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EDUCATION SYSTEM What is the point of the education system in India ? It's something which I have been asking all
throughout and now that I am part of this I ask this once again now you could be pragmatic and you could give the most
boring response and say that it's to get a job and getting educated. I can get a job , oh that's great what happens if you get a
job or if I get a job. I'll have financial security. So in short the education system is to propagate our species not very attractive
when I say it like that is it so but then this is another word which I keep hearing when people speak of education holistic. Dr.
John C James she said and I quote the best in India will always be the best in the world. When it comes to education now that's
something we can be really proud about this means students teachers educators facilitators you name it but then think about
it the best in India the people who achieve things you have Nobel laureates you have athletes even in education they are the
best despite the education system. And not because of it so that's why I come back to the original question thank you that's I
come back to the original question “What is the point of the education system in India?” so I don't know the answer to this
question it's it bugged me for a while but then I can give you many of you might have asked the same question as well so I can
give you a fresh perspective which is why I named this talk 2 myths of the Indian education system why three because it felt
like an auspicious number but these three myths are supposed to are there so that I can change your perspective on a few
things and maybe together we can all figure out. “What is the point of the education system in India ? So to understand the
Indian education system we must go way back to its origins way back to the early 1800s back in England when the East India
Company had just started their business in India now they were having the same problem how communicate with the Indians
like because our culture so they turned to this one man Thomas Babington Macaulay told Kalle to go to India and figure out
education. “Education system so we can teach the India’s “,as Macaulay was being told Kalle had to go to India. The English
Education Act of 1835 this was implemented primarily so that we can bridge the gap between the British and the Indians
education was meant to be in English while primary education and it was supposed to facilitate one of McCawley what he said
was education should be utilitarian you can be all altruistic and say I am learning for the sake of learning but that's not what
my colleague wanted he wanted education to have a purpose and he said it should be utilitarian and back then the East India
Company needed clocks. They needed people at a desk do as they're told without getting too creative sounds familiar does it
not so this brings us to the first myth I'd like to disprove the “Almighty syllabus” . According to the present world our syllabus
is outdated. It seems like our syllabus is android Donut version, and the world is kitkat version. Which brings us to our second
myth “Art”. So again let me set up a hypothetical scenario let's go back thousands of years back to the era of Stone Age of
cavemen and two mothers are meeting to Stone Age mothers are meeting and they're talking about the subject which most
mothers are interested in their Children. So one mother asked the other “so what does your son do”, “oh my son he's a
hunter”, so “what does your mom son do”, “OH my son he is completely useless; he says he wants to be an artist”. Does
nothing but sit in the cave and draw on the walls all day I mean it's not like this is going to become a defining moment in
human civilization the complete waste of time. So whether we like to appreciate it or not art is an integral part of what makes
us human but remember what I told you what my colleague said education should be utilitarian and the use with the east
near company had of the Indians back then was similar to the use which they had back in England. The Industrial Revolution
was in full swing they needed people in factories which is why the syllabus and the education system got focused on what is
known as the STEM subjects . When it comes to education it starts with stem followed closely in second by humanities those
are your languages history geography economics etc. and way in the bottom you have art.Now art is a field which we don't
teach our kids because you don't fully understand it we don't fully understand creativity now I'd like to consider myself an
artist lot of real artists out there are cringing right now but I like to consider myself an artist and from my experience I can tell
you what creativity is it's not about what most people think it is it's not about chaos. How creative kids can get depending on
you what creativity is it's not about what most people think it is it's not about chaos. How creative kids can get depending on
rewards of course so but that's the thing it's like I said creativity is not an important part in our education system. What is
purpose of education system who does not allow us the to thing creativity. And this bring to the question, “What is the point
of the education system in India?”

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