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1975! .


Your Life and How It is Affected!
Codes: Coloured thus – Watchtower quotes Coloured thus – G.W. Comments

John 16:13 "However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU
into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears
[From Jesus] he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming." 

W.T. 1968 Page 501 35One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology
reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s
existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! [Matt. 24:34 Truly I tell you, this
generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (Fulfilled
in first century)] This is therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not
the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour
nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”
Matt. 24:36 [And yet it seems Watchtower does! Just around the corner! Last days of
the last days, in fact the very final part of the final part of the last days! Is that so!!] To
the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system
of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake it is sufficient that the
Father himself knows both the “day and hour”! (End WT. quote)

Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, page 3, "Reports are heard of brothers selling their
homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system
in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining
before the wicked world’s end."

W.T. 1976 7/15 Pg. 440 Para 10-17 10Jehovah’s word or message is true when it
speaks about our entering into God’s rest now and remaining in it through the “great
tribulation,” after which Christ’s thousand-year reign will transform the earth into a
paradise garden. God’s word is indeed ‘sharp like a two-edged sword.’ It will show
what we really are, revealing what our thoughts and the intentions of our heart are.
Are we serving Jehovah God because we love him, trust him and have full
confidence in what he says? Or are we ‘becoming weary in well-doing,’ looking for a
certain date primarily as bringing a relief to ourselves, with little concern for the lives
of other people? [Really! Where would one ever get such an idea?] (Gal. 6:9) Are we
appreciative of all the good things we have had from Jehovah and from association
with his people? Have not the things we have learned helped us in our family lives?
Do we not love the many genuine friends we have now gained as a result of knowing
the truth?—Mark 10:29-30.

It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives
according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a
certain year. They may have, for this reason, put off or neglected things that they
otherwise would have cared for. But they have missed the point of the Bible’s
warnings concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology
reveals the specific date. [What silly selfish people! I am sure no mature Christian
would ever commend such ones for this reckless think tank! Shame on these
brothers and sisters! Be the consequences of their choices on their own heads, they
need to accept full responsibility for such foolish thinking! Did W.T. say that?]
What do Jesus’ own words show concerning the proper attitude as to the end—
to look for a date, or what? [Surely nobody would be so foolish as to be ensnared
once again at any time in the future! Thinking for example; we are in the last days of
the last days or worse, talking about the final part of the final part of the last days!
Indeed one might make unwise selfish decisions in the light of such thinking, should
that happen again] He said: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never
become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and
suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those
dwelling upon the face of all the earth. Keep awake, then, all the time making
supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to
occur, and in standing before the Son of man.”—Luke 21:34-36.
Did Jesus mean that we should adjust our financial and secular affairs so that
our resources would just carry us to a certain date that we might think marks the
end? If our house is suffering serious deterioration, should we let it go, on the
assumption that we would need it only a few months longer? Or, if someone in the
family possibly needs special medical care, should we say, ‘Well, we’ll put it off
because the time is so near for this system of things to go’? This is not the kind of
thinking that Jesus advised. [No it is not so why did W.T. so praise those whom
unwisely did so?]
Then what did Jesus and the apostles mean when they spoke of being alert as
to the signs of the end, or as to “awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of
the day of Jehovah”? They meant for us to be absolutely confident that the day will
not come one moment later than Jehovah purposes. Peter said that this should
prompt us to “holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion,” being watchful that
we are living by Bible principles and that we are busy proclaiming the Kingdom
message and convincing people of the urgency of turning to God. (2 Pet. 3:11, 12) All
of us can make improvements in our worship of God, cementing a closer relationship
with him. Perhaps we have up to this time done the best we can, and have made
improvements as we went along. Does the fact that the end is very near, then, mean
to us that we should make big changes in our way of living and serving God? Not
necessarily so. However, there may be major improvements that we Scripturally
need to make. Also, if there are areas in our life in which we can ‘buy out’ time from
vain pursuits in this system we should do it. In this way, many have continued to
experience the joy of full-time “pioneer” service over the years. All of us can check to
see what we can do.—Eph. 5:15, 16.
But it is not advisable for us to set our sights on a certain date, [Is that so?]
neglecting everyday things we would ordinarily care for as Christians, such as things
that we and our families really need. We may be forgetting that, when the “day”
comes, it will not change the principle that Christians must at all times take care of all
their responsibilities. If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line
of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was
not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment , but that
his own understanding was based on wrong premises. [Premises based on what!
Accessible from whom!]
However, say that you are one who counted heavily on a date, and,
commendably, set your attention more strictly on the urgency of the times and the
need of the people to hear. And say you now, temporarily, feel somewhat
disappointed; are you really the loser? Are you really hurt? We believe you can say
that you have gained and profited by taking this conscientious course. Also, you have
been enabled to get a really mature, more reasonable viewpoint. [So the
viewpoint that was engineered into the minds of the ‘faithful’ was NOT ‘Mature’? ]
Eph. 5:1-17.
The Scriptures repeatedly tell us that the end will come as a complete surprise
upon the world. [Then how can anyone for even a moment present scary movies,
dramas or any form of written word in the aforementioned vein at this time? Who is it
that has not learned their lesson?? Who promotes and teaches various doctrines of
fear?] The apostle spoke of this, saying: “You yourselves know quite well that
Jehovah’s day [for judgment] is coming exactly as a thief in the night.” (1 Thess. 5:2)
So that true Christians would not be ‘overtaken as thieves,’ Jesus said even to his
disciples back there, and to us today: “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do
not know on what day your Lord is coming.” Thereafter he said: “Prove yourselves
ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.”
(Matt. 24:42-44) These clear statements of Jesus indicate that God’s servants will
never be given the date of Christ’s “coming” for judgment until it actually takes place .
[Agreed, agreed!] In fact, it will come at what appears to them an ‘unlikely’ time.—
Luke 12:39, 40.

