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Teen pregnancy has become a national epidemic, in part because more

and more teenage girls giving birth decide to keep and raise their children.
The costs to individuals, families and society are high when children have
children of their own. Adolescent girls lack knowledge about accessing
traditional methods of contraception, as they may be afraid to seek such
information or are unaware of the effects and consequences of pregnancy ;
hold the baby; terminate their pregnancy; build viruses and even diseases.

Teenage pregnancy and childbirth is a cause of concern worldwide.

Historically, teen pregnancy is nothing new. For most of human history, it
was common for girls to marry in their teens and have their first birth in the
second decade of life. This type of reproductive behavior is socially
desirable and considered normal. Today, however, preventing teenage
pregnancy and motherhood is a public health priority in most developed
countries and increasingly in developing countries. For a long time,
teenage pregnancy has been associated with serious medical problems;
however, most of the data supporting this view was collected several
decades ago and mainly reflects the plight of adolescent mothers who are
already socially disadvantaged. According to many recent studies, teenage
pregnancy is not without risks. One obvious risk group is very young (under
15 years of age) adolescent mothers who face various medical risks, such
as pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, and small for gestational age infants. , but
also at a disadvantage due to obvious social factors, such as poverty,
unemployment, and low levels of education. of education. providing and
being a single parent. This study focused on the prevalence and
consequences of adolescent pregnancy in Philippines. Teenage pregnancy
leads to "overpopulation" and a very high proportion of young people. In
addition, the most notable consequences associated with teenage
pregnancy include:
drop out or interrupt education; wandering, criminal activities; Abortion; and
neglect of children; poverty, etc. Pregnant teens are less likely to complete
high school and attend college.

In my own opinion, pregnancy is a reflection of life nowadays. Although

there are a lot of warnings about unprotected sex, youngsters are curious
and let’s say irresponsible and because of this girls become pregnant. In
this case abortion is preferred to keeping a baby. I think, teenage
pregnancy is an alarming case today and I am of the opinion that this is still
an issue in our community.I don’t think it’s right because they are too
irresponsible to get pregnant and they can’t financially support themselves
let alone a child.

Many teenagers are already pregnant at a young age and most of them are
engaging in a premarital sex. This could be the cause for some sexually
transmitted disease. In this society, teenage pregnancy is considered
inappropriate and should be avoided.




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