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(L3) The great production process:

To learn and understand the stages involved in creating a film.

To learn and understand the role a producer plays in the production process.

What is the production process?

1. Development: The story of the film is cracked, and the script is written.
2. Pre-Production: The logistics of bringing the film to life are figured out.
3. Production: The story from the script is filmed.
4. Post-Production: The film is edited and arranged into a narrative.
5. Distribution: The film is sent to carious distribution channels to be viewed by the

How are you, the producer, involved in this?

Treatment – a written document of the characters and what they will be like and the story.


 Finding an idea.
 Making a story.
 Writing a script.
 Can be an adaptation of a book, the remake of an existing film, a true story or an
original concept.
 Producers will find would-be projects and forge relationships with writers, directors,
producers and other creatives who may have the next big idea.
 Book writers, comic book creators, other property holders who have a good idea or
story for a production.
 The most accomplished producers extend their relationships to include investors,
celebs and other big stars.

The Pitch Package:

 A document that producers present to potential investors.

 A written treatment.
 An investment proposal.
 A document outlining potential box office earnings and similar projects.
 Talent connected to the production.
 Any examples of press coverage the company has generated.
 A copy of the budget and expectations on how much money the film will make.


- Producers hire other key members of the creative team.

- Hire musicians, actors, costume designers, principal cast members.
- Conduct salary and contract negotiations.
- Familiar with the workplace legislations and union or association agreements.
- Break down the script and begin production tasks such as location research,
scheduling shooting days, hiring of production studios, approving the final shooting
script and creating call sheets.


- Producers oversee the day-to-day operation of the production team.

- They are the first point of contact for all production partners, investors and
- They work particularly closely with the director and other key creatives, both on and
off set.
- Throughout this stage, the director makes creative decisions, while the producer
makes the business, financial and logistical decisions, approving all script changes
and cost reports.
- Producers do their fair share of troubleshooting during production, dealing with
actors, crew, and technical difficulties that call for additional hires.


During post-production, producers liaise with the director and members of the post-
production team to accomplish the following:

- If the shoot is over budget, look for additional funding.

- Edit the film.
- Apply VFX.
- Compose a musical score and combine It with post-production sounds.
- Verify credits.
- Arrange preview screenings, which can mean re-editing the film to reach a version
that everyone agrees upon.
- Plan the marketing, promotion and distribution of the finished film.
- This normally includes advance press, media interviews, release of promotional clips
and promo tours.


- The producer must be aware of current distribution channels their film can take.
- Distribution is the final stage in a project for producers to be looking for a return on
- That investment can be financial profit or for the purpose of getting your name out

What distributions channels are available to get your film out there?

- Film Festivals
- The Internet
- Streaming
- Private Screenings
- Cinema

Task – Homework:

1. Find a film to watch over the weekend (Shawshank Redemption).

2. Research the production process of the film from development to distribution.
Watch behind the scenes featurettes, read articles etc.
3. To a presentation on it.

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