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The subtopic we chose was “Teen Pregnancy”. We will

start by explaining the definition of teen pregnancy, primary
causes, ways to prevent it, how to deal with it, the effects and
finally we will analyze what countries have the most percentage
of teenage pregnancy and why.


By definition, and according to the World Health

Organization (WHO) teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy that
occurs on a female between ten and twenty years old. Teen
mothers are at high chances of experience complications
during birth and the chances of child mortality are also high, as
result from body size and unavailability of required nutrients.

The alarming part is that teen pregnancy is a global

phenomenon with clearly known causes and as we said
already, serious health, social and economic consequences,
but despite of the birth rate being decreasing globally, it tends
to be increasing among those with less education or of low
economic status.

Among the primary causes of teen pregnancy is child

marriage, which is still legal in (to) many societies, and puts
girls at risk of pregnancy because they are married to early and
usually don’t have any say in delaying pregnancy or using
contraceptives. The estimated global number of child brides
was 650 million, as of 2021, so we can see that it is a very
relevant problem. Another relevant cause can be the lack of
educational and employment prospects, and in those societies,
motherhood is valued so girls feel like it’s their best option.

Also, the difficulty accessing contraceptives, or at least

the lack of resources to pay for them, the stigma they may face
when trying to obtain them often associated with lack of sexual
education can be a great contribution to teen pregnancy.

Strategies and Approaches for Prevention

The first strategy and the most effective is information.

Implementing Sexual Education in early years in school, so
teens, especially girls can be educated and be responsible
about their own choices. Not knowing is never the answer, so
parents and caregivers can also talk to their teens about sexual
activity and pregnancy prevention.

Associated with more knowledge making contraceptives

accessible to teens whether in clinics or health centers can
also help prevent unwanted teen pregnancies.
The effects of teen pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is a major contributor to maternal

and child mortality. Complications relating to pregnancy
and childbirth are the leading cause of death for girls aged
15-19 globally. Adolescent pregnancy can also have
negative social and economic effects on girls, their
families and communities. Teens who become pregnant
before age 18 are also more likely to experience violence
within a marriage or partnership.


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