In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability

of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: “If anyone has been disappointed
through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting
his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and
brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong
premises.” [Yes again I say; those rank and file members who run around with these
twisted viewpoints do need adjusting, but in fairness to them the readjusting should
come from those who did the misleading! I clearly remember, as an adult at that time,
I was not running about making up any silly personal date predictions, I was misled
by those I trusted. I am now repulsed by those responsible!]

(In saying “If anyone has been disappointed” July 15, 1976, The Watchtower
included all disappointed ones of Jehovah’s Witnesses, hence (including persons
having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the build-up of
hopes centred on that date.) [And that friends is the nearest thing, that slightly
resembles an ‘apology’ from Watchtower]

The Watchtower, March 15, 1980, p.17 "With the appearance of the book Life
Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God, ... considerable expectation was
aroused regarding the year 1975. ... there were other statements published that
implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a
mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently
overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a build-up of the expectation
already initiated. ... persons having to do with the publication of the information ...
contributed to the build-up of hopes centred on that date." [What cautionary
statements? Then why: A similar anticipatory build-up at this time! 2020-2021]

By the mid-1940s it had been decided that the chronology used during
presidencies of Russell and Rutherford, was off some 100 years as regards the count
of time back to Adam’s creation. [Blame the King James Bible, they did!] In 1966, the
organization said that, instead of coming in 1874 as previously taught, the end of six
thousand years of human history would arrive in 1975. This was published in the
summer of 1966 in a book written by Fred Franz, titled Life Everlasting in Freedom of
the Sons of God. In its first chapter, the book drew upon the Jubilee arrangement,
which had also featured prominently in the predictions relating to 1925, and it argued
(as had also been done back then) in favour of belief in six “days” of a thousand
years. “Page 35 Life Everlasting”

W.T. 68 Pg. 272, 273 Para.6-13 6After 6,000 years of misery, toil, trouble,
sickness and death under Satan’s rule, mankind is indeed in dire need of relief, a
rest. The seventh day of the Jewish week, the Sabbath, would well picture the final
1,000-year reign of God’s kingdom under Christ when mankind would be uplifted
from 6,000 years of sin and death. (Rev. 20:6) Hence, when Christians note from
God’s timetable the approaching end of 6,000 years of human history, it fills them
with anticipation. Particularly is this true because the great sign of the “last days” has
been in the course of fulfilment since the beginning of the “time of the end” in 1914.
And, as Jesus said, “this generation will by no means pass away until all these things
occur.” Matt. 24:34 Some of the generation that discerned the beginning of the time

