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Executive Summary:

The goal of the hotel is to provide customers with high-quality food and
high-quality services at the expense of food and labor, so as to make the business profitable. This
goal can only be achieved with the cooperation and support of everyone. Just as a football
franchise can only succeed when the players and employees form a closed team, a restaurant can
only succeed when the employees form a functioning team. They solve problems and find
solutions that are more creative and flexible than humans. The restaurant offers delicious food
and service-always teamwork. If the food is not prepared properly or the service is poor,
customers may not be able to enjoy the food. All team members play an important role in making
the customer experience unforgettable.
General problem:
One of the most common problems restaurant owners face is the menu. A good menu is a
balancing act. Do you have too many or too few menu items? Are your dishes reasonably priced?
Does your menu have a uniform theme? Keep your menu size the same. Instead of offering a
five-page menu, consider offering fewer dishes and doing them really well. People need to know
what your restaurant is about. Make sure your menu is geared towards what your restaurant has
to offer. Take more time to order. You will also need more ingredients.
Solution to problem:
Care issues related to food need to be addressed step by step. First, find a reliable food transport
company in your area. Take the time to do a few research to find one that won't break the bank
but also won't compromise on quality. Next, train your employees in appropriate health and
hygiene practices and ensure that they adhere to them. Anyone who comes in contact with food
should wash their hands, wear gloves, hairnets, and clean clothing, and use the correct tools.
Equipment and tools have to be cleaned and sterilized and surfaces disinfected. When in doubt,
always do the right thing for your customers, there is nothing in between. For example, if your
refrigerator breaks and you don't know exactly when, you will have to throw away perishable
food, even if it costs you more. You don't want to risk making someone sick.
Critical thinking:
An instant snapshot of a café area and the only advertisement any diner will read. An attractive
and clean menu is vital to communicating your brand. The literal definition of a menu is:
“Prepare and serve a fare card or café area meal list.
Good cafe area menu design is key to any café area marketing plan. When designing
a menu, you need to express your restaurant's personality, focus your entire operations, drive
profitability, set your budget, and keep your brand fresh in the market for your customers.

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