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Rating writing assignments for English 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Band descriptors from English Discoveries rubric for assessing writing tasks
Rate Development Language Use Score
Very good * You include key * You use complex and simple sentence structures 18-20
information and/or clearly accurately.
state an opinion. * You use both simple and advanced vocabulary accurately.
* You use supporting * General mechanics (spelling/punctuation/grammar) are
ideas. accurate.
* Your writing is well 
organized and ideas are
clearly connected.
Good * You include most key * You use some complex, but mostly simple sentence 15-17
information and/or have structures which are generally accurate.
stated an opinion. * You use some advanced, but mostly simple vocabulary
* You have used some which is generally accurate.
supporting ideas. * General mechanics (spelling/punctuation/grammar) are
* Your writing is generally generally accurate.
well organized and ideas
are at times connected.
Keep working * You may need to You may need to improve your use of sentence structures, 05-14
improve the way you vocabulary and mechanics (spelling/punctuation/grammar).
express key information
and/or give opinions.
* You may need to
improve your ability to
provide support,
organization and cohesion.
No submission in due time/Task is written in Spanish 00


 English Discoveries- Edusoft

 Cambridge English assessment scales

 El alumno que comete una falta contra la probidad académica en la actividad de producción escrita
recibe una calificación equivalente a cero en dicha actividad (calificación correspondiente al criterio
de evaluación TA).
 La reiterancia de la falta será informada a las autoridades para el debido proceso disciplinario.

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