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Q. 1.  

  Directions for question: Read the argument and answer the

question that follows.

Companies have been using the outsource model in order to lower

production and service costs, consequently, taking away jobs from
their own countrymen. Market analysts observe that this trend is
vexing many employees and customers. Hence, they urge   
companies to minimize their outsourcing. But, to receive tax
exemption from the government, companies must have setup at
least twenty outsourcing units.

Assuming that the above argument is true, identify which of the

following conclusions is supported by the argument?
a.    Companies are unable to realize that many of their
employees also form a part of their loyal customer base.
b.    The government is eventually thinking about the benefit of
the people and is justified in giving tax exemption to companies    
that use the outsource model.
c.    Minimizing costs is the key to running a successful business
which is what most people fail to see.
d.    The tax exemption rules of the government work against its
own people by causing companies to set outsource units.
e.    Businesses are all about making profits, eventually, they
cause vexation to someone or the other.
Correct Answer: d.    The tax exemption rules of the government
work against its own people by causing companies to set     
outsource units.

Your Remark: NA
Q. 2.  Directions for question: Read the argument and answer
the question that follows.
  Psychologists believe that most people judge others just like they
would judge a book by its cover and in ninety percent of the cases
most people are wrong. In fact, while judging someone on the
basis of their looks or by first impression, most people fail to
realize that the other person could be nervous or hesitant to open
up. Most psychologists are of the view that adults are more afraid
of being rejected or disliked by others, especially housewives who   
have limited social interaction and are constantly judged by their
peers and in-laws.

Assuming that the above argument is true, identify which of the

following statements considerably strengthens the above
a.    Psychologists explain that when people meet someone for the
first time, they are more courteous and careful so as to not judge    
the other instantly.
b.    People believe that it is only natural to judge someone on the    
basis of their looks because it is, after all, extremely important to
get others’ approval.
c.    Many times people are inclined towards judging others on the
basis of first impression or physical appearance because they are    
biased against people.
d.    Some people undermine physical appearance and believe that
good looks are highly overrated.
e.    Psychologists are of the view that personality tests should
also include questions based on physical appearance as it reflects    
a person’s attitude.
Correct Answer: b.    People believe that it is only natural to
judge someone on the basis of their looks because it is, after all,
extremely important to get others’ approval.

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