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CHECKLIST: How to Get Unstuck If

Customers Can’t Find You or Never Respond

Customers Can’t Find You

 You have not clearly described what problems you solve for them
 Your company doesn’t stand out from the crowd
 You have no memorable brand
 No compelling answer to what you do (elevator pitch)
 You are marketing where customers can’t find you
 You never follow up on your marketing to see what works

How to Get Unstuck

1. Establish a brand – a brand will ensure that your value stands out from competitors and
help you get found. What will the customer see and feel when interacting with your com-
pany. What are your values and what problems do you solve?
Answer the following questions:
 My company helps ________________ who are_____________
 My company is the best at _______________
If you are stuck, ask your current customers to describe your company or services. Why
did they choose you? What do they say about your services? Why do they continue to be
your customer?

2. Find out where prospects are discussing their issues and problems.
a. Go to Google, Yahoo or Bing and search for customer problems that you target
b. Set up alerts online for when someone mentions your company or services
c. Find the most popular industry magazines, blogs or forums and follow them
d. Go to industry trade shows and ask what people read and refer to most often for help
with their businesses (follow Twitter hashtags for these events).
Copyright @ 2017 Tess Whitty
The Prospects You Contact Never Respond
Problem: You contact the big companies that do not have time for you, or you get a maybe and
never hear back from them.
 Forget maybe. Maybe is really a “no, not now” from a prospect that doesn’t have the cour-
age, courtesy or money to say they are not interested immediately
 Second best answer is “no” (after yes of course). Try to force a yes or no so you can move
 Practice rapid release. Focus on prospects that truly want to buy and have the money. Re-
member, selling is a numbers game.
 Realize that “no” does not mean never. It just means “not now”. Put the prospect in a con-
tact funnel and remind them of your services, without nagging.
Copyright @ 2017 Tess Whitty

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