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ENROLLMENT NO: 2008092165

Article on ‘The most common characteristics of
Successful Entrepreneurship’

1. Open minded:
Entrepreneurs realize that every event and situation is a
business opportunity and they are really open minded with
its customers for ex. An entrepreneur starts a workout app
company wherein gym-goers can connect with personal

2. Self-starter:
Entrepreneurs know that if something needs to be done, they
should start it means who have his own ability
or skill in his field for ex. Interior designer, web designer.

3. Risk taking:
Successful entrepreneurs are willing to risk time and money
on an uncertain future, but also keep resources and make
plans to deal with unknown problems foe ex. Expanding a
business in other city or country.

4. Product knowledge:
A successful entrepreneur has a knowledge about its
products so they give proper guidance to his subordinates for
ex. Patanjali owner baba Ramdev has proper knowledge of
its products.

5. Understand the market:

Successful entrepreneurs know their market and their
product inside and out for ex. Tata company launch nano car
for lower class and middle-class people in India.
6. Persuasion:
Entrepreneurs will often encounter customers and suppliers.
They need to have the ability to persuade people to buy their
business. For ex Saira khan is an entrepreneur who had to
rely on persuasion skills to survive on the apprentice. She
now has multiple careers including a baby product business.

7. Initiative:
Entrepreneurs should always be pro-active and look out for
new business opportunities. They have to think outside the
box. For ex. Mark Zuckerberg the creator of Facebook, He
wanted to find a way for people to share media and stay

8. Creativity:
Becoming a entrepreneur starts with an idea. You need to
see opportunities, find innovative ways to do things and
bring solutions to the public for ex. OYO rooms and Paytm.

9. Passion:
Passion is what drives entrepreneurs. They usually love what
they do, and this helps them invest their time in their projects
for ex. Steve jobs was not passionate about computer
hardware but he was passionate about building tools that
would help people unleash their personal activity.

10.Decision making:
Entrepreneurs need to make quick decisions and take action
for the success of their business.


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