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Sept 2019 recalls

1. Child with kwashiorkor, hepatomegaly- what deposit in liver? Lipofusin?

2. Pain between 3rd and 4th toes , pain elected by vertical compression on metatarsal
heads. Morton neuroma?
3. Shoulder dislocation - no fracture, AC dislocation Coracoclavicular ligament?
4. Embolization of vessel supplying sigmoid at L3 anterior branch of aorta- IMA
5. Young female pt with blood discharge. answer duct papilloma
6. sickle cell child with osteomyelitis answer salmonella
7. Lady with thyroid swelling with forehead pulsatile swelling. answer follicular carcinoma
8. Features of thyroid chrisis - no major symptoms mention - photophobia, somnolence etc
9. Lateral thumb and index dermatome/sensation - c6
10. Supination and pronation of arm- c5
11. Back pain with radicular pain to leg showing MRI pic
12. TM joint - synovial joint?
13. Lower jaw protruding on opening ™ joint?
14. Articular disc in ™ joint
15. Salivary stone impaction scenario
16. Histology of patient with Rheumatoid arthritis joint - what found?
17. Histological features of gout - negative perfringence…..
18. Mediastinal biopsy- Hassal corpuscles - thymoma
19. DVT regarding Homan test - Hallux extension, Hallux flexion, Planterflexion,
20. DVT prophylaxis for patient with IHD and peripheral vascular d/s . a. Stocking,
b.infractionated heparin 1000 unit hrly, c. LMWH, d. LMWH with pneumatic compression
21. DVT prophylaxis regarding patient with antithrombin 3 deficiency - a. warfarin lifelong,
b.wafarin 3 or 6 months, c IVC filter
22. DVT prophylaxis for recurrent PE - IVC filter
23. Injury to shin - wound dirty - split skin graft...etc
24. Burn to leg, wound 7×5 cm exposing tibia - skin grat, free flap,
25. A young woman with breast cyst- aspirated to dry- cytology NAD. No follow up, culture of
aspirated fluid, excision of cyst
26. Middle age woman with breast cyst- Mx - aspirations, Excision.
27. A young woman with 2 cm size right thyroid swelling. Biopsy show papillary with no
metastatis. Tx- Right hemothyriodectomy, subtotal, total
28. A pregnant woman 6 weeks with Grave disease (palpitations etc)- Tx - propranolol,
29. Lap: Cholecystectomy patient, 1 months later, unremitting jaundice with pale stool, dark
urine - Residual CBD stone, Bile duct injury
30. Acute Cholecystectomy patient with known MRSA carrier - Tx - daily bath, mupirocin to
nose, IV antibiotics
31. Canadian girl with mild jaundice, anaemia, splenomegaly- sickle cells disease,
32. Wound healing 2nd phase - Vitamin C
33. A patient with 50% BSA Burn - Fluid requirement in first 24 hrs - 10-13 L, 14-16L, >17L
34. A kid, with Hydrocele fluid in which layer - tunica vaginalist
35. A kid with sudden onset scrotal pain, visible black spot above testes - testicular torsion,
Morgani cyst torsion
36. Inguinal hernia repair, patient lost extension of knee. Which nerve?
37. September 2019 recall
38. Head trauma, depressed fracture, management: a. Refer to neurosurgery ,b. CT head
within one hours,c. CT head within 8 hours

39. Bluish colored flatulent swelling under tongue - Ranula .due to sublingual gland?small
salivary gland tumor? Submental lymph nodes
40. Weak sensation of lat aspect of tongue after sugery.glosso nerve?
41. Q concerned with Cerebral perfusion pressure calculation BP 110/80 ICP18. Ans 72,
42. A man with left loin colicky pain. Imaging -Stone impaction at vesicoureteric junction.
Where visible? a. Ischeal tuberosity b. ischial spine c. L2-4 transverse process
43. How to count vertebrae on xray.bifid spinous process?
44. Cori cycle. The following cells depends on Cori cycle for O2 completely.
45. A lady with persistent creamy dischrge from breast.ductal ectasia
46. A lady with Thyroid swelling and high calcitonin .medullary ca
47. Bp measurement via ordinal/nominal data? A. Paired T test b. Unpaired T test, Man
Whitney test
48. 6yr,short leg,limb pain for 3 months - perthes disease
49. Mass in old age.invasive ca
50. 13yr kid,no internal rotation adduction.externally rotated n limb pain.slipped
51. Scalp laceration with dirt no other lose.a. simple suture b. wound deb with sec intention
52. Tension haemo-pneumonthorax .chest drain with active suction
53. After trauma.pain on extremes of supination n pronation.injury to radial/post interr?
54. Mixed resp met acidosis scenrio
55. Hypercalcemia.give . initial treatment a. 9% n/saline b. Palmidronate
56. A man hit with some thing - Depressed fracture. A. immediate ct b. CT later within 6 hrs?
57. Ruptured ct
58. A case of suspected PE, what investigation . CTPA, VQ perfusion scan
59. Femur fracture dypniac,tachycardiac .rash appear.fat embolism