of the end in 1914 will still be alive on earth to witness the end of this present wicked
system of things at the battle of Armageddon.—Rev. 16:14, 16.
The immediate future is certain to be filled with climactic events, for this old
system is nearing its complete end. Within a few years at most the final parts of
Bible prophecy relative to these “last days” will undergo fulfilment, resulting in the
liberation of surviving mankind into Christ’s glorious 1,000-year reign. What difficult
days, but, at the same time, what grand days are just ahead!
Does this mean that the year 1975 will bring the battle of Armageddon? No one
can say with certainty what any particular year will bring. Jesus said: “Concerning
that day or the hour nobody knows.” (Mark 13:32) Sufficient is it for God’s servants to
know for a certainty that, for this system under Satan, time is running out rapidly.
How foolish a person would be not to be awake and alert to the limited time
remaining, to the earthshaking events soon to take place, and to the need to work out
one’s salvation! [Definitely; no build-up of anticipation here!!]
Satan the Devil also knows that the time left is very reduced. Revelation 12:12
states: “The Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a
short period of time.” Satan the Devil has a real problem where time is concerned. He
has very little left. What he would not give to have more time to work out his debased
purposes! But he does not, and so is furious. You can be certain that he will use that
remaining time to his best advantage in opposing God and his servants on earth.
“And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the
remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the
work of bearing witness to Jesus.” Rev. 12:17. (End WT. quote)

How “cautionary” are these references? (“The immediate future,” to “a few

years at most,” “certainty” and “very reduced”) Might these ‘Cautious words’,
overshadow the ‘genuinely cautious words’ of our Lord, Jesus?

Again and again the Watch Tower publications quoted statements made by
‘people of prominence’ or ‘experts’ in any field who made some reference to 1975, for
example, the statement made in 1960 by former U.S. Secretary of State Dean
Acheson, who said: I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in 15
years from today, [hence, by 1975] this world is going to be too dangerous to live in.
The book Famine—1975! Published in 1967 by two food experts, was quoted
repeatedly, particularly these statements, in many ways reminiscent of Russell’s
predictions regarding 1914. ‘By 1975 a disaster of unprecedented magnitude will face
the world. Famines, greater than any in history, will ravage the undeveloped nations.
I forecast a specific date, 1975, when the new crisis will be upon us in all its
awesome importance. By 1975 civil disorder, anarchy, military dictatorships, runaway
inflation, transportation breakdowns and chaotic unrest will be the order of the day in
many of the hungry nations’.

Three years after the original focusing on 1975 in the book ‘Life Everlasting in
Freedom of the Sons of God’, the author, Fred Franz, wrote another publication titled
‘The Approaching Peace of a Thousand Years’. If anything, the language in it was
even more definite and specific than in the previous publication. Released in 1969, it
contained these statements on pages 25 & 26 - The argumentation here is quite
clear and direct: (“As the sabbath was the seventh period following six periods of toil,
so the thousand-year reign of Christ would be a sabbatical seventh millennium
following those six millenniums of toil and suffering”. The presentation is in no sense
indefinite or ambiguous. Even as it had been determined what would be “appropriate”
and “fitting” for God to do, so also a requirement is now set out for Jesus Christ. For
him to be what he says he will be, ‘Lord of the sabbath day,’ then his reign “would
have to be” the seventh millennium in a series of millenniums.”) (End W.T. quote)

Human reasoning imposes this requirement upon God’s Son. Six thousand
years would end in 1975; Christ’s rule, according to the argument, “would have to be”
the seventh period of a thousand years following the previous six. The “faithful and
discreet slave” - (Watchtower) had, in effect, outlined the program he expected his
Master to adhere to if he was to be true to his own word.

It must be remembered that the organization was not a novice in this field. Its
whole history from its very inception was one of building up people’s hope in certain
dates only to have those dates pass with the hope unrealized. In past cases the
publications of the W.T. Society subsequently sought to place the responsibility for
any disillusionment on the receivers, not the givers, of the information, as inclined to
expect too much. Surely, then, the responsible men of the organization should have
realized the danger, realized what human nature is, realized how easily great hopes
can be excited. While carefully avoiding any explicit prediction that a specific date
would see the start of the millennium, those men responsible, approved the use of;
the phrases, “within relatively few years,” “the immediate future,” “within a few years
at most,” “only a few years, at most,” “the final few years,” all used in the Watchtower
and Awake! Magazines [Hoping all will fail to remember! Now again; the ‘last days of
the last days’ in 2020-2021!] with reference to the beginning of the millennial reign
and all in a context that included the date 1975. Are people’s hopes and plans and
feelings something to be toyed with? To fail to be concerned about those factors is
both irresponsible and insensitive.

