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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur

Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur

Don Domingo furtuno St.,Santiago,Bato, Camarines Sur
Instructor: DR. MERCY BO
Program/Block: BSED ENGLISH 3-B

Metacognition Observation

I conducted a Metacognition observation with the two kids. Their name is Angel
she is 7 years old and Adrian 5 years old. Based on my observation this two kids has
different ways on how they fully understand and remembering those 10 words that I told
to them to listen and they need to remember. The 10 words are book, food, play, dress,
apple, letters, bag, colors, pencil, and paper. I also read a different short story to them
and give some simple questions based on the story that we read. The first kid that I
observed is Adrian. He answered all my questions clearly and I am proud that even
though I read the 10 words in 2 times and I ask some questions about himself and
about in the short story that I read, the boy remembered 5 words in the 10 words that I
told or read to him. Those words are book, bag, apple, food, and paper maybe it is the
words that he remembered because those some words he always used to play or his
favorite food so that he easily remembered those words. Also I observed to Angel, she
is the one who read the 10 words in two times, like to Adrian I told to Angel to remember
those words. But before I ask to her about those words I also read a short story to her
like what I did to Adrian. I give also some questions about herself and about on the
short story that I read to her. And she answered those questions. In the 10 words that
she read in the beginning, I also proud to her, she remembered 8 words those words
are apple, bag, paper, pencil, color, food, book, and letters I observed that she spoke
quickly those some words not in chronological order. Maybe she easily remembered
those words because she loves to write and draw every day. As my observations the
two kids has different ways on how they learned. So they need a guidance by their
parents or guardian to develop their learnings. As a future educator we need to guide
our future students because the knowledge or learnings of our future students is in our
hand when they are in the school and as a parents it is also defend on how the parents
or guardians guide their child to develop their learnings. The student gain their values
and learnings first in their home that guided by their parents.

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