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Some universities deduct students’ work if assignment is given late.

What is your opinion and suggest some alternative


Life is a deadline, timeliness is important in life. Now Days it is one of the contentious topic whether or not Universities should
impose fines on pupils for late submissions of projects.

To commence with, if there will be fines, students will become more organized and take their education seriously and this
enables students to be as efficient and successful as possible, leading a balance life of work and play. A clear understanding of
time is required by the student to manage their own time effectively. For instance, plan a long term project, organise schedule.
Also, students are expected to develop a range of practical life skill alongside subject specific knowledge, and the ability to
meet deadlines and work under pressure is a key part of this. Moreover, students must engage their temporal sequential
ordering abilities. These skills help us interrupt, retain or create information that is in serial order. With these skills they are
able to avoid procrastination.

On the other hand, fear of penalties makes the students more serious towards studies, yet the undue pressure of submission
before deadline results in serious offenses such as plagiarism. Principally, it damages the relationship between the student and
the punishing teacher. None the less, reducing marks creates discrimination among students. Sometime tutor should keep in
mind extenuating reasons for which pupils cannot submit the projects in time, such as an injury, issue at home, or some others.
And if they still charge with fine, the student will get demoralized and might lose interest in studies.

To recapitulate, in my opinion the right way to do it is to reward on-time assignments instead of punishing late ones.  This
method motivated timely assignments without doing damage. Students should be graded on the quality of their work rather
than how punctual the assignment is.     ( 300 Words )

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