W.T. 68 Pg. 500 Para 35 “One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology
reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s
existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore,
no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the
words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels
of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matt. 24:36 To the contrary, it is a
time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly

coming to its violent end. Make no mistake it is sufficient that the Father himself
knows both the “day and hour”! (End WT quote)

How could a “faithful and discreet slave” possibly say this— in effect, say that,
“True, my master said thus and so, but don’t make too much of that; to the contrary,
realize that what I am telling you should be the guiding force in your life”?

Some of the most direct statements came from the Brooklyn Service
Department which produces “Kingdom Ministry,” a monthly paper. The March, 1968,
issue of the U.S. edition urged getting into full-time preaching activity (“pioneer

The May, 1974, issue of Kingdom Ministry, having referred to the “short time
left,” said: Para 3 Yes, the end of this system is so very near! Is that not reason to
increase ‘our’ activity? [Read ‘your’ activity] In this regard we can learn something
from a runner who puts on a final burst of speed near the finish of a race. Look at
Jesus, who apparently stepped up his activity during his final days on earth. In fact,
over 27 percent of the material in the Gospels is devoted to just the last week of
Jesus’ earthly ministry!
Para 6 Circumstances such as poor health or responsibilities in connection with your
family may limit what you can do in the field ministry. And yet, the pioneer ranks
include many who have health limitations, as well as some persons with families. But
these brothers and sisters are able to regulate their lives so that they can care for
their responsibilities and still put in the 1,200 hours a year, an average of 100 hours a
month in the field ministry, required of pioneers. [Gal.6:4 Each one should test their
own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing
themselves to someone else, NIV So regardless, if you have been running hard the
past 50 or 60 years and you are 70, 80 or 90 years of age, you have never done
quite enough!!]

Para 8 So then, ask yourself: How am I using my life? Can I make adjustments that
will enable me to pioneer? If I can, will failure to do so indicate to Jehovah that I am
living to satisfy personal desires, rather than to do His will? Every one of us wants to
be able to say, as did the apostle Paul, “Indeed, the life that I now live in flesh I live
by the faith that is toward the Son of God, who loved me and handed himself over for
me. I do not shove aside the undeserved kindness of God.” (End WT quote)

Quite a number of Witnesses did just that. Some sold their businesses, gave up jobs,
sold homes, farms and moved with their wives and children to other areas to ‘serve
where the need was greater,’ counting on having sufficient funds to carry them
through 1975. Others, including some older persons, cashed in insurance policies or
other valuable certificates. Some put off surgical operations in the hope that the
millennium’s entrance would eliminate the need for these. When 1975 passed and
their funds ran out or their health worsened seriously, they now had to try to cope
with the hard realities and rebuild as best they could. Are people’s lives to be so
trifled with!

Matthew 24:36 Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the
angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father!

Matthew 24:42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on
what day your Lord is coming.

Matthew 24:44 On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at
an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of Man is coming.

Mark 13:33 Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the
appointed time is.

Acts 1:7 It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons
which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. [In other words; mind your own
business! And stop trying to outwit the Father!]

It seems, the really important factor is; how such predictions ultimately reflect on
God and on his Word. When men make such forecasts and say that they are doing it
on the basis of the Bible, build up arguments for these from the Bible, assert that they
are God’s “channel” of communication—what is the effect when their forecasts prove
false? Does it honour God or build up faith in Him and in the reliability of his Word?
Or is the opposite the result! Does it not give added inducement for some to feel
justified in placing little importance upon the Bible’s message and teachings! Those
Witnesses who made major changes in their lives in most cases could, and did, pick
up the pieces and go on living in spite of being disillusioned. Not all could! Whatever
the case, however, serious damage had been done in more ways than one!

Deut.18:20-22 20But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in my name or who
speaks in the name of another god must die.’ 21“But you may wonder, ‘How will we
know whether or not a prophecy is from the LORD?’ 22If the prophet speaks in the
LORD’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that
the LORD did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority
and need not be feared.

