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Author-year citation with Alphbetical order of references using the

software “jabref ”

Here is my citation (Bhoi et al., 2020; Jamwal et al., 2020). Some citation entries contains some words like ü. For
such alphabets in word, use \"{u} in jabref author details, ex: for Gübüz, use G\"{u}b\"{u}z and similarly, with
others (Gürbüz and Mutuk, 2017). Also, if any editing required it is possible to do so in jabref (like removal of URL
in the reference section or abbreviate journal name etc. ). Author name citation styles can be found at STMDocs and
also at CTAN. Most of the questions asked by scholars or academicians are about, ”how to give author year citation
provided that the references should be in alphabetical order”. So this document is a sample format and style used for
alphabetical preview of bibliography is ‘model2-names’ . For knowing how to import and export citations from jabref
follow this youtube link. While, the downloaded citation file ( i.e, .bib, .ris, .txt etc.)citation style files can also be
imported directly in Jabref using File>Import>Import into current library. For citations using \citep{}follow these
instruction: Go to jabref software>options>preferences> External program> cite command. Here instead of using
\cite use \citep (just add p) and save.
REMEMBER: For every citation entry or edit in Jabref,‘save’ button should be
pressed. Also, at the same time bibliography option in ‘Tools’ should also be run at
least twice or thrice before twice or thrice compilation in TeXStudio. The citation will
be pushed in required place in TeXStudio by pressing ‘TeX’ button in Jabref


Bhoi, N.K., Singh, H., Pratap, S., 2020. Developments in the aluminum metal matrix composites reinforced by
micro/nano particles – a review. Journal of Composite Materials 54, 813–833. URL:
0021998319865307, doi:10.1177/0021998319865307.

Gürbüz, M., Mutuk, T., 2017. Effect of process parameters on hardness and microstructure of graphene rein-
forced titanium composites. Journal of Composite Materials 52, 543–551. URL:
0021998317745143, doi:10.1177/0021998317745143.

Jamwal, A., Mittal, P., Agrawal, R., Gupta, S., Kumar, D., Sadasivuni, K.K., Gupta, P., 2020. Towards sustainable
copper matrix composites: Manufacturing routes with structural, mechanical, electrical and corrosion behaviour.
Journal of Composite Materials 54, 2635–2649. URL:, doi:10.1177/

Preprint submitted to Elsevier August 9, 2021

Here is the recipe !!!
\documentclass[review, titlepage]{elsarticle}
\usepackage[left=2.00cm, right=1.50cm, top=1.50cm, bottom=1.50cm]{geometry}
linktocpage=true, % makes the page number as hyperlink in table of content


Here is my citation \citep{Bhoi2020,Jamwal2020}. Some citation entries contains

some words like \"{u}. For such alphabets in word, use \verb*|\"{u}| in jabref
author details, ex: for G\"{u}b\"{u}z, use \verb*|G\"{u}b\"{u}z| and similarly,
with others \citep{Guerbuez2017}. Also, if any editing required it is possible
to do so in jabref (like removal of URL in the reference section or abbreviate
journal name etc. ). Author name citation styles can be found at
and also at,
Most of the questions asked by scholars or academicians are about, "how to give
author year citation provided that the references should be in alphabetical order".
So this document is a sample format and style used for alphabetical preview of
bibliography is ‘model2-names’ . For knowing how to import and export citations
from jabref follow this \href{}{youtube}
link. While, the downloaded citation file ( i.e, .bib, .ris, .txt etc.)citation style
files can also be imported directly in Jabref using File$>$Import$>$Import into current
library. For citations using \verb*|\citep{}|follow these instruction: Go to jabref
software$>$options$>$preferences$>$ External program$>$ cite command. Here instead of
using \verb*|\cite| use \verb*|\citep| (just add p) and save.
\par \textbf{\large REMEMBER: For every citation entry or edit in Jabref,‘save’
button should be pressed. Also, at the same time bibliography option in ‘Tools’
should also be run at least twice or thrice before twice or thrice compilation
in TeXStudio. The citation will be pushed in required place in TeXStudio by
pressing ‘TeX’ button in Jabref}

\bibliographystyle{model2-names} % basic style, author-year citations plainnat



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