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1- Which crimes are the most dangerous?

Anderson: All computer crimes are dangerous but there are some that carry more weight than
others such as IP spoofing and phishing, we can all be victims of this.

Hermes: Undoubtedly the most dangerous cybercrimes are phishing (password collection fishing)
since with that they can have access to personal or banking information, another is the spread of
malicious software since this can damage your computer or obtain information.

Wallberto: I believe that the most dangerous crimes can be those of Distribution of indecent or
offensive material, IP spoofing, cyberbullying since these can harm a person more psychologically.

Stephanie: Phishing or identity theft, in which criminals with technical knowledge use spam, fake
websites, illegal activity software and other techniques, to deceive people in order to obtain
passwords or personal keys fraudulently and thus access to confidential information. There is no
doubt that the internet is a privileged channel for the distribution of child pornography, and this
has been reflected in the substantial increase in reported cases. However, it is worth mentioning
some of the crimes against minors that affect their honor, privacy and self-image: sexting and

2- Is it fair or unfair to pay for the songs, videos, books or articles that you download? Should
copyright infringement be allowed online?

Anderson: If we asked this to a content creator, they would say that it is fair because they
obviously want to receive credit and monetary compensation for their efforts and if they should
allow the infringement since plagiarism is always present.

Hermes: It is fair to pay for certain books since many times their authors are independent and live
off it, in several countries a copyright law is applied, but if they are always applied, their sentences
should be not very large.

Walberto: I think it is fair since the effort of the content owners is being compensated, since with
them these people grow and thus can bring more content. Should Online Copyright Infringement
Be Allowed? No, since this would be to use the material of another person without their consent
which could generate disgust from the creator.

Stephanie: It's fair.Should copyright infringement be allowed online? In my opinion, no, because it
must be borne in mind that the protection of copyright in the information society is becoming
increasingly important, since intellectual creations are reproduced and distributed, including
musical works, without the consent of the author and without its corresponding economic

3- What measures can be taken by governments to stop cybercrime?

Anderson: It would be the update of the Law of Fraud and Abuse through computers, keep the
protection software for the computer updated, change the regular security passwords.

Hermes: Punish those who commit these kinds of crimes

Walberto: I think that one of the measures that can be taken is to create a strict law that
condemns this type of crime, either by paying very high fines or even being paid with jail.

Stephanie: The first step would be to update the Computer Fraud and Abuse Law. A second step,
according to the official, would be for companies to provide quick notifications to consumers of
potential data theft that occurs. The third step involves a greater exchange of information
between the government and the private sector, which allows the government a greater
understanding of the class of active threats that affect large and small companies.

4- Do you think governments have the right to censor material on the internet?

Anderson: Since the First Amendment to the United States Constitution indicates that no law can
be enacted that curtails freedom of expression, the federal government, and state and local
governments are prohibited from censoring material on the Internet.

Hermes: It may be depending on whether the content can violate the state or help to cause illicit.

Walberto: That will depend on the type of material that is shared, since there is content that can
be private or even disturbing, this type of content if I think it can be sensitive since it could
generate discomfort or sensitivity to those who see it.

Stephanie: Many governments have problems with the fact that there is only one Global Internet
technically without geographic or political borders, it makes no difference if a website is hosted in
the own country or on the other side of the world - a reality many times charming for users of
Internet and alarming for the states. Internet censorship, inspired by the hope of re-imposing
geographic distinctions, can occur for many reasons. Political reasons. Governments that want to
censor points of view and opinions contrary to the policies of said government, including issues
such as human rights and religions. Social reasons. Governments that want to censor web pages
related to pornography, games, alcohol, drugs, and other matters that may be offensive to the
population, such as incitement to hatred, domestic violence, animal abuse, etc. National security
reasons. Governments that want to block content related to dissident movements, and anything
that threatens national security or public order.

5- Personal information such as our address, salary, and civil and criminal records is held in
databases by marketing companies. Is our privacy in danger?
Anderson: All our information could be said to be safe even if the marketing companies have it
since their purpose is to sell us products that we like, but there is always the possibility that it can
be stolen since there is no always hundred secure system.

Hermes: Many of the companies follow a code of ethics also not always the marketing companies
have access to that data.

Walberto: Yes and no, since our personal information will depend on the company, it is in the total
obligation to take care of the information of its clients and if it were to be disseminated, charges
could be applied to said company which would generate many monetary and customer losses
since the credibility of this would be compromised.

Stephanie: However, the ability to collect and share data derived from Internet technology brings
with it a great challenge: cybersecurity. Digital interactions between companies and consumers
involve, for the most part, the exchange of confidential information, mainly by the latter. As
evidenced by the data breach scandals that involved large corporations and affected millions of
their customers, there is a genuine risk that data will fall into the wrong hands. For this reason, in
different countries, strict laws have been passed that regulate the way in which companies collect,
store, use and secure customer information.

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