Jeremiah 23:16, 21, 31-32 16This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Do not listen
to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They
speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD. 21I did not send
these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet
they have prophesied.   31Yes,” declares the LORD, “I am against the prophets who
wag their own tongues and yet declare; ‘The  LORD  declares.’  32Indeed, I am against
those who prophesy false dreams,” declares the LORD. “They tell them and lead my
people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not
benefit these people in the least,” declares the LORD. NIV

Many other dates scantly known by the general populace of Jehovah’s Witnesses
are listed below to show a long established pattern of PREDICTION-FAIL –
PREDICTION-FAIL; AGAIN and AGAIN! QUESTION: Does either Jehovah or Jesus
Christ send indefinite or inaccurate messages to his servants? Perhaps aiming to
keep them in some kind of suspenseful mind-set! Refer again to Deuteronomy and
Jeremiah, and ask yourself; would those verses support such a conclusion?

1780 date for the first sign of the Last Days.

1799 Last Days began.

1829 termination of the 1290 days of Daniel 12:11.

1840 Seventh trumpet sounds from now till 1914.

1846 The 2300 days point to this date for temple cleansing.

1873 6,000 years of creation ended. The Watchtower did not change their
workings on the 6,000 years until 1943, when they started to say that due to
inaccuracies in the King James Bible they had wrongly stated 1873 and that the
6,000 years actually ended in 1975. (See Proclaimers footnote p.133)

1874 Start of Jesus invisible presence.

1878 Jesus King in Heaven! Start of resurrection of the saints (Anointed).

Return of God’s favour to the Jews. Rejection of Catholicism!

1880 all the signs of the end were said to have started…

1881 Sealing of the 144,000 complete! 1914 End of the World!

1906 Russell predicts a great war to begin.

1910 Bible Students to be taken to heaven.

1914 Redirect – Last days begin. Start Jesus Invisible Presence. Jesus becomes
King in Heaven. End of gentile times. End of Armageddon! Fall of false religion. End
of all Governments. Resurrection begins. Start of Jesus 1,000 year reign and
Paradise earth. The end in October!

1915 The end that did not occur in 1914 would do so by the end of 1915. 1917 World
War 1 to end on October 1st!??

1918 Harvest work to finish. Destruction of all Religion! Resurrection of heavenly
ones to start! The spring of 1918 will mark the beginning of the closing up of all
activities of the ‘kingdom class’ on this side of the veil.

1920 We anticipate that the "fire" will come in the fall of 1920. All apostates of
Christianity gone in the fall of 1920!

1921 Closing of the calling to Heaven!

1925 End of the World within months. Resurrection of the ancient ‘faithful’! Abraham,
Job and others to live in ‘Beth Sarim’! - (Be sure to Google this one) Beginning of
Paradise earth!

1932 Destruction of Christendom!

1935 Date for the sealing of the 144,000, a date of constant change, originally set at
1878. Then moved to 1881, 1910, 1914, 1925, 1931 and finally 1935! In 2007 as

1938 Because the end is so near, Jehovah's Witnesses are told to wait until after
Armageddon to "marry and rear children" Wt.Nov.1, 1938, p.323

1940’s The remaining months before Armageddon!

1943 The book, ‘The Truth Shall Make You Free’; 5,971 years of humanities possible
6,000 years, had already elapsed. Therefore, only 29 years were left. Adding 29
years to 1943 would bring the end in 1972. "We are therefore near the end of six
thousand years of human history, tremendous events at hand foreshadowed by
those of Noah's day" (p 152) [The only foreshadowing of Noah’s day mentioned by
Jesus was their lack of ‘taking note’!]

1951 Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D, 37 years after Jesus death. In 1951 it was
stated we are 37 years into the ""time of the end" of Satan's world"…

1952 Concept of ‘generation’ introduced. Repeated adjustments as for ‘sealing’

144,000! Now an overlapping ‘generation’ with a potential 2114 with a few tweaks! A
redefining of the meaning of the term ‘generation’!

1966 The seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of
1975 C.E. It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to the
loving purpose of Jehovah God for the reign of  Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath,
to run parallel with the seventh millennium of man’s existence. ‘Life Everlasting in
Freedom of the Sons of God’ p.29+!

1968 "To calculate where man is in the stream of time relative to God's seventh day
of 7,000 years… a time has elapsed from the year of Adam and Eve's creation in

4026 B.C.E. bring us to the autumn of 1975, Hence, when Christians note from God's
timetable the approaching end of 6,000 years of human history, it fills them with
anticipation" (Watchtower, 1 May 1968, p. 271).

1968 One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible
prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes,
within this generation! …it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of
this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end.

1975 6,000 years of human life! The end strongly implied! (See above!)

