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The interesting theory that struck me the most is from John Dalton, which

revolutionize the idea on atom that became the foundation of the succeeding atomic
models. Through Dalton’s description of atoms solid spheres, and discovery of the
different kind of spheres that made up of different type of elements, he was able
develop the first set of chemical symbols that is now known as the elements. Due to his
persistence, many scientists embarked their suggestions like Lord Kelvin’s proposition
atoms must have a vortex-like structure. Not until the late 1800s when the first
breakthrough of Joseph John Thomson came through wherein, he found out that atom
wasn’t indivisible just like how it was depicted. With Dalton becoming the driving force
for other scientists to conduct experiments about atoms, this had a great impact to the
principles of modern atomic theory as it became the initial basis for the theory. Aside
from this, the most influential theory to the principles of the modern atomic theory is the
nuclear model by Ernest Rutherford, for he was the one that provided his thorough
insights into the components of an atom, and depicted that it has a tiny, massive core
called the nucleus. His work was recognized and received a Nobel Prize in 1908, as the
nucleus he found in the atom has a positive charge, and electrons are particles with a
negative charge, also electrons orbit the nucleus. Further, the empty space between the
nucleus and the electrons takes up most of the volume of the atom that wasn’t evident
from the previous studies of scientist. Throughout Rutherford’s experiment, he was
hoping to confirm Thomson’s model, not knowing that he would get the exact opposite
of his study, since the alpha particles that pass through had no deflection, yet few of the
particles deflected at large angles. This led him to conclusion that the positive charge
didn’t spread over the atom, however it concentrated in the center, which is the nucleus.
Rutherford’s theory is being used as a reference in this modern day, and even though
there were several lapses in theory such as why electrons continuously in orbit around
the nucleus, but still it was truly remarkable that improved Thomson’s model. It is now
considered as the most accurate among the other theories. These contributions were
used to explain the law of chemical combinations, justify the law of conservation of
mass and others that is beneficial on the principles of the modern atomic theory.
Thankfully, atom was unraveled, which didn’t hinder us in visualizing the core of atoms
and molecules to indicate the properties of matter, given that atoms consist of all
materials on earth.

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