60. 1/ acase of AAA with 6 cm with distal gangrine. Cause of gangrene Ans arterial
embolism (trash foot)...other atherosclerosis ...thrombus٣...
61. A case of gangrene of the toe On Doppler USG wave form - Ans; monophasic with low
flow velocity...other options triaphasic doppler signal ....biphasic doppler ...monphasic
with high velocity
62. Elderly pt with AAA with knee pain Cause of the aneurysm ....answer : correct
atherosclosis..other marfan ...thrombosis… one autoimmune disease can't recall.
63. A lady with varicose vein clinical examination suggest sapheno femoral junction defect,
Management ....correct answe is dupplex us....other option SP disconnection.
endovenous laser therapy ..CTA
64. A case of intermittent claudication with loss of pulse below knee only. Hip flession pain.
No knee pain. leg with palpable feomral pulse sfa occlusion at the adductor canal
..other options CFA befor bifurcation...external iliac artery ... anterior tibial artery
65. A child with Hydrocele - Procesus vaginalis comes from what structure Ans..peritineum.
66. Inguinal hernia surgery, open what layer to explore canal..external ob apo.
67. Ant relation of head of pancreas a..pylorus of stomach. CBD, c.portal vein d portal vein.
68. To get ABG Femoral artery cannulation.where? A.mid point..b mid point of ing ligament
69. Right testicular vein drains into a. IVC b. Rt renal vein
70. Torticolis - spinal accessary nerve
71. A woman with cervical LN, on examination, supra, axilla, inguinal all enlarged Dx -
lymphoma? TB?
72. A woman with a cervical LN. Biopsy reveal Squamous cell metastatis. Aerodigestive
tract - NAD on scopy. What investigation more to detect primary? CT, PET, MRT,
PET-CT scan?
73. A 40-50 yrs old playing football, sudden pain in the calf, can't play anymore. Squeeze on
calf m/s negative planter flexion Dx - archilles rupture? Gastronemius tear, baker cyst
74. Playing football, tackle to knee, swelling , rest for 4 weeks, play again , happen again
this time…… Dx medial meniscus
75. tear ant cruciate ligament….
76. -a women noticed blood spot in the pants OE - inguinal lymph nodes- Origin vulva,
cervix, uterus
77. - relation of ureter with gonadal vessel, iliac artery..
78. -relation of median nerve with bracheal artery
79. A man with prostatism, On PR, posterolateral ridge on palpation. What structure?
Sacrospinal ligament...puborectalis muscle
80. On VE examination, You feel something infront at the level as cervix- base of bladder,
dome of bladder, POD
81. A man with bp 200/100 potassium 2.1 what you expect to be found in his investigation?
High aldosterone/high cortisol/low ACTH/High urinary VMA/ High urinary
82. A man with RTA had 10/15 (i dont quite remember) unit blood transfusiin now has low
platelet, normal APTT, low fibrinogen and high PT? Whats the diagnosis? DIC/
Deficiency of antithrombin III/ Thrombin deficiency
83. A man underwent oesophatogasteectomy for ca oesophagus. Post op period he lost
significant weight. Mx should have been a. TPN b. RT feeding c. Intraoperative
84. A man admited with chest pain .he remembered last night he vomited vigorously. O/E
crepitation in ant chest wall. Ans: oesophagus rupture ( Mallory Weiss tear also in
85. Barret oesophagus
86. A patient with long term UC, least likly association .Ans. polyarteritis
87. Facial injury - numbness in cheek and upper 3 teeth. Which nerve? Supratrocheler ,
88. A child with discharge from medial canthus of left eye- ethmoidal sinusitis? Maxillary
sinusitis? Ca ethmoid?
89. Numbness in anterolateral aspect of tongue after molar surgery - lingual, hypoglossal,
90. Lacrimmation ..which ganglion- Pterygopalatine
91. A young boy with sudden mildly tender swelling in dorsum of wrist- ganglion, cyst
92. A man with Ca prostate. His mother and sister have Ca breast, father healthy, what
genetic association- P53, Ras
93. A mother with Ca breast with family history of ca breast, concerned about her daughter
getting Ca breast, which test? BRCA 1& 2
94. A women with displaced fractured in distal radius, reduced and put on a back slab ofr 6
wks. After removal of slab, she implaining of pain and limited movement during
supinationa and pronation. Which structure injured? CPRS, mal union, non union,
compartment syndrome.
95. A patient with cervical lymphadenopathy was investigated and FNAC suggested
squamous cell ca. Clinical examination and upper tract endoscopy normal. What should
be the next line of investigation? CT, MRI, PDG Pet CT, MRI of whole body,
Radio-isotope investigation
96. A patient presented with calf pain on walking 50 meter. Diagnosed as claudication. Block
of which level is responsible? Superficial femoral, popliteal, deep femoral, external illiac,
profunda femoris..
Which level is injured?

98. Features of Thyroid crisis...somnolense, sinus tachycardia, bradycardia…

99. 26 yr old down syndrome patient who understands everything.. she needs
appendicectomy..who will give consent?
100. Young RTA patient with features of hypovolumic shock, needs operation. Who will
give consent?
101. A man presented after painting of celing with shoulder pain. The pain is mainly
during movements of shoulder between 60-120 degrees. What is most likely
diagnosis?..supraspinatus tendinitis, subacromial bursutis, frozen shoulder.
102. 35 yrs lod female with pruritus ani. Sellotape examination shows egg inn stool. Rx?
103. Cresent shaped lesion on ct…..acute subdural hematoma
104. Lymphoma associated with coelic disease…….t cell lymphoma
105. Ecg changes in PE….r wave in v6 ,t wave inversion in v1-v3
106. Level of lumbar cistern csf fluid...s2
107. Enterobius vermicularis treatment ….mebendazole​Structure divided in
esophagectomy to mobalize stomach…...gastrospleenic ligament Lienorenal ligament
108. RTA patient admitted.after observation pt discharges by giving conservative
treatment.10days later came with abdominal discomfort especially after eating. it become
worse....what is the cause. Ans; Diaphragm rupture, phrenic nerve
114.lateral cutaneous femoral nerve soruce lumbar 2-3 lateral psoas major exit
115.acute loin pain +afebrile +bl p 100/60 urine analysis normal ? Rupture aortic aneyrsm or
perinephric abcess
116. Prostatic carcinoma his sister died of breast cancer investigation of oncogen ? P53

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