1986 The United Nations year of peace. Stirs excitement due to a warped
explanation of 1Thess.5:2-3!

1988 On the cover of the Awake! Magazine; is the question, "Are We In The Last

Days?" Also told that: "The Hebrews reckon seventy-five years as one
generation." NOTE: 1914+75 = 1989 Likewise today, most of the generation of 1914
has passed away…Jesus’ words will come true, “this generation will certainly not
pass away until all these things have happened.” (End W.T. quote) Really! If you
wish for a Biblical reference to a possible generation length reference Matt. 1. Where
there is reference to 42 generations from Abraham to Messiah. If Abraham was born
2018 BCE, as Watchtower claims, (See Insight on Scriptures) and Messiah arrived
29 CE that is a total of 2,047 years divided by 42 generations = 48.65 years for a
generation. Now that would not sit well with Watchtower would it! No interpretations
or prophetic claims are being made here. Just saying!

1989 The work started by the apostle Paul would be completed ‘in our 20th century’,
Watchtower 1989 Jan 1 p.12 "He was laying a foundation for a work that would
be completed in our 20th century." with indications ‘much closer’ than that. Later
changed in bound volumes, CD and on-line to ‘in our day’!

2019 Kenneth Flodin (Governing Body Helper) states: Not later than 2025!

Identifying the Right Kind of Messenger

Isaiah 44:24-26 24“This is what the LORD (Jehovah) says—… 25who foils the signs of
false prophets and makes fools of diviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise
and turns it into nonsense, 26who carries out the words of his servants and fulfils the
predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, ‘It shall be inhabited,’ of the
towns of Judah, ‘They shall be rebuilt,’ and of their ruins, ‘I will restore them,’. NIV

(W.T. 97 5/1 Pg. 8 “JEHOVAH GOD is the Grand Identifier of his true
messengers. He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them
come true. Jehovah is also the Great Exposer of false messengers. How does he
expose them? He frustrates their signs and predictions. In this way he shows that
they are self-appointed prognosticators, whose messages really spring from their
own false reasoning—yes, their foolish, fleshly thinking!”) (End Watchtower quote)
[Do they really understand what they are saying? They have just identified
themselves as ‘false prophets’ whom Jehovah foils!]

Watchtower 2014 May 1 p.3 "RELIGIOUS LEADERS sometimes predict tragic

worldwide events to warn mankind and gather followers. Doomsday prophet Harold
Camping and his disciples widely advertised that the earth would be destroyed in
2011. Needless to say, the world is still here." (End Watchtower Quotes)

[Can you believe the cheek! The gall! The audacity! The effrontery! The temerity! The

[See in the following paragraph my Questions based on this article] Act Wisely
During a Time of Peace (Sub Head “USING TIMES OF PEACE TODAY” – the WT.
Study article Sept. 2020! WHEN, do you think, might it be most challenging to serve
Jehovah—when you are dealing with difficult problems or when your life is relatively
peaceful? When we face challenges, we readily rely on Jehovah. But what do we do
when our lives are peaceful? Might we become distracted from serving God?
Jehovah warned the Israelites about this very possibility. Deut. 6:10-12.) (End WT.

[So yesterday the times were so critical we were in the last moments of the
‘last days’, ‘the storm clouds before the end’ and now we have gone reverse order to
the ‘calm before the storm’! Are you keeping up with this??] Does anyone see a call
to arms for more incitement to top-up the coffers? Or fear mongering? Or is the end
perhaps getting farther away? Oh well, just sell a few thousand more Kingdom Halls,
that should keep things rolling on for a while!!
Watchtower 1919 Oct 1 p. 297. "This was the test - the coming down of fire;
and the fulfilment exactly on time has proved that Pastor Russell was one of God's
great reformers and prophets." [Are you kidding me?]
Watchtower 1959 Jan 15 pg. 39-41 "For an answer, people should listen to
the plain preaching by the remnant prefigured by Jeremiah, for these preach to men
the present-day fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecies. Who made them a prophet to
speak with the authority that they claim? Well, who made Jeremiah a prophet?" [So
they are prophets! I thought they said otherwise?]
Watchtower 1964 Oct 1 p.601 "Those who do not read can hear, for God has
on earth today a prophet-like organization, just as he did in the days of the early
Christian congregation." [Oh, 5 years later they are ‘prophet-like’. They must have
failed at being a real prophet like Jesus!]
Awake! 1993 Mar 22 p.4 "Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus'
second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of
this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did
they presume to originate predictions 'in the name of Jehovah.' Never did they say,
'These are the words of Jehovah.'" (End WT. quotes) [Really! Is that not what they
said; every month in the Awake! Magazine?]

