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What are the common health problems in the Philippines nowadays? Discuss
thoroughly your part of at least preventing the spread or occurrence of those illness

The Philippines is consider as the third world country and currently a developing country
because with high infant mortality rate, limited access to health care and a low GDP per capita.
This is why mostly of the Filipinos face disease such as Tuberculosis, Dengue, Malaria and
HIV/AIDS. These disease pair with protein energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies
that are becoming increasingly common. Also the non-communicable disease that had a lot of
consequences is the obesity. In the Philippines eating is life, we don’t even care if we gained fats
but we don’t really know what consequences it does in our lives. Being obese it results to all
cause of death, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and many more. As
early as now we need to value the discipline in eating because there is no other will suffer is us
itself. That is why to reduce the rising population of death we should take action on it. We need
should incorporate meal plan to minimize our eating problems. Educating ourselves with these
aspects can create a huge impact in our lifestyle with enough exercise and proper diet and rest.

One of the biggest health issues/problems that my beloved country currently facing. Is the
COVID 19 pandemic. It cause of worldwide disruptions and adjustment to each one of us with
soaring cases, hospitalization and deaths. It makes us isolate inside our home for almost 1 year
until now. It is a communicable disease that affects different people in different ways. Most
infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. The
most vulnerable in this current problems is our elderly, they don’t have enough/strong immune
system to fight it. Our government with the help of the health sectors making all possible ways
just to eradicate the rising population of cases and death in our country. And now we have
already a vaccines but doesn’t mean things will get back already. It is just a protection to
immune the virus in our body. The bottom line why we are still under this crisis because of lack
of discipline, mostly of us didn’t follow proper health protocols and doing things abide on these.
All of us should have the accountability in preventing the spread in simply wearing face mask
and face shield. This is very simply but safe impactful. We are all rid of this set up but we just
need to cooperate things will be easier. Through prayers this virus will disappear and someday
we will now live freely.

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