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Pronounce THE

1. pronounce “THE” with a long sound (like "thee")

∙ When ‘the’ comes before a vowel sound

vowel sound write say

a the apple thee apple

e the egg thee egg

i the ice-cream thee ice-cream

o the orange thee orange

u the ugli fruit thee ugli fruit

2. pronounce “THE” with a short sound (like "thuh")

∙ When ‘the’ comes before a consonant sound

we write with we say because

the house consonant h thuh house Consonant sound

the hour consonant h thee our vowel sound

the university vowel u thuh youniversity consonant sound

the umbrella vowel u thee umbrella vowel sound

* Emphatic the [thee]
∙ When we wish to place emphasis on a particular word, we can use
"emphatic the" [thee], whether or not the word begins with a consonant or
vowel sound. For example: It is important to understand that it is what
we say that matters, not what we write.
A: I saw the [thuh] President yesterday.
B: What! The [thee] President of the United
A: Yes, exactly!

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