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CNS - central nervous system

@ - at CO2 - carbon dioxide
- before c/o - complaints of
AAA - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary
abd - abdomen disease
ABG - arterial blood gases COLD - Chronic obstructive lung disease
ABC - Airway Breathing and Circulation CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
a.c., ac - before meals (ante cenam, antecebum) CS - cesarean section
ad lib - as desired (ad libitum ) C&S - culture and sensitivity
adm - admission, admitted CSF - cerebrospinal fluid
ADL - activities of daily living CT Scan - Computed Axial Tomography Scan
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder CVA - cerebrovascular accident, stroke
ABO - Main blood group system (Blood Types) CVD - cardiovascular disease
AKA - Above Knee Amputation CXR - chest x-ray
AMI - acute myocardial infarction DAT - Diet as tolerated
A.M., AM, a.m. - morning (ante meridiem) dc, disc, DC, D/C – discontinue
AMA - against medical advice D&C - Dilatation and Curettage
amb - ambulate, ambulatory dl - deciliter (100 ml)
amt - amount Disch. D/C - discharge
ANST - after negative skin test DIC - Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
AP, ap - apical pulse DM - diabetes mellitus
A-P - anterior-posterior DNR - do not resuscitate
approx - approximately DOA - dead on arrival
ASAP - as soon as possible DOB - date of birth
B&B - bowel and bladder training DOE - dyspnea on exertion
BaE, BE - barium enema DR - delivery room
BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guerin Drsg, dsg - dressing
bid, b.i.d. - twice a day ( bis in die ) DTap - Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis
bld - blood DTR - deep tendon reflexes
BKA - Below Knee Amputation DVT - deep venous thrombosis
bm, BM - bowel movement Dx, dx - diagnosis
BP - blood pressure DDx - differential diagnosis
bpm, BPM - beats per minute ECG, EKG - electrocardiogram
BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy EEG - electroencephalogram
BRP - bathroom privileges EENT - eyes, ears, nose, throat
BS - bowel or breath sounds EMLA - Eutectic (Cream) Mixture of Local Anesthetics
BR - bed rest EOMs - extraocular movements
BSC - bedside commode ER - emergency room
BSD - bedside drainage ERCP - Endoscopic Retrograde
BSE - Breast Self Examination Cholangiopancreatogram
BPH - Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy F - fahrenheit
BW - body weight Fb - foreign body
Bx, bx - biopsy FBS - fasting blood sugar
FF - force fluid
- with
FFP - fresh frozen plasma
C - Centigrade, Celsius
FHS - fetal heart sound
C1, C2 (etc.) - 1ST Cervical vertebra,
FHR - fetal heart rate
- 2nd cervical vertebra
Fld - fluid
CA - Cellular Aberration (Cancer)
FOB - foot of bed
CaBG - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Ft - foot, feet
CAD - Coronary Artery Disease
FUO - fever of undetermined origin
Cal - calorie
Fx - fracture
cap - capsule
gal - gallon
Cath - catheter, catheterize
GI - gastrointestinal
c.c., CC - chief complaints
GIT - gastrointestinal tract
cc - cubic centimeter
Gm, gm, g - gram
CHF - congestive heart failure
GP - general practitioner
CHO - carbohydrate
G1 - gravida one
Cl - chloride
GTTS, gtt, gtts - drops (guttae)
CBC - complete blood count
GUT - genitourinary tract
CBR - complete bed rest
Gyne, GYN - gynecology
CCU - Coronary Care unit
H 2O - water
CHON - protein
h/o - history of
CHD - Congenital heart disease
hr, h - hour
Cl liq - clear liquid
hgb, hct, H&H - hemoglobin and hematocrit
cm - centimeters
Hx - history
Hgb or Hb - hemoglobin OPD - out patient department
HCL - hydrochloric acid - after
Hg - mercury OR - operating room
H 2O 2 - hydrogen peroxide OS - left eye ( oculo sinister, oculo sinistro )
hs - hour of sleep ( hora somni), OU - both eyes, each eye (oculo utro)