As a footnote it justifies itself with the statement that it does not predict "in
Jehovah's name", when on this very page is the Awake!'s old mission statement that;
("it builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world
before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away,") a statement that
was changed when the generation teaching was likewise changed, due to the false
predictions it encompassed. [Are they once again prophesying in the creator’s

Watchtower 1936 Feb 15 p. 52 "No man can properly interpret prophecy, and

the Lord sends his angels to transmit correct information to his people." [Is that so;
Angels interpret prophecy. This is getting interesting!]

Reasoning from the Scriptures p.132 ‘False Prophets’ Definition –: "Individuals

and organizations (1 proclaiming messages that they attribute to a superhuman
source [like angels] but that (2 do not originate with the true God [Fail to come true]
and (3 are not in harmony with his revealed will.")

Furthermore, a ‘clever technique’ for the Watchtower is to refer to ‘failed

predictions’ with innocuous terms such as incomplete truths or mistakes, rather than
what they truthfully are - false prophecy. Notice how innocuous it sounds to describe
Rutherford's false teachings as "inaccurate expectations" rather than "false
prophecies". The Watchtower indicates mistakes are minor expectational changes,
attacking any that claim they have made false predictions as evilly motivated

Watchtower 1986 Mar. 15 p. 19 "Some opposers claim that Jehovah's

Witnesses are false prophets. These opponents say that dates have been set, but
nothing has happened. Again we ask: *What is the motive of these critics? …the
need to revise our understanding somewhat does not make us false prophets…")
[Note they blame the critics and accept no responsibility themselves!] [And I must
ask; ‘*what is Watchtower’s motive’ for their woeful record of prediction?]
One must wonder how the Watchtower can make such false predictions and
yet have millions of members that still trust, that their words are directed by God.
Firstly, many Witnesses are unaware of the religions historical teachings, and the
extent of doctrinal changes.

The organization, however, treats these mistakes as mere evidence of human imperfection
and also as evidence of great desire and enthusiasm to see God’s promises fulfilled.

I believe that the “record” shows there is more to it than that. It is one thing for a man to
make an “ass” of himself because of wanting to see something happen. It is quite another
thing for him to urge others to share his views, to criticize them if they do not, even to
question their faith or impugn their motives if they do not see the matter as he sees it.

It is still more serious for an organization representing itself as God’s appointed spokesman
to all mankind to do this— and to do it, not for a few days or months, but for years, even
decades, repeatedly, on an earthwide basis. The responsibility for the results can surely not
be shrugged off with simply saying, “Well, nobody’s perfect.” Deut.

The test of a true prophet is that their statements are correct and teachings in
line with the words of Jehovah. [No true prophet prophesied correctly only some of
the time.] Irrespective of whether the Watchtower Society rightfully considers itself a
prophet, it is certain that the [issuing of false doctrine and unfulfilled predictions were
not at the bequest of Jehovah.] Any statement not coming true was not from
Jehovah. Remember Deut.18:20-22! Yet David Splane claims; of their completely
erroneous ‘JOEL’ prophecy interpretation that [‘it just wasn’t the time for Jehovah to
tell them’.] [So this time the fault for the decades long false prophecy, lies with
Peter warned that false prophets would arise! 2 Peter 2:1 "However, there
also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false
teachers among YOU. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will
disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon
themselves." NWT

The failed date predictions and ongoing prophetic changes present us with
one of two options: 1 - Information in the Watchtower is from Jehovah, in which case
he has been lying to us! (DO NOT MALIGN MY GOD!) Or 2 - Jehovah is not behind
what the "Governing Body" presents in the Watchtower publications and ‘they’ have
been lying to us!

Since the nineteenth century, few religions prove to fit this description more
closely than Watchtower. Jehovah's Witnesses are by far the most prominent group
in modern times prophesying the world's end, including specific dates and time
frames. Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to [dismiss changes and errors as either
mistaken eagerness or incomplete truths], yet there is only one logical conclusion
that can be drawn from over a century of prophetic failures:

Jehovah is not behind the information presented by the
Watchtower Organization!


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