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Rodrigo B.

Salem Jr Bsfi 1-A

Do you believe that gender equality can be achieved?

In this world of misunderstanding and full of different perception I believe that gender equality can still
achieve because of the modern feminists and the laws that secures every welfare of every person. In our
community these days gender equality can be achieve because there are lots of knowledgeable people
who knows the every right of a person and fight for it to have balance respect in both gender. But first
we must know what is gender equality. The UN defines the gender equality as “refers to the equal
rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. Equality does not mean
that women and men will become the same but that women’s and men’s rights, responsibilities and
opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female.”

For me gender equality can be achieve by respecting ourselves and next is the others because how can
we respect others if we cannot respect ourselves. Next is there are laws that promote gender equality
and prohibits gender discrimination. Also there are lots of knowledgeable people who fights for the
rights and treatments for the both genders specially the women. And we must not cross everybody’s
border because if we cross other’s border misunderstanding happens and sometimes violence. I am
agree on the quotation of Plato that is “If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must
teach them the same things.”

In that quotation what the men learned is also capable for women and they can do it if they were taught
of the same things as men. There are lots of feminists who are fighting for the same treatment and
opportunities that is present to the men and now most of the country have laws in giving the equal
treatment for the women and men.

I firmly believe that one of the reasons we have not yet achieved gender equality in every realm is that
women and girls’ voices are too often excluded from global and national decision-making. Take a look at
the philippine government the majority of the leaders are men and society is already instilled by this
mindset. If we want men or women to be able to take space in leadership we have to end the toxic way
of us. We also have to seriously address sexual harassment of women. A proven way to overcome many
systemic barriers to a woman’s success has been increased participation by women in local, regional and
national aspects. Others might object that there are meaningful differences between males and females,
and these in turn are the source of gender inequality. Some believe that equality is the wrong word to
use, because males and females can’t be equal if they are different.

Men will also no longer have the pressure of proving themselves or of being the strongest or the best.
With gender equality, everyone can pursue any career, dress in any way and act on any emotion without
being seen as too feminine or too masculine.
As what quoted by Philippine E-Journal, oppression for one means oppression for all. If women are
forced into certain social roles, men are thereby forced to fill up the vacant space that some women
could have filled. Without gender equality, no nation will see the full capacity of its economy or
education. In this aspect we are not arguing that women and men are identical or indistinguishable on
all behaviour, preferences and abilities. Nor does it mean all gender differences must be eliminated, or
that we must have equal gender representation in every field.

According to Francisco Cos Montiel, “It is fundamental to start working with men and masculinities more
seriously." This phrase wants to impart that we need to enhance awareness and drive change towards
gender-neutral leadership development efforts, promoting core leadership potential in terms of
unbiased competencies.

To sum it up I believed that Gender Equality can still be achieved because of its advantages some of
those are, It makes our communities safer and healthier. Unequal societies are less cohesive. They have
higher rates of anti-social behaviour and violence. Countries with greater gender equality are more

Dorcas Tshumao - An economist, gender equality advocate said that the people are healthier and have
better well-being. It's very important to note that women are the ones suffering the brunt of gender-
based oppression. However, gender equality is also socially and economically beneficial for men. You
can promote gender equality in a community where there is extreme poverty by availing opportunities
for women to eradicate poverty. Gender equality not only gives women their inalienable rights, but it
benefits humanity as a whole. It can help tackle the crippling poverty, illiteracy and abuse that have
afflicted nations across the world.

Gender Equality will also make our nation better, with better spaces, better people upholding respect
regardless of the gender.

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