at bedtime OT - occupational therapy
ht - height OTC - Over the Counter
HOB - head of bed oz - ounce
HTN - hypertension PACU - Post Anesthesia Care Unit
HPI - history of present illness pc, p.c. - after meals (post cebum , post
ICU - intensive care unit cenam )
I&D - incision and drainage PDA - patent ductus arteriosus
IBW - Ideal body weight PERRLA - Pupil Equal Round Reactive to Light
ICS - intercostal space Accomodation
Ig - immunoglobulin PE, PX - physical examination
IM - intramuscular PEDS - pediatrics
in - inch per - by or through
I&O - intake and output pH - potential hydrogen (degree of
IV - intravenous acidity or alkalinity)
IVP - IV push PID - pelvic inflammatory disease
IVPB - IV piggyback PICU - Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
IVP - intravenous pyelogram PM, P.M., p.m. – afternoon
IU - international unit PMI - point of maximal impulse
Kg - kilogram po - by mouth
Kcal - kilocalorie postop - postoperatively
KUB - kidney, ureter, and bladder PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
KVO - keep vein open preop - preoperatively
L - liter prep - preparation
PRN, p.r.n., prn - whenever necessary ( pro re nata )
, lt - left PROM - Passive Range of Motion
Lab - laboratory pt - patient, pint
lat. - lateral PTA - prior to admission
lb - pound PTB - pulmonary tuberculosis
liq - liquid q - every
LLQ - left lower quadrant qAM - every morning
LMP - last menstrual period QD, Q.D., qd, q.d. - daily (quaque die)
LOC - Level of Conciousness qh, qlh - every hour
LUQ - left upper quadrant q2h - every 2 hours
MDR - Multidrug Resistant qhs - every night at bedtime
Meds, meds - medications qid, q.i.d. - four times a day
mEq - milliequivalent QOD, Q.O.D, - every other day
MI - myocardial infarction qod, q.o.d.
MICU - Medical Intensive Care Unit qt - quart
mg - milligram rt, ® - right
ml - milliliter RBC - red blood cells
min - minute RN - registered nurse
mm Hg - millimeters of mercury R/O - rule out (either confirm or
MVP - mitral valve prolapse eliminate)
NA - Not Applicable ROM - range of motion
NANDA - North American Nursing Diagnosis ROS - review of systems
Association RR - recovery room
neg - negative RLQ - right lower quadrant
NG - nasogastric RUQ - right upper quadrant
NKA - no known allergy Rx - take, treatment, prescription
NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit s,S - without
nil - nothing, none SICU - Surgical Intensive Care Unit
NPO, npo -nothing per orem, (non per os) SOB - shortness of breath
- nothing per mouth STD - sexually transmitted disease
NREM - Non-Rapid Eye Movement surg - surgery
NS, N/S - normal saline spec - specimen
NSAIDs - Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs stat, STAT - at once now, immediately
N/V - nausea and vomiting (statim)
OB - obstetrics syr - syrup
od - daily Sx - symptoms
OD - right eye (oculo dexter, oculo dextro ) S /Sx, S/S - signs & symptoms
OOB - out of bed SC, SQ - subcutaneous
oint. - ointment SVI - systemic viral infection
tab - tablet > - greater than
tbsp - tablespoon < - less than
TB - tuberculosis ≥ - greater than or equal to
TO - telephone order ≤ - less than or equal to
tsp - teaspoon
tid, t.i.d. - three times a day (ter in die) REFERENCES:
TLC - tender loving care Berman, A. and Snyder, S. (2012). Kozier & ERB’S
TPR - temperature, pulse, and respiration Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. 9th
TPN - total parenteral nutrition ed. USA: Pearson Prentice Hall
Tr, tinc -tincture Chabner, D. E. (2014). The Language of Medicine. 10th ed.
Tx - treatment Canada: Elsevier, Inc.
UA - urinalysis
“u” - unit Delaune, S. and Ladner, P. (2006). Fundamentals of Nursing:
UTZ - ultrasound Standards & Practice. 3rd ed. Canada: Thomson Delmar
URI - upper respiratory infection Learning.
UTI - urinary tract infection
vol - volume Kozier, B. et al. (2008). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts,
VO - verbal order Process, and Practice. 8th ed. Singapore: Pearson Prentice
VS, V/S, vs - vital signs Hall.
VSS - vital signs are stable
WB - whole blood Ramont, R. P., and Niedringhaus, D. M. (2008). Fundamental
WD - well developed Nursing Care. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
WN - well nourished
WNL - within normal limits Shiel, W. C. (2015). List of Medical Abbreviations and
WBC - white blood cells Terminology. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2015 from
wt - weight
- except
# - number Taylor, C., et al. (2008). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and
, (+) - positive Science of Nursing Care. 6th ed. Hongkong: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.
, (-) - negative
20 - secondary to Timby, B. K. (2009). Fundamental Nursing Skills and
- increase Concepts. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

- decrease
(not necessarily universally accepted)

AB - abdominal binder
AOM- Acute otitis media
ADCF - avoid dark colored foods
AGE – acute gastroenteritis
AHCF – avoid highly colored foods
ANP - acute nasopharyngitis
AUB – abnormal uterine bleeding
BAIAE – bronchial asthma in acute exacerbation
BMW – bactidol mouth wash
BRAT – banana rice apple tea
BTL – bilateral tubal ligation
BUN and Crea – blood urea nitrogen and
Cat - category
CAP- community acquired pneumonia
CBG – capillary blood glucose
CBR c BRP - complete bed rest with bathroom
CBR s BRP – complete bed rest without
bathroom privileges
CIL – cephalic in labor
CKD- Chronic kidney disease
CL – clear liquids
CSOM-chronic suppurative otitis media
CTT connected to BSB – chest tube
thoracostomy connected to bedside bottle
CVD – cerebro vascular disease
DFA - diet for age
DHF vs. TF – dengue hemorrhagic fever versus
typhoid fever
DUB – dysfunctional uterine bleeding
EDBLE - encourage deep breathing & leg exercise
EDCF – except dark colored foods
EOD – every other day
EOR- error of refraction
ESRD – end stage renal disease
F/a c OB – fecalysis with occult blood
FC – full credit, foley catheter
FD - full diet
GL/gen. liq. – general liquids
GLEMCD – general liquids except milk and
carbonated drinks
HD – hemodialysis
HS – hours of sleep
IFC - indwelling catheter
IPTL – in preterm labor
KMC – kangaroo mother care
KFC – kangaroo father care
IHD- Ischemic heart disease
KUFC - keep uterus firm & contracted
LNMP - last normal menstrual period
LSLF diet – low salt low fat diet
S F/ SF diet – low salt low fat diet
LTCS – low transverse cesarean section
MBFHI – Mother Baby Friendly Hospital
MF – milk formula
MGH c Rx – may go home with prescription
MHBR - moderate high back rest
MROD – Medical resident on duty
NPO P MN – nothing per orem after midnight
NSD – normal spontaneous delivery
NTG patch - nitroglycerine
NFI –nitrate free interval
NVS - neuro vital signs
OACW - over anterior chest wall
OBROD – obstetrics resident on duty
OF – osteorized feeding
PEM – preeclampsia moderate
PES – preeclampsia severe
PNA with HRA – pneumonia with hyperreactive
PROD – Pedia Resident on Duty
PSAGN- post streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis
PTC – prior to consultation
PU – pregnancy uterine
PVP - profused vaginal bleeding
RMLE – right medio-lateral episiotomy
SAP - strict aspiration precaution
SB – specimen bottle, side bottle
SD - soft diet, side drip, surgical dressing
SFF- small frequent feeding
SP/CS – status post cesarean section
SP/VSD – status post vaginal spontaneous
SROD – Surgical Resident on Duty
SVI- systemic viral infection
T/c then D/c – to consume then discontinue
TSS - turn side to side
v/v replacement – volume per volume
VBAC – vaginal birth after cesarean
VSD – vaginal spontaneous delivery
WOF - watch out for

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