, discuss and experiment with the advanced courses of math and science for a year. There
was once a debate on the use of stem cells in this program. I was then pro-discussed, and I started
investigating stem cells. Around that time, researchers led by a team of Japanese researchers, including,
Professor Shinya in 2012 found that they were able to create stem cells that are identical to embryonic
stem cells, no matter which part of the human body is used by mice. They found that these genetic cells
were safer because they did not use the fetus and were suitable for treatment, but were better suited to
the patient. The stem cells, called iPSCs, are the most ideal stem cells, but the downside was that mass
production was impossible to commercialize, so I wanted to learn biotechnology to make up for and
commercialize this shortcoming.

In particular, my long-standing goal is to study and universalize stem cells so that people suffering from
genetic diseases can easily receive treatment. I've come to share ideas with people and City University of
Hong Kong can help me achieve my goals. I was attracted to this school because it has students from more
than 80 countries and regions, so we can help each other develop our knowledge and skills. It is an
opportunity to become more openminded and collaborate with a variety of different people. CityU is also a
good fit for me as it helps students become successful academically and guiding and challenging them with
their career development. I thought it would be a good opportunity to paint the future that I want. And I
want to seize that opportunity.

In high school, I had experimented with natural antibiotics while writing a biology paper, only to find out
that natural antibiotics help e-coli control. I want to do projects such as identifying ingredients that are
commonly included in antibiotics and making medicine.

My advantage is that I go through with what I start with patiently. I do my best with the passion for my job.
Those who have seen it say I am responsible. I'm glad to see that what I started is done. Because at that
moment I am proud of myself. Therefore, even if it is late, I do not give up and achieve my goal until the
end. My disadvantage is that I start to work too hard with too much confidence. There was a time when my
experiments were more time-consuming than expected. To correct these shortcomings, I talked a lot about
what I was doing with my teachers. After that, I did analyze my experiment again, to determine if I could do
it and adjust it. This trial-and-error has made me go on to the end without giving up - persistence. I take my
time and am engaged in developing my capabilities, and I know my results will shine brilliantly like my
English name, Stella.

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