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evidence the happiness advantage

presented to: Teacher Even Fernanda Olaya Ruiz

presented by: apprentice María José Fiesco Ramos.
Date: 23-04-2021

I will never forget the day I learned to do pull-ups, chin up and front

It was impressive, I always wanted to do it and of course I was going

to achieve it, because when you propose something you will surely
fulfill it.

I tried to do it many times I think there were about 500 in total, and
each time I tried I felt super frustrated and useless, but, after so
many attempts I understood that everything has a process and that
for each attempt I made I was getting closer to My purpose, it was
undoubtedly very difficult, but then I looked for a coach to be able to
carry out my purpose more easily, in the time I was training, I had a
muscle injury, which delayed everything a bit, but, after I improved , I
tried again, at that time I felt very miserable, but then I began to gain
confidence in myself again, until I achieved my goal, after about 8
long months of training, I can do 50 pull-ups, 45 chin up and 35 front
squat, at that moment I felt very good with myself and very satisfied,
because I had finally achieved my purpose, when I was 15 years old
I did it, it was something very magical and thanks to that I am the girl
that I am, the one who does propose something he does it and the
one who does not know e would win by any circumstance, a warrior.

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