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On Chiromancy

Summary of Initiatic Conferences on Chiromancy

In the Loge of the Essenes of the Martinist Rite

(during the period 1913-1914)

By Br. Selat-Ha 1

The art of divination is one of the most ancient initiatic attributes that our Tradition
presents. Note that this entire initiatic section is not only the result of the experience
acquired throughout the centuries and by millions of Initiates, but that it lies wholly on
the Laws of Nature and those of Creation.
The ancient Egyptians taught the theory of the attraction and repulsion of stars.
From this theory, the following axiom was born:
Given that the universal masses are mutually
attracted and repelled, this phenomenon produces
certain reciprocal influences for each of these stars.
As proof of this axiom, the ancient Initiates gave examples such as the ebb and
flow of the waters due to the influence of the Moon, women’s periods of
menstruation, as well as childbirth, all of which were placed under this same
influence. The virtues of the heliotrope, due to the influence of the Sun on this flower,
just as those of the selinotrope, together with many other examples judiciously
presented, offered quite a substantial guarantee to human reasoning as regards the
veracity of this axiom.
Even in our own days, with all the scientific progress made, and the evolution of
the spirit in the fields of philosophy and literature, this axiom still stands. No scientific
authorities of today, who know this subject, can deny the influence of the stars on the
Earth, much more so since this influence is manifest by evident signs and determined
The ancient Initiates applied themselves to the research and classification of the
signs and the effects of the influence of the stars. Thus, after continuous research
and verification, it was undeniably proved that the human hand had in it the
agglomeration of the signs of the astral influences of the planets nearest to the Earth.
Let us seek, through serious reasoning, to prove the reality of this doctrine. In
what manner and by what means does our hand manage to be the receptacle of
these signs?
It is certain that the influences of the stars that are nearest to the Earth cannot
possibly be directly indicated in our hand (it would be absurd to believe so). But this
is how initiatic Tradition transmits this fact to us. I cite it with all due moderation on
my part.
In occult science, it is known that the space between all planetary systems is filled
with an essence that we name Astral Essence. It is by far subtler than the subtlest
gases of Matter, and it is far less resistant than air. Its subtlety, as well as its (lack of)
resistance are so great that this Astral Essence not only fills all the spaces that are

That was the Esoteric Name of Demetrius Semelas in the Martinist Order.

Greek Delegation of the Martinist Order of the Netherlands 1
On Chiromancy

empty of Matter, but it is also diffused in the heart of the most compact substances
(of Matter).
This essence is the direct bond between our planet and the stars that surround us.
It is the conductor (conveyor) of every external energy. It is through it that Man
receives superior and inferior influences, near or distant ones. And again, it is
through this essence that these influences are modulated into a sign on the palm of
the human hand. The procedure of this operation is due to the identical repetition of
vibrations produced by the energy of a force.
Whether from a close or a distant point of departure, these vibrations have the
virtue of repeating themselves identically under the same wave form, from their
starting point up to their point of arrival, and at times even further. They retain the
same mode and the same form of vibration. The human being receives the
effluences of this pure and impure essence through the frontal lotus. They circulate
throughout the entire plexus of our organism. In its course through our organism, the
astral essence, condensed by the force of these vibrations, leaves the impress of
forms and signs on the material molecules of different parts of our body. These forms
and signs are more evident in the palm of the hand, for this point is the extremity or
the terminal point of our body. At this point, the astral effluence escapes in whirls,
leaving behind it the last traces of the vibrations that had influenced them. This is the
reason why the signs that we find on our palm are true seals (signatures) of superior
The Initiates of old divided these signs into two categories: in swellings and in
lines. Modern palmists name the swellings ‘mounts’.
This succinct theory of the formation of the signs on the palm of the hand reveals
to us that the science of the stars, or astrology, corresponds to the science of the
hand, or chiromancy, and that their analogy is not seemingly so but a fact.
Chiromancy has two very distinct and very definite aims:
1) It serves to reveal to the Initiate the organic constitution of the individual, as well
as his/her character, together with its defects and qualities.
2) It serves to reveal the future of the individual in question with a more or less
detailed precision.
The shape of the hand, the mounts, or fleshy swellings serve as indications of the
person’s character. The various lines that groove the palm and the fingers serve to
reveal the person’s future.
Now that we have given these explanations, let us broach the science of
chiromancy. Right from the beginning of our research, we shall have reason as our
guide in our steps along this tortuous path. In this manner what we call a science will
not be considered as a vulgar superstition.


The Ternary

The human body is divided into three parts: the head, the chest, and the
abdomen. (This is one of the first teachings that you received when you were initiated
into our Venerable Order).

