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[Type here] Version 1.

0 September 29, 2020

Cloud & On Prem installation SmartSync Guide


The purpose of this document is to set down a standard to be used for the Cloud WFM installations and
for On Prem installations.


To allow all parties Services, Support, Devops, Training and customer to know what to expect when
using SmartSync in Cloud/On Prem environment. This document does not address the use of
SmartSync API.

Secondary but equally important is to ease the installation of SmartSync reducing the amount of
work/time needed for these to be configured and ready to be used by having a baseline set up already
done and sitting on servers. The hope is that only a small number of configuration changes will be
needed to adjust to customer specific requirements.

The basic file structure though should remain so that Training and ultimately the customer will know
what they are for adhoc runs.

Cloud installation are using the HA option. We are installing the SmartSync items on same server as
swxiface so all the ftp processing is from App2.

On Prem installations will mirror that guideline and put the SmartSync items on the same server as

SmartSync Export Configs

The basic file structure will include a customer# folder with minimum of customer1 always existing and
other customers/tenants added as needed.

Under config/exports/customer1 a folder for each different group of exports

will be added, within that folder there will be the adv, modules, mu.1, ct.1
and any necessary files for the SmartSync export to run. The example here is

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SmartSync Output

Output folder structure similar to the config will have a customer# folder. Default will be customer1,
and additional customer# folders can be created as needed copied from customer1.

The folder structure will be same as to the left. These are place holders for
files to be imported into and files to be exported out. This file structure will
be communicated to the Training department as well; so their training to
customers will expect the file structure below.

NOTE: the ftp folder is a shared drive. This is accessible from App1 and
App2 where the two SmartSync nodes run to allow for HA of the SmartSync

[Type here] Version 1.0 September 29, 2020

SmartSync Import Folders

FTP imports folder will contain the folders to the left. This
should account for all the variations of the imports such as
Agent, forecast, history, mu_open, history, schedules,

The switches directory will be for ACD integrations and will have similar set up
with customer specified folder and then ACD numbers below it.

[Type here] Version 1.0 September 29, 2020

Configuration folders and Location for Imports

Ftp executable and configs

The ftp executables will be in /totalview/custbin and will include both the executable to be run as well
as configs needed for the ftp process.

For Cloud customers we will want to use powershell scripts as the mode of executing the ftp process.

The custbin as with all the other folders will have a customer# folder with
minimal of customer1 where all the configs for that tenant will reside.
The /totalview/custbin/base will contain the default configs, xml files, and
executibles needed.

The /totaview/custbin/base folder will contain the default setup

information such as xml files, config files, txt files and such for the building
of smartsyncs from scratch if needed.

Powershell usage for ftp process. This provides better logging and more control over the ftp process
itself. This should be set up for you by default but if you have trouble see troubleshooting section at
bottom of this document.

[Type here] Version 1.0 September 29, 2020

FTP site

The ftp site should have the following folder structure

Scheduled tasks

Several baseline scheduled tasks have already been created and already pointing to the expected
executable and directories. These should be run a NETWORK SERVICE and are powershell scripts.

The ps1 files and my_commands.txt files are already set up to be used. The ps1 should already have the
credentials entered into them if not then see below troubleshooting for doing it manually. The only
item you will need to configure is the my_command.txt to edit it as needed for anything customer
specific needs.

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New scheduled task can of course be created as needed using these as baselines. Any task that is being
used to FTP files to the eft site can be used again as long as the username/password and eft site location
doesn’t change. If any of these do change the new information will need to be stored in the password


Any install set up previous to June 2020 may not have all the permissions or folder structure set up as of
yet. Retrofitting older installs to new format would be along term project and so will take some time.

So, if you start to work on a server that doesn’t have the folder structure or files yet and this is a new
installation then please set it up following the above formatting. If this is just an add to the current
structure then you will likely have to use its current set up and leave the standardization to the AppOps
team to work with customer and schedule.

The following steps are command you can you to set up the powershell scripts to ensure they have
proper permissions and access to data to run. These command have to be run in Powershell as

1. Give permissions of network service to the Devops scripts used in the powershell commands.
Set-NiceAcl -User 'nt authority\network service' -Path C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet
-Permissions Modify -PropagationFlags InheritOnly

2. Give permissions to the network service to the folders it will need to write to in the Totalview
Set-NiceAcl -User 'nt authority\network service' -Path D:\totalview -Permissions Modify
-PropagationFlags InheritOnly

3. Storing password in password safe for the Powershell to extract

In the below command you must supply the ftp site username, password and ftp site name.
Replace the eft_customerwfm with username

Replace the Password123 with the password

Replace the with the ftp site FQDN – do not use IP address.

Add-NiceVaultCredential -UserName eft_customerwfm -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString

Password123 -asplaintext -force) -Resource

Converting to Powershell

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If you have a scheduled task that is not running as a powershell but rather running as a bat file
you can convert it to a powershell using the following command. All previous steps will need to
be run first as well. This will update the current scheduled task to make it run as network
service, it will create a ps1 file and have the schedule task run that.

Convert-NicePSFTPTaskUser -TaskName 'ACD File Transfer'

NOTE 1: the username in the bat file must not have quotes single or double around them.
NOTE 2: You will need to replace ‘ACD Filie Transfer’ to the exact name with correct case of the
scheduled task you want to convert.


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