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The Physician movie critique

The Physician (German: Der Medicus) is a 2013 German historical drama film based on the novel of the
same name by Noah Gordon. The film, co-written and directed by Philipp Stölzl, focuses on an orphan
from an 11th-century English town whose mother died of side sickness.

During the 11th century, there was a child named Rob Cole. Rob Cole is a gifted young man because He
can sense when someone is going to die. When his mother and father both die, the Cole household is
parceled out to various neighbors and friends. The Cole children are parceled out likewise.

There is a wandering barber-surgeon who only goes by the name of Barber, the only one who wants rob.
The Barber is a fleshy man with a fleshy appetite and a deep love for life. He took Rob as his apprentice
over the next few years. He teaches the boy how to juggle, how to draw cartoons, how to tell stories, how
to entertain a crowd, how to sell the nostrums they survive on.

One day, Rob decided to be depart away from the Barber because Rob wants to study medicine to travel.
After a long travel journey, He circumcised himself so that He can able to pass London throughout Europe,
and there Rob become a Christian travelling with the Jewish merchants. After that He also meets a young
woman called Mary Margaret Cullen, who was traveling with her father, in search of superior Turkish
sheep. The pair falls in love and become occasional lovers, but as Mary, by her father, proposes marriage
to Rob, he dismisses her, saying that he needed to study medicine and telling her all his plans. The Cullens
leave the caravan and Rob continues his journey. Rob arrives in the city of Isfahan, in the heart of the
Abbasid Caliphate, and tries to enter into the school of physicians there. He is not allowed access. He
struggles to survive in the city, homeless, while searching for a way to enter the school.

After that Rob has a chance to meet and encounter with the Shah of Persia opens for Rob the door to the
school of physicians. And after a year of studying and practice He is passed as a physician and helps to
instruct new physicians in the school. After the return Rob struggles to locate his lost brothers and sisters,
likewise to make his place amongst the terribly ignorant physicians of London. Despairing, he returns with
his wife and family to Scotland, where he acts as physician to his wife's people high in the hills.

After I watch the movie, it gives me knowledge about medical things. The actors interpret their role very
well, I like the old classic style filmmaking because that’s one my taste, and also movie is very worth it to

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