Greek Delegation of the Martinist Order of the Netherlands 2
On Chiromancy

The abdomen is the symbol of material life, the chest is the symbol of sentimental
life, and the head is the symbol of spiritual life.
We find this triple constitution in the upper limbs: the arm, the forearm, and the
hand. We find it in the palm by the three phalanges of the fingers. We shall also see
further on that three lines are engraved in the palm of the hand. By analogy, these
last represent the ternary found in the three phalanges of the fingers, in the
composition of the upper limb (arm, forearm, hand), and finally in the ternary of the
human trunk (abdomen, chest, head).
We can thus form the following table:
Abdomen Chest Head
Arm /Thigh Forearm/Leg Hand/Foot
3rd Phalange 2nd Phalange 1st Phalange
Matter Soul Spirit
Sensory Sensorial or Sensitive Sensible
According to traditional Initiation, this ternary receives seven different influences,
which are represented in the human body by the three divisions of the trunk and the
four limbs.
Since our study is concerned exclusively with the palm of the hand and its
attributes, we shall restrict our comments to saying that in these ternary
correspondences we observe distinctly that Man’s three qualities are revealed by the
greater or smaller material development of these different divisions.
When a man’s abdomen, arm, and thigh are developed, this indicates that he is a
material person. The developed chest, forearm, and leg show us a person of
sentiment. The developed head, palm, and foot show us a spiritual person.
Note too that this is the opposite as regards women: a small head, a thin hand,
and a small foot.
When examining a person’s hand, we must begin by establishing its fleshy
The shape of the fingers is divided into three categories: into round, square, and
pointed fingers.
Usually the round fingers are swollen at the tips by a fleshy lump, the square ones
are spatula-like, and the pointed ones are stunted.
The square and spatula-like fingers indicate an agile, energetic person, and an
artist in all manual work. Moreover, they indicate a person attracted by Matter, one
who tends to be able to imitate the works of Nature. The person with round fingers is
a sentimental being, who lives with love, who loves the little things that he/she
possesses, and one who succeeds in commercial affairs but is often the worse for it,
due to his/her soft heart. The person with pointed fingers is usually a man of the
spirit, a good mathematician, excellent astronomer and well-versed in studies that
deal with the physical domain. He is hard-hearted, without deep feelings and
sometimes without pity. These are the principal characteristics that result from the
study of the shape of the fingers.
Next we must examine the three phalanges of each finger as regards their length
and thickness because the three phalanges show us the three principles of the
human spirit.
Starting from the top, the 1st phalange is the seal of human Imagination; the 2nd
indicates Will, and the 3rd physical Power.
When the 1st phalange of a pointed finger is long, it indicates an excessively
strong person in all spiritual matters. When the 1st phalange of a square and spatula-
like finger is long it reveals a person who is strong in the art of composition,

Greek Delegation of the Martinist Order of the Netherlands 3
On Chiromancy

remarkable, and master imitator of Nature. The long phalange of a round finger
shows a high degree of sentimentality, which creates and loves its love in perfect
The examinations of the 3 (?) phalanges of the thumb in particular give us the
following results:
Long 1st phalange: a person of great Imagination.
Long 2nd phalange: a person of great Will.
Long 3rd phalange: a person of great Power.
However, I wish to point out that this examination and its result are not absolute
rules about a person’s character, and that the study of his/her fingers should be
accompanied by the deductive and analytic study of the overall constitution of a
person so as to give a relatively accurate explanation of his/her character.
Besides the shape of the fingers, the fleshy swellings, or ‘mounts’ in the palm are
also indicative of a person’s character.
As was previously said, at birth every person receives seven different influences,
and the principle of each one of these is the following:
1) Sexual love Mount of Venus.
2) Love of grandeur Mount of Jupiter.
3) Love of beauty Mount of the Sun.
4) Love of family Mount of Mercury.
5) Love of science Mount of Saturn.
6) Love of vice Mount of the Moon.
7) Love of vengeance, rage and passion Mount of Mars.
The five fingers receive the following influences:
The thumb is influenced by Venus and below it, is the Mount of Venus.
The index is influenced by Jupiter and below it, is the Mount of Jupiter
The middle finger is influenced by Saturn and below it, is the Mount of Saturn.
The ring finger is influenced by the Sun and below it, is the Mount of the Sun.
The little finger is influenced by Mercury and below it, is the Mount of Mercury.
Below the Mount of Mercury is the Mount of Mars and below it, is the Mount of the
When perpendicular lines groove the fleshy swellings of the three phalanges of
the fingers, this proves that the influence of these planets is benevolent. When
horizontal lines groove them, it indicates that the planetary influences are malevolent.
(We can replace these two terms by ‘favourable’ and ‘unfavourable’).
The form and the multiple lines that groove the mounts of the palm do not only
reveal a person’s character but a multitude of other elements of his/her past and
future. For the present we simply observe that the excessive development of one or
more of these mounts proves the degree of development that characterizes the
projected influence. For example, the developed mount of Venus reveals a person on
whom the influence of Venus is developed to excess, and so on for each of the other
These mounts are also grooved by vertical or horizontal lines. The former reveal a
favourable influence of the relative planet, whereas the latter an unfavourable one.
These are the explanations concerning the structure of the shapes of the fingers
and the palm.

Greek Delegation of the Martinist Order of the Netherlands 4

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