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John Marvin M.

Santoyo ENEN35E

ME – 301 05/08/21


1. What do you mean by environmental risk assessment?

A environmental risk assessment (ERA) is a cycle for assessing how possible it is that the climate
might be affected because of openness to at least one ecological stressors, like chemicals, disease,
invasive species, and climate change. ERA require perseverance of risks for physiologically diverse
individuals who are open to air and water pollutants.

2. What is the definition of risk in engineering?

The definition of risk in engineering might fall to possible failure of structures, buildings,
machineries, systems, and etc that might hurt the workers or employees. That’s why proper maintenance,
use of equipment, safety gears, detailed plan works must be observed in engineering field.

3. What are the dangers of household hazardous waste?

Hazardous household waste might cause a fire or blast and radiate risky vapor. Disinfection
laborers have been truly singed, lost their visual perception, or endured lung harm while compacting risky
materials. Hardware has likewise been harmed.

4. Which is the best definition of a toxic chemical?

Example of exceptionally poisonous chemical include: hydrazine, mercuric chloride, osmium

tetroxide, white or red phosphorus, sodium azide, and sodium cyanide. Toxic chemicals containing or
being poisonous particularly when equipped for causing demise or genuine weakness harmful material a
poisonous radioactive gas a bug spray is example of exceptionally harmful.

5. What do you mean by design for environment?

Design for the Environment (DFE) is a plan way to deal with decrease the general human health
and ecological effect of a product, interaction or administration, where effects are considered across its
life cycle. Diverse programming apparatuses have been created to help originators in discovering
upgraded items or products and including services.

6. What is green engineering and how does it work?

Green engineering main objective is to minimize risk to human health and promotes sustainability
for both human and environment with plans not affecting economic viability and efficiency. Green
engineering also minimizes the amount of pollution that is generated by a construction and industrial
areas and most especially the pollution caused by people lived in the area.

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