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By: Robert Burns

>Robert Burns wrote more than six hundreds poems.

>He is considered the national poet of Scotland.

>According to the critic Raymond Bentman

says,Robert is the first truly modern poet in British

Burns had his first child,Elizabeth Paton Burns with his

Mothers servant Elizabeth Paton ,while he was
relationship with Jean Armour ,who became pregnant
with his twins March 1786 .Burns was ready to marry
Jean but her mother but her father against the
marriage.They,eventually got married in 1788.The
couple had nine Children ,out of which only three
survived infancy.
Robert Burns Education
Burns grew up poor but well-read

>He taught himself to read French .

>And began writing poetry in Scottish dialect.

>As an adult,he was unsuccessful in making a living

at farming .

>During the last ten years of his life Burns mainly

wrote lyric poems as song in Scottish dialect.

Burns also wrote many poems from a female or point

of view,often reflecting the perspective of women
suffering from betrayal or loss of love.

Based on a folk song Burns heard on his travels,Robert Burns

wrote his poem A Red Red Rose to be sung not to read.

Burns completed the poem in 1794 in an English dialect


Thou:An older and informal form of “you”

Bonie:Adjective usedin Nothern England and Scotland means
Lass: “Lover”
Thee:Old form of “you”and also “thrive”
Gang:Originates form Old Norse gangr “journey”
Fare: “to go”in Old English

In this writing,the writer aims to analyze the instrinsic

elements of “A Red,Red Rose”by Robert Burns .The purpose
of this writing is to understand the using of figurative language
and diction in the poem.The writer uses the theories of
figurative language and diction with close reading method.The
writer finds the poems is dominated by smile,hyperbole,and
diction.In clusion,the figurative language and diction enrich
the meaning of the poem itself.
O my Luve’s like a red,red rose
That’s newly sprung in June
O my Luve’s like a melodie
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.

As far as art thou, my bonnies lass,

So deep in luve am I:
And I will luves thee still, my dear
Till a’ the seas gang dry:
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear
And the rock melt wi’ the sun:
I will luve thee still, still my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee well, my only Luve

And fare thee well, a while
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.

O my Luve’s like a red,red rose

That’s newly spring in June

In the first stanza,Robert Burns using smile to compare his

lve is beautiful,strong, full passion just like a red rose.Its
even stronger beacause he use the repeat of “ red”.Then he
says “that newly sprung June which means His love is like a
Flower that has grew from the ground,new,young,fragnant
and fresh
O my Luves like the melodie ,
That’s sweetly playd in tune .
This time,Burns chooses to compare his love like a beautiful
melody from a song that is “sweetly play “d” in a tune
.However,how sweet the melody is just temporary .When the
song has ended,the melody of song is just gone.Yet in this
point that is not what Burns try to say.He perhaps states that
his love is like melody which sound lovely when the tone is
As fair art thou,my bonie lass,
So deep in live am I

1. Red red “Rose” usually is a symbol of

love,and Burns add “red” to suugest an
exxitemment of strong and passion.So,he is
trying to tell the readers that his love to his
lady is the kind of strong feeling and full
passion .
JUNE: The reason why Burns choose to use June
instead of other months is quite interesting.When
June comes,spring is going to end summer starts
come.Floral growth is the best growth in the season
.So does rose,the flower is blooming the best in
summer season.So does rose,is the flower is
blooming the best in is new,fresh,fragnant
and beautiful.
3.Bonnie:Bonie is a given name commonly used
for female which comes from the Scottish word
“bonnie”This word not just means but also
attractive,which is why Burns use
“Bonie”instead of beautiful or else.Bonnie is
often used as a nickname or a form of
endearment toward a loved one.This word has
much more meaning.
4.Melodie:Melody is the main theme of muical
pieces,the part you sing alon g with,the
succession of tones that are most silent in your
mind.Burns compares his love with melody to
show that his love with melody to show that his
love is the most important in his life.

Till a’ the seas gang dry

In the last line of the second stanza,burns claims that the seas will
dries up,but that is why he usthe phrase thatb he is so deep in love that
his love will last forever.

And the rocks melt wi’ the sun

Like the sea going dry it also impossible that are the rocks will going
melt .
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the stands o life shall run.

The lines are trying to show the readers that Burns will love his
lady until “the o life shall run.

And will come again ,my Luve ,

Tho twere ten thousand mile

In this last two lines,Burns saying that he will do whatever to

meet again his love eventhough he has to walk ten thousand

The poem “A Red,Red Rose” by Robert Burns is a

beautiful poem.It shows the readers about how much he
love his young lady .A man who once fell in love deeply
will always love his lady no matter what happens. Once
he fell in love,he will give the whole world for his lady
.As we know,If burns did not use those figurative
language,we will not know how much his love and how
beautiful his love.It will make the readers know
That he loves a lady but we do not know how his
love to the lady.The point is he is trying to shows
the readers how strong his love through his poem
which beautiful as his lady.

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