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Database Development Server Configuration in AWS Cloud

1. Create an AWS Development User
2. Install aws-cli
3. Configure credentials in .aws credentials file
4. Create the public ssh keys
5. Execute the sh function file to establish the tunnel
6. Add the new server in pgadmin tool
7. Creación de la Imagen Docker para ejecución de scanner
8. Creación del schedule de Gitlab para ejecución del scanner.

Create an AWS Development User

Request for a new user to Jesús Cantú

Install Aws Cli utility

In order to connect to the new DB environment in the cloud you will need to have installed in
your local machine the aws cli utility

1. In a terminal execute aws --version. If aws-cli is already installed you will receive a
message as below:

jcantu@jcantu78:~$ aws --version

aws-cli/1.18.69 Python/3.5.2 Linux/4.15.0-136-generic botocore/1.16.19

2. If not found message is gotten, please follow the link below to install it.

Configure credentials in .aws credentials file

Credentials provided in step one need to be configured in order to connect to the new DB

In a terminal execute the following:

aws configure​ and type enter

When the prompt window asks you for the keys, copy and paste them and type enter in each
one. Key id and secret key id are the ones provided in step one, region name and output format
are: us-west-2 and json, see below.
Create the ssh keys

To create a tunnel you will need your keys, please ensure you have them created.

In a terminal go to:

cd .ssh

Type ls to display the files on the directory

If the keys are not created yet please go to the below link to create them

Basically in a terminal execute

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Type enter until the creation of them finishes.

Execute the sh function file to establish the tunnel

Function sh file will be sent separately to each one. After you download to your local
environment, In a terminal execute the following:

chmod +x

./​ i-0b86168ec7a2bb8b8 cirrusdev

Add the new server in pgadmin tool

Once tunnel is activated, the last step is to create the server n pgadmin tool.

User: ecaresoft
Password: *********

Password will be provided to you in a separate way.

Database origin is named as “develop”. Please, if possible do not move any other database. We
will have local copies from Mx, Arg, Clean and Middle East to keep the current behavior we
have in Monterrey Environments.

Any question comments do not hesitate to let me know.

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