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The interntional phonetic alphabet

In let´s of lenguages, each letter represents only one sound so it´s eassy to try and pronounce
words just by looing at how the Word is spelled, But English isn´t lie his, no nope

When you see letters in English Word, they won´t always be pronouced some way

Tae the letter “C” for example:

In the Word cup pronounced “K”


but that different to the Word “Place”


And when a “e” nex to a “h” it´s often “eh” like in chocolate


But in the Word “ache”(Aich)

It´s pronounced like a “K” again!

- This is why the international Phobetic Alphabet ia such a great tool for English students to
practice their pronounciation with end I use it all the whwn I´m teaching pronunciation
lessons, in the IPA, every sound has a unique symbol, so when you read it you know
exactly how to oronunce the Engli Word ffor example:
- The Word

- All have the same letters O-U.G-H spelling but actually they pronounced very differently

KUC(sonido de la K). O (sonido de la a). F (fe sonido de la F) entontes se pronuncia KOF

- Dou toch cof
- Especially if you haven´t seen the IPA before, But actually, they´re so helpful for you when
your´re learning English pronunciation, because it tells you exactly how to say the Word!
- So even if youré never Heard of these symbols before,

Don´t freak outll in today´s lesson, we´re going to go trough the international Phonetic
Alphabet together

New, there´s 26 letters in the English alphabet, right ?

But there are 44 diferent sonunds

Way more that there re letters!

That why I use the IPA to help my students when they´re English pronunciation.let´s look
at vowels first.

There are 5 Englishvowels, aren´t there?

But there are way more English vewel sounds some of them are long, some of then are
short and of them are just lazy!

Let´s go trough them:

( I) la pronunciación es E (entre e




(O suave y alargada)

(O con los labios formando un circulo)

(A bien abiert y pronunciada)

( A mas corta )


There´s another group of vowel sounds called diphthongs

Nw dont´s verry about remenbering that crazy name,oll need todo is remenber the sounds

Diphthongs are sounds that change from one vewel sound to another (But the same
syllable).so, watch may mounth position shange I mae each of theses sounds;







So, we´ve been through vowels and dipthongs,

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