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Free Write Exercise: Gender Matters

Instructions: Answer the following questions in one paragraph each (per question)

1. List three things you could do if you were a member of the opposite sex. Justify your
Gender-based violence persists deeply embedded in gender inequality and
remains one of the prevalent issues in today's generation. The majority of women across
the world, regardless of age, gender orientation, ethnicity or race, etc., experience
countless sexual harassment and assault in their everyday lives. It is a repercussion of the
rigid gender roles which entitle men to have power and authority over women. As the
reported numbers of violation incidents continue to rise, hence it is the right moment for
men to step up in the battle of victims against violence and sexual abuse. If I were a
member of the opposite sex, there are various ways that I can do to encourage women
with regards to this matter. I firmly believe that it is essential for both women and men to
engage in open discussions that educate men on how to address sexual harassment. For
example, if I encounter such drastic behaviors, it is my responsibility to take action by
helping out the victim and standing up towards the abuser, and immediately report the
incident to the authorities. The prevailing silence among men is deafening. Thus this is an
opportunity to educate ourselves and speak up. However, some men are uncertain to
express their support for the victims. Therefore, it is also necessary to grasp our roles in
building an inclusive society. We can encourage our family members, relatives, and peers
to raise their voices regarding this dilemma and actively participate in groups and
organizations that aim to eradicate sexual harassment and assault. These are just a few of
the things I can do if I were a member of the opposite sex.

2. Discuss an experience you had (as a child, adolescent or young adult) that made you
realize that your gender matters.
Adolescence appears as one of the challenging and difficult phases in our lives
because we transition from childhood to early adulthood. Moreover, it involves huge
changes in our physical appearance and outlook and perspective toward life. During this
stage, I vividly remember that I have experienced numerous sexual harassment in various
forms, such as verbal abuse, cyberbullying, and street harassment, also known as
"catcalling.” I always make sure to wear appropriate clothes whenever I go out. However,
I still get disrespected and receive unwanted attention from men despite what I am
wearing. There was never a single day that I did not get worried about men whistling at
me, intrusively staring at me, and shouting derogatory remarks from their car window as
they passed by me. I can't even imagine that most of the women and girls have to go
through this nightmare on a daily basis. It was then I realized that my gender matters, and
we should have the courage to make men accountable for their disgusting behaviors
instead of oppressing and blaming the victims. We, women, have been silenced for a long
period by the inequitable power in which this patriarchal society manifests. Thus now is
the time to redefine a broken system and rectify the flawed mindsets of men that are
being normalized by some individuals. We must demand equity and safe spaces for every
